Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 628 Return to the Abyss Plane

On the edge of Boulder City, many houses were cut off in the middle.

The cut surface was very smooth, as if it had been cut with a sharp weapon.

At this time, Boulder City was in chaos. Many people began to flee outside, and many people stood at the edge, staring blankly at the huge pit in front of them.

Those who are lucky can still look at the empty houses on the other side from one side of the house.

Unluckily, the body has turned into two smooth sections, and the other half of the body is missing.

Of course, if you were even less lucky, your whole person would have disappeared.

Herage took out a suit of well-fitting and smart clothes from his little plane and put them on, then looked around blankly.

He was glad that he stopped using the space ring early and put everything in the small plane.

Otherwise, in the energy impact similar to the space torrent just now, he would lose all his space rings and become penniless, with not even any supplies left.

All the clothes he wore were gone, not even a piece of cloth was left.

After the energy surged out just now, violent energy rushed towards him, which was equivalent to a giant bomb exploding in front of him.

Herague glanced at his intact body and was glad that he had the internal realm and could not have been torn to pieces by such violent energy.

He looked around and saw that there was nothing on the ground except some yellow stone remnants used to build the Stone City.

This kind of stone is indeed extraordinary, it can actually leave a little residue in such an energy impact.

The witchcraft formation activated by Isaacs was not a teleportation witchcraft formation in the conventional sense.

The most important thing for an ordinary teleportation witch formation is stability. To ensure that the person being teleported will not be in any danger, a lot of effort will be put into this aspect.

If you just want to teleport a person to another place, whether dead or alive, it is not difficult.

The difficult thing is how to solve the problem of ensuring the safety of the people involved.

The part of the witch formation that Isaacs completed obviously did not consider this issue, and he had no intention of considering it.

His original purpose was to make everyone in Boulder City die in the violent energy.

This was the first time that Herage truly felt the power of the inner realm. Such violent energy actually had no effect on his body.

Sure enough, as long as there is power that does not involve the rules, it cannot shake his body or even cause a trace of damage.

When the teleportation witch formation was activated, the violent energy directly enveloped everything within the range and was thrown directly and roughly here.

Most of the people who were brought here in Boulder City were still asleep, and they were completely annihilated without realizing what happened.

After Herage put on his clothes, he searched hard around, but still couldn't find any survivors.

When he thought about it, it was a pure accident that he survived in this situation. Not everyone has an internal realm.

Under such continuous and violent energy, even if there is a substitute death tool, he will still die immediately after the substitute death.

This is not a momentary thing, but ongoing.

Herague was certain that the wizards who died in this accident must be stronger than him, and there were also wizards with various protective wizardry weapons on their bodies.

But no one could have predicted this situation in advance.

Herage felt that if he did not have at least level four strength, he might not be able to escape from this disaster without warning.

He looked up and looked around and sighed.

Herage knew exactly where this place was, but because of this, he sighed.

This is the plane of the abyss.

Herage felt the mark of his own bloodline, and the ancestor's bloodline in it was very active.

He also couldn't help but want to activate the bloodline mark and try his current strength.

But considering that this was the abyssal plane, Herage still suppressed this thought.

In the abyss, everything has to be kept low-key.

Don't think that you are invincible just because you have the bloodline mark. Even the sixth-ring wizard has killed more than one here.

Herage didn't think that he would be able to reach level six after activating the bloodline mark, and it would be even more impossible to break through to level six.

He immediately tried to contact Toad, but as expected, there was no response.

Herage didn't know where the toad was now, but the fact that he couldn't even get a response to the messenger's call could only mean that the other party was in an extremely special place.

He could only wait and wait for Toad to be free, and he should take the initiative to contact him.

In the abyss plane, the toad can sense him.

Herage looked around, feeling at a loss. All his knowledge of the abyssal plane came from toads.

Toad had roughly told him some things before, but there was no such thing as a map.

Moreover, even Toad didn't understand many things, and it didn't take long for him to wake up.

Herage looked at the jungle ahead and felt a sense of threat from it.

He found the scene around him very strange.

Herage stood still and did not step forward rashly. He realized that something was wrong.

That is, the surrounding scene is constantly changing.

There was a forest in front of him a second ago, but when Herage turned around and came back, it had turned into a desert.

Fortunately, Herage could still feel the position of the stars.

He has meditated on the stars in the abyss plane, so he can clearly distinguish the position without being affected by the surrounding environment.

Herage closed his eyes directly and walked towards the stone wall in front of him without looking at the changing scene around him.

There is a mountain range, with a huge peak standing there. The side of the mountain is steep, straight and smooth as a mirror, and it doesn't look like a passable road.

Herage activated the bloodline mark, but it was not fully activated. It just emitted some aura that lingered around.

These breaths will not spread out, but monsters that are close to him can sense this breath.

In the plane of the abyss, blood is everything.

The trace of the ancestor's blood aura that Herague actively released could save him from a lot of trouble.

After he released this breath, something happened quickly.

The mountain peaks in front of Herage disappeared and turned into an open scene of the Gobi Desert.

The surrounding scenery has also become fixed and no longer changes.

Herague looked around, but could not find the location of the monster that was secretly causing trouble.

Maybe, it's not a monster, but something else.

But that didn't matter anymore. Since the other party no longer caused trouble for him, Herage stopped causing trouble for him and walked straight towards the Gobi Desert.

Herage felt that if he had not taken the initiative to release the aura of the ancestor's bloodline, he would have been in a lot of trouble today.

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