Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 366 Canyon

The cold wind was blowing, no one dared to move, and no one dared to breathe.

The demon's eyes moved and his gaze was on Bawei.

Bawei is the strongest among this group of wizards, so he will naturally attract more attention from the demon.

Herage always felt that this big demon must not have woken up yet, and seemed a little dazed.

The Demon stared at Bawei for a long time, then moved his nose and sniffed.

After it smelled something, its eyes widened significantly and it looked more energetic.

The devil's mouth slowly opened, revealing a strange smile.

It raised its giant hand placed on the edge of the cliff, waved it and grabbed Bawei.

Because it is so big, it seems to move a bit slowly.

But in fact, the big demon caught it very quickly, whipping up a gust of wind.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bawei immediately turned into a ball of flame and disappeared, and the next moment he appeared a hundred meters away.

The big devil's giant hand followed closely and missed the opportunity.

It unclenched its fist and looked at the empty palm, showing an angry look, then opened its mouth and howled at everyone.

The sound was extremely harsh, making everyone's heads buzz and feel dizzy.

The big devil was in an extremely bad mood because he missed the opportunity. He raised his hand and swatted at another first-level wizard. ൠ

This angry palm was so fast that the wizard had no time to react.

At such a fast speed, he didn't even have time to gather his magic power, and was instantly slapped on the ground by a giant palm.

The big devil raised his palm and moved his head closer to look at the place where his palm photographed to see if he had hit the mark.

After it saw a ball of blood-red meat paste left on the spot, a look of satisfaction finally appeared on its face.

The cold wind blew, and the strong smell of blood floated, making everyone present feel a little heavy.

The smell of blood seemed to make the big demon even more excited and active. It stared at everyone with its big mouth grinning.

In the distance, Bawei's flames flickered and ran several hundred meters away.

The big devil raised his head and looked at Bawei who was running away, and screamed in dissatisfaction.

It still remembers this person. It was this person who made it empty-handed and made it very unhappy.

The big demon held his hand on the edge of the canyon, and with a sudden exertion, he jumped up from the canyon and flew high into the sky.

The huge body occupies a large area of ​​the sky. If it were not for the pollution in the area at night, it would be difficult to see the moonlight. I am afraid that the body of the big devil is enough to block all the light in this area.

Herage could see that the big demon couldn't actually fly, it simply jumped too high and too far.

From the perspective of Herage and others, the big demon seemed to be flying into the sky, but in fact it was just a simple jump.

The big demon jumped out of the canyon with ease, flew over everyone's heads, and landed in front of Bawei.

With a bang, the giant demon's huge body stepped in front of Bawei.

After Herage saw this, he glanced at the large crack in the canyon next to him.

After thinking for a moment, he escaped from the encirclement of several people in a flash, and then ran non-stop towards the Grand Canyon.

After Herage arrived at the edge of the canyon at an extremely fast speed, he jumped down without even thinking about it.

He flashed and ran at top speed. Others had no time to react and stop him, nor did they have the ability to stop him.

In the current situation, the other pioneers were thinking about how to save their lives and had no intention of dealing with Herague.

The reason why Herage chose to jump directly into the canyon was simple. There was a plain behind him.

There is no obstruction in these places. At the speed of the demon, it is almost impossible to escape within its sight.

If it were Bawei, he might still have a chance, but even if he uses some special life-saving means, the devil might not be able to defeat him.

But Herage's strongest reliance now is physical strength, which was completely destroyed by the big demon.

Both speed and strength are far inferior to the big devil.

The possibility of escaping from the big devil's nose on this plain terrain is almost zero.

But the canyon behind is very good. This canyon runs north-south and is very long. You can walk a long distance along the canyon and get away from this place.

Although the Great Rift Canyon is very wide, that is only for humans like Herrag.

For Da Mo, the Grand Rift Canyon is relatively narrow, making it inconvenient to move around.

Herage was preparing to escape into the canyon, and even if the demon wanted to pursue him, it would not be that convenient.

And with the big demon in this place, the possibility of encountering other powerful demons is relatively low.

The big devil sleeps in the Grand Canyon, and generally no monster that knows how to live or die will come near this place.

He took advantage of the gap between the demon and Bawei to seize the opportunity to escape.

After Herage activated the Feather of Flight, he jumped down from the canyon and was floating in the air.

He flew several hundred meters downward without going directly to the bottom of the canyon.

Because I'm not sure what's at the bottom of the canyon.

What's more, after so many crawlers just fell down, flying to the bottom of the valley will cause a lot of trouble.

Herage descended to a height in the canyon just enough for Deep Blue's environmental detection system to reach the bottom.

In this way, even if you don't reach the bottom, you can still have a clear understanding of the situation at the bottom.

It is very cold inside the canyon, and the temperature is much lower than above.

Herage headed south and flew away quickly.

There was a loud banging sound from above, and some gravel kept falling from the cliff next to it.

Herage controlled the direction and stayed away from the cliff to avoid being hit by falling rocks.


There was another loud noise above the canyon behind him, which seemed to be the sound of some kind of magic explosion.

When the loud noise came, there were strong magic waves spreading around.

You can feel the power of this spell from the fluctuation of magic power. Unsurprisingly, it must have been caused by Bawei. He is the only second-level wizard here.

"Hold on."

Herage silently cheered for Bawei, hoping that he could hold on for a while longer and buy himself more time to escape.

He felt that as long as he ran far enough away, the demon would not chase him.

Judging from the performance of the big demon, this kind of monster does not have high intelligence and basically acts on instinct.

In the Great Demon's eyes, Herague was just a little bug. If a little bug ran away along the ditch, it would be impossible for it to chase it all the way back.

What's more, there is a big bug in front of him that has not been solved. For him, Bawei has higher energy in his body, so eating it can fill his stomach more.

After Herage thought clearly, he continued flying south in the canyon and stopped paying attention to what was happening behind him.

He now focused his attention on the interior of the canyon, alert to all possible unexpected situations.

There are indeed many crawlers at the bottom of the canyon, and most of them have lost arms and legs after falling.

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