Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 367 Spider

The immortality of the crawlers allows them to crawl on the ground even if they fall to pieces. ͓̽u͓̽x͓̽.͓̽c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽

Some of the crawlers' heads fell off, and their heads and bodies were still moving in separate directions, so they really split up.

There are still some crawlers hanging on the cliffs of the canyon, and some crawlers are stuck on the cliffs with their stumps, unable to go up or down.

Herage ignored these crawlers and flew forward at full speed, quickly flying over the area with the crawlers.

These crawlers basically had little ability to move, and they fell to the bottom of the canyon and were shaking there.

This canyon was longer than Herage imagined, and he had been flying for half an hour without even seeing the end.

The sound of the fight between Da Mo and Ba Wei can no longer be heard. They are already quite far apart.

Herage gradually slowed down a bit, but chose to fly forward a little further just to be cautious.

He planned to walk some distance further south and then continue on his way east.

This polluted area is too dangerous, and any monster that pops up will be completely invincible to him.

Herage knew his strength very well. He could escape once or twice, but he couldn't escape every time.

If you are targeted first next time, it will be completely over.

Two hours later.

Herage gradually stopped for two reasons.

First of all, it's because this place is far away from the place where we met the big demon, so we don't have to worry about meeting that big demon again for the time being.

He didn't meet any other monsters along the way, and there were indeed no other monsters within the demon's sphere of influence.

The second reason is that Herage noticed something was wrong around here.

I still can’t see where the Great Rift Canyon is, and there is still an endless canyon in front of me.

When Herage came here, he discovered that there were many spider webs all over the area, especially large spider webs.

There are such spider webs hanging everywhere in the canyon, and some small spiders were also found.

These little spiders are not even monsters, they are very weak and Herage can crush them to death with just one kick.

But Herage still didn't act rashly. Not only did he not provoke those little spiders, he didn't even touch the spider webs.

The sight in front of him told Herage that there might be a spider-type monster nearby, but it was unclear what it was.

Herage still knew too little about the contaminated area and lacked information.

He didn't meet any other monsters all the way down from the canyon, and now he suddenly entered an area covered with spider webs, indicating that this was the territory of other monsters.

Herage carefully observed the surrounding scene, and also paid attention to the content of the deep blue environment detection feedback.

So far, no special monsters have been found, just some small spiders crawling everywhere.

Herage thought for a while and felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and then began to fly up the canyon, preparing to leave this place.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the surrounding space.

When Herage saw this space fluctuation, a strong sense of crisis instantly arose in his heart, and a sense of threat of death suddenly came.

The hairs all over his body suddenly stood upright, and all his strength gathered, just as he was about to directly activate the plane coordinates on his left hand.

A feeling of numbness spread from the tail vertebrae throughout the body. Herague suddenly became stiff and unable to move, and every muscle in his body could no longer be controlled.

Not only that, even the operation of magic power in the body has become extremely obscure, and it is completely impossible to use magic power normally.

The only one still functioning properly is Deep Blue.

Herage quickly learned what happened through Deep Blue's environmental detection.

Behind him, there was a huge spider crawling in the void. This spider had sixteen pairs of spider legs, and each spider leg had a poisonous needle at the end.

Just now, this huge spider suddenly appeared in the void, and then the poisonous needle on the spider's leg accurately hit Herage's tail vertebrae, and the venom immediately entered and paralyzed Herage's whole body.

Herage lost the ability to move on the spot and did not even have time to activate the plane coordinates.

Looking back on the entire process, it seems that this giant spider lives in another separate space, so it cannot be sensed or detected by the deep blue environment.

Herage thought that there were no powerful monsters nearby, but he did not expect that he had already fallen into the hunting range of this spider.

There is a silk thread at the tail of the spider that connects to the sky. Judging from the end position of the spider thread, it seems that the spider thread should be connected to another space.

The spider was hanging upside down in the air by this thread. It was spitting out countless spider threads and wrapped Herlag up, forming a huge ball of spider threads.

Herague's body was covered in a lot of mucus that had just come out of the spider's mouth.

The surrounding spider silk quickly completely wrapped him. The only thing that was fortunate was that he was not wrapped into a mummy, but was wrapped in a ball formed by spider silk.

Although the space in the spider silk ball was narrow, at least Hera was not wrapped tightly and there was still some room for movement.

The problem is that Herague is completely unable to move now.

After the spider wrapped him into a ball of spider silk, he carried the ball of spider silk and stepped on it in the void to continue walking deeper into the canyon.

Although Herage couldn't move or see outside, he had been paying attention to the movements outside through the dark blue environment detection.

After the spider carried him for a certain distance, Herage found a place where food was stored in front of him.

In the wide canyon, there are countless balls of spider silk, which seem to be the prey captured by this spider.

These spider silk balls were piled up and filled a corner. It looked like there were at least hundreds of them.

It looked like the prey were already dead, or were paralyzed and unable to move at all.

Some balls of spider silk are particularly huge, indicating that the prey inside must be a large person.

Herague's ball of spider silk seemed relatively small here. After the spider threw him inside, it turned around and left, seemingly preparing to continue hunting.

Herage noticed as the spider left that the spider's abdomen was bulging, which looked unusual.

"Is this preparing to lay eggs?" Herage understood why this spider was storing food. It was all for the little spiders that would be laid later.

In a blink of an eye, Herage became the monster's reserve food, and he began to think about ways to break the situation.

But before he could figure out how to get out of danger, he felt severe pain in his tailbone.

After observing through environmental detection, Herage's heart dropped.

There is a small hole at the tailbone. Starting from the edge of the hole, the surrounding meat and bones are slowly melting.

The spider's poison not only has the effect of paralyzing the enemy, but also has the effect of melting the enemy's flesh, making it easier for the little spider to eat.

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