Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 188 Base No. 27

"Hrag! David! Wress!"

Bannings read out the names of Herrag's three people one after another. ✎◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞Search for𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

The three Herages came to the light gate.

"Just walk in, don't be nervous." Bannings reminded.

Herage nodded, took a deep breath and walked into the light door, followed closely by David and Reis.

As soon as Herage stepped into the light door, he felt a strong attraction pulling him.

There seemed to be an endless abyss ahead, and he was being pulled across.

There was also an attraction behind him, as if it wanted to drag him back.

But under the action of the light gate, the attraction from the front was stronger, completely pulling him in.

In an instant, Herage's eyes lit up and he found himself on top of a stone magic circle. Surrounded by some wooden houses.

"Welcome to Expedition Base 27."

Herag turned his head when he heard the sound, and found that the person speaking was a tall, fat man, estimated to weigh about five hundred pounds.

"Are you three newcomers, coming from the barren land?" the fat man asked.

Herage nodded and said: "Reporting to your lord, yes, I am Herage, these are David and Reis."

The fat man patted his belly and said: "I am Parker, the captain of the expedition team at Base 27. I am very happy that you can join. ͓̽u͓̽x͓̽. ͓̽c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽"

Parker's aura is similar to that of Bannings, and Herage is probably a third-level wizard.

Parker looks very honest and honest, always with a silly smile on his face.

"Let's go, talk as we go, I'll introduce you to the situation here." Parker's huge body walked in front, looking like a hill.

Herage and the other three immediately followed.

Not far away, tall walls were built with wood and stone all around, and there was a layer of enchantment spell above the head.

"Base 27 was established not long ago, and it has only been more than three years since today. The base numbers are in chronological order. The higher the number, the earlier it was established."

"Currently, Base No. 27 is still hidden. It has not been discovered by the surrounding elves or humans. The entire base is hidden by the magic circle."

Parker began to introduce slowly.

The elven plane is not just the elves, but it is the elves that are in a dominant position.

The elven plane, like other planes, has a variety of races, and there are even a large number of human kingdoms here.

Except for the customs, habits, language, etc. that are different from the humans in the wizard plane, there is actually no difference. They are all ordinary humans.

There are even dragons, giants, and various races here. §§

It is actually very difficult for the wizard plane to completely conquer this place, and the time required is calculated in units of hundreds of years.

This is only the initial stage of the war.

"There are now more than 70 people in Base 27, including those responsible for daily living and logistics, some responsible for defense and combat, and some conducting surveys." Parker introduced the personnel composition of the base.

There are cabins in Base No. 27, and these cabins are used for accommodation.

The three of Herage lived in a cabin, all next to each other.

Parker knows that everyone who comes together is from the same force every time, so the houses are usually arranged adjacent to each other.

If a force knows each other, it will definitely be better for them to cooperate.

Parker took a few people around Base No. 27 to familiarize them with the environment and introduced what each place in the base was used for.

In the process, I saw many other wizards, all operating in the base.

The entrance to Base No. 27 is a wooden door.

The entire base is protected by witch formations, and there is more than one witch formation.

Some witch formations are still being deployed, including protective ones, offensive ones, and hidden bases. There are witch formations with various functions.

"You guys should first get familiar with the environment and understand some of the basic requirements and rules here. In a few days, you will be assigned some tasks." Parker said, while taking out a booklet.

The booklet records various requirements and rules within the base, as well as some reward and punishment guidelines.

All three Herrags memorized the contents of the manual.

Herage returned to his wooden house and looked at the furnishings inside.

It's very simple, but it has everything, no extra decorations, and is enough for daily use.

Two days later.

Parker came over with a skinny old man and introduced: "This is Kane, a second-level wizard. In the next period of time, he will lead you to complete some tasks."

"Mr. Kane." The three Herrags greeted him immediately.

Kane nodded: "You are lucky to be assigned to this base. Although the construction of the base is not complete, it is precisely because of this that it has not been discovered by outsiders, so it will not encounter great danger."

"So far, our main task is to survey the surrounding situation, draw maps, and record the surrounding forces and population distribution to prepare for subsequent work."

Base No. 27 has only been established for a short period of time. It has not been discovered by the surrounding humans and elves. No one will attack it for the time being. There is no need to worry about being ambushed when going on missions.

Many bases that have been established for a long time have generally been discovered.

It is very dangerous for the wizards in the base to go out to do tasks, because you don't know when you will be ambushed when you go out, and the danger is extremely high.

"The most important thing for us at Base 27 right now is to hide. You must be careful when going out to do missions and not reveal your identity. We will distribute some clothes to you. At the same time, you must learn the human language here and master it as soon as possible."

"You must not panic when encountering other humans here, and you must not reveal your true identity."

Kane took out two books, which are the human lingua franca of this world.

Herage already knew the customs and cultural habits here, but he had not yet learned the language.

Learning languages ​​has no difficulty for him.

Although David and Reis did not have Deep Blue to assist them in learning, they were both formal wizards and would not have any difficulty learning simple human languages.

The human language here is actually not much different from that in the wizard plane. They are almost the same and can be mastered quickly.

Starting from today, the three Herrags can no longer wear their previous clothes and must change into daily clothes of the humans here.

Kane wants to take the three Herrags to master the language and human habits here as soon as possible before going out to perform some tasks.

To put it simply, we are now in a training state.

The three Herlags still need some time to familiarize themselves with the rules. Only after they are familiar with the rules can they do something for Base 27.

Five days later.

The three Herrags have completely mastered the language here, and they have also changed into the daily clothes here.

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