Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 189 Mountain Patrol

Kane stood in the small square of the base. It was called a square, but it was actually a small piece of flat land.

Standing in front of him were the three Herrags: "Everyone should be familiar with the situation here in the past few days. Today we will leave the base and complete the first mission."

Kane took out a map, which was very irregular in shape.

With the base as the center, there are many unexplored areas around it, and they are all blank on the map.

Kane said: "What we have to do today is to improve the terrain in the southeast direction. The task is very simple, and the possibility of encountering danger is relatively low."

Base No. 27 is located deep in the mountains, surrounded by deserted areas, and there are not even trails on the mountains.

The three Herlags followed Kane out of the base gate, and what they saw was the dense jungle.

Because no traces can be exposed yet and no roads have been opened, it is difficult to walk in the mountains and forests.

The three Herrags shuttled directly out of the primitive mountain forest. Fortunately, several of them were official wizards, so they were not too slow.

"Deep Blue, turn on environmental detection."

Herage immediately turned on Deep Blue's environmental detection, always paying attention to everything going on around him.

The concentration of energy particles around here is much thicker than that of the Wizarding Plane, or in other words, much thicker than the Barrens.

In the elven plane, just like in the abyss plane, the operation of wizard magic in the wizard plane is more obscure than in the wizard plane.

The magic power does not run so smoothly, and the effects of various spells will also be reduced.

This is the effect of the suppression of the world's will in the elven plane, but it is not as severe as the suppression in the abyss plane.

Herage has tried to sense the bloodline mark in the past few days, but he is still suppressed here.

But since the bloodline mark also contains the bloodline aura of the royal elves, it seems that it can bring out that part of the bloodline power of the royal elves.

Herage has not really been activated because he is still in the base and cannot act rashly under the supervision of the witch formation.

It’s different from before in the abyss plane.

Herage felt particularly good after coming to the elven plane. His magic power did not become obscure, but became smoother.

"It seems to be because of the royal elven bloodline."

Herage guessed in his mind.

After he absorbed Shalltear's royal elf blood, coming to the elf plane felt like coming home.

The will of the world here did not suppress the operation of his magic power.

Except for the bloodline power of the ancestor of the Thunder God in the abyss plane, other powers were not suppressed.

Herage and the others climbed over the mountains and came to the mountainous area in the southeast.

After they arrived here, they began to use magic perception to detect the surrounding terrain, and then plotted it on the map.

This job is very boring, and the advantage is that it is simple and less difficult.

Kane led the three of them while drawing a map of the surrounding area.

In Herage's mind, a wider and larger map was taking shape.

Deep Blue's environmental detection range is much larger than the magic perception spell.

Herague was also releasing magic perception and drawing the map in a decent manner.

Although in his perception, he already knew what the terrain looked like in a larger area.

But still slowly draw the map according to the range of magic perception.

It was impossible for him to say that he would draw all the real detection maps and give them to Kane.

The magic perception range of a first-level gasification wizard is generally only a distance of one hundred to two hundred meters.

Deep Blue's environmental detection range is 1,500 meters, far beyond the range of magic perception.

According to the current progress, they estimate that it will take a month to complete the mapping work of this area in the southeast.

If calculated based on the scope of Deep Blue, it is estimated that it can be completed in seven or eight days.

In fact, this kind of task can be delayed for a while. If it is completed too quickly, new tasks will be created.

Herage couldn't explain how he could detect such a wide range.

Herage slowly drew the map according to the normal progress.

While walking in the mountains and forests, Herage was also recording the various plants he saw along the way.

There are many plants here that are not found in the wizard plane, and Herag asked Deep Blue to record them one by one.

While Herage and the others were drawing the map, a group of people were trudging forward in the mountains on the other side.

These men wore light armor and carried bows, arrows and luggage.

They are the border soldiers of the Norn Kingdom, responsible for patrolling the mountains in this area.

Carrot is a border veteran and has been a soldier on the border for ten years.

Patrolling the mountains is a hard job, the purpose is to prevent smuggling, and also to ensure that if the enemy country makes any moves, the border side can always see it.

There are thirteen people in Carlot's group, and they have been in the mountains for five months.

If they continue to patrol for another month, they can return to the military camp on the border and have a good rest.

Life in the mountains is really not easy for humans. In addition to the difficult roads, there are also all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts.

The beasts are actually not bad. There are several official knights in their group, so there is no problem in dealing with the beasts.

Ordinary ferocious beasts would not dare to approach easily when seeing so many of them.

After they made noise in the mountains, the smart beasts had already stayed far away.

The most troublesome thing in the mountains is actually the poisonous insects.

All kinds of small bugs are hard to guard against. If you don't pay attention, some small bugs will get into your neck and trouser legs.

It's not too bad to get one or two bites, but many bugs are poisonous.

If you are bitten by an insect and are not treated in time, you may lose an arm or a leg.

The only good thing is that there has been no fighting recently and the border is relatively stable.

These soldiers patrolling the mountains will not encounter the enemy's army, at least there will be no risk of mass casualties.

As long as you can save your life, it doesn't matter if you suffer some punishment, at least your life is safe.

Carrot gently patted a black bug adhering to his calf, applied some medicine on it and continued on his way.

The area we patrolled today has never been visited before and is an uninhabited land.

Carrot held a telescope in his hand, ready to take a look at the scenery in this area.

He took a telescope and looked for a while, and suddenly saw four people moving in the distance.

"Come here quickly, there's someone over there."

The other team members took the telescope and looked through it, and found the four Herrags.

"What do these people do and why are they here?" Carrot was a little strange.

He saw that Herage and the others were all wearing poor people's clothes and had no weapons on them.

But this is a mountainous area in no man's land. How can anyone come here without any weapons?

Carrot decided to lean over and ask about the situation, which was their duty as Border Patrol soldiers.

Herage had actually discovered this group of soldiers at this time, but he couldn't tell.

Kane, a second-level wizard, didn't notice it, so how could he, a first-level gas wizard, find it.

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