Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 629 Mangrove

Herage controlled his breath and tried his best to prevent the breath from spreading too far.

He knew very well that although he had the bloodline of the ancestor of the Thunder God in his body, it was one of the highest bloodlines in the abyss plane.

Monsters in the ordinary abyss plane would not dare to attack him, but this did not mean that he could sit back and relax.

There are many people in the abyss plane who have the blood of the ancestors, and there are many monsters that have the same blood as Herague.

Facing these monsters, Herage has no advantage at all.

The other party won't be polite to you. If he knows that you are weaker than him, he might just devour you.

Not only that, Herage's ancestor bloodline is not 100% deterrent to non-ancestral bloodline monsters.

If you encounter that kind of particularly powerful individual, your own ancestral bloodline will not make the other party afraid.

Many powerful beings in the abyss plane grew up step by step from unknown little monsters.

In the face of this kind of existence, Herage couldn't scare the opponent away with the aura of his ancestor's blood.

Others are not fools. They are all fifth- and sixth-level creatures. How could they be frightened away by the aura of their ancestors?

Herage was certain that if he faced such a being, he would probably end up with nothing good.

Another point is that he feels that he needs to correct his ideas.

The planes Herage had experienced in the past were all intermediate worlds. Level 5 and 6 creatures were rarely encountered, and those above level 6 were never encountered at all.

But this is the abyss plane, a high world.

There are many existences beyond the sixth level here, and there are countless fifth and sixth level creatures.

If the abyss plane were not very chaotic and there was no unified force, the wizard plane and the junction would have been destroyed long ago.

The abyssal plane is basically in a state of separate affairs. Not only does it not have a large unified force, it does not even have a smaller unified country.

This place is still in a very primitive state, and it is often a group of monsters that rely on a powerful existence to survive.

Such forces are distributed in many places in the abyss plane, and they have always been independent of each other.

They themselves have always been in a state of either temporary peace or continuous conquests against each other.

Even invading the wizard plane is actually just something done by a few forces in the abyss plane.

As for the broader abyssal plane, most people have not participated at all.

For many beings in the abyss plane, this is just a short stay and has nothing to do with them.

Although they are stuck at the junction now, it is not a problem in their eyes. It will be solved sooner or later anyway.

In other words, for most of the beings in the abyss plane, they may not know about this matter, nor do they care about it.

Those who mainly control the direction of advancement in the abyss are those existences at the ancestor level.

No one knows exactly how many ancestors there are in the abyss plane, and neither does Toad.

Some of these ancestors are still in the abyss plane, and some have already left for unknown epochs.

For example, the ancestor of the God of Thunder seems to have long ceased to exist in the abyss, with only some bloodline left.

Many ancestors have been born in the abyss plane, but not every ancestor will stay here forever.

Even among the ancestors who stayed in the abyss plane, many of them were indifferent to worldly affairs and almost never appeared.

There are only a handful of ancestors who have truly gathered forces across the abyssal plane.

For people at the level of the ancestors, it actually doesn't matter whether they have their own power.

Their own strength has reached an extreme level, and there is no need to cultivate any more forces, and their pursuit will not be above these.

Therefore, those who still dominate the abyss plane are actually those ancestors. Others are indifferent to these things, or even completely unaware of these things.

There is not such a developed communication network here, and information in many places is very blocked.

Herage traveled in this Gobi Desert for a long time, and did not encounter any other creatures for more than half a month.

Maybe there were hidden monsters, but they didn't dare to show up after noticing his aura.

It took Herage more than half a month to get out of this desolate area, where not a single weed could be seen on the ground.

After leaving the Gobi Desert, we entered a mountain range.

There are many trees with red leaves in the mountains. Herrag has never seen this kind of plant, and there is no relevant information in the dark blue database.

He carefully observed the outside for a while, and then continued in after confirming that he felt no danger.

In the deep blue environmental detection range, this mountain range is very vast, and it is unknown what area is ahead.

Behind him is the Gobi Desert that Herage walked through. It is naturally impossible to go back at this time.

After entering this mountain range, it is obvious that there is a lot more life here.

Herage saw ants about the same size as dogs and a bee almost as big as a molecule in the forest.

If he hadn't carefully inspected this kind of bee, he wouldn't have even noticed the existence of this kind of bee, and he would accidentally absorb it into his body through breathing.

Herage didn't know the consequences of absorbing the bees, and he didn't want to try.

Even if there is an inner realm, you still have to be careful in the abyss plane.

These monsters seemed to be somewhat aggressive, but after feeling the breath released by Herage, they all lay aside obediently, not even daring to make a sound.

Herage felt that the aura of his ancestor's bloodline was like an insect repellent, and it was really useful in this place.

"No way, it's too late, we have to hurry up!" There were some noises in the mangrove forest ahead, and there were people speaking the common language of the abyss.

Herage looked up and saw that the branches of the mangrove over there were swaying, and a small figure was jumping and tumbling among the branches.

Herage quickened his pace and hurried over, discovering that it was a squirrel in a black suit.

As he rushed over, the squirrel also noticed Herague behind him, and then stopped on the branch and turned his head to look over.

This is a very human-looking squirrel, with facial features similar to humans, but its body is still the furry body of a squirrel.

He tilted his head and looked at Herrag, wondering: "Human? No, wow, my friend, your dressing up skills are so clever. I almost thought you were a real human. My name is Yom, and I'm going to participate." Are you interested in Mushroom King’s afternoon tea?”

Herage was glad that he had received the inheritance of the Common Language of the Abyss from the toad, otherwise he would not have been able to understand what the squirrel was talking about. (End of chapter)

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