Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 665 Someone coming from the junction

As soon as the plane train appeared, the people around it were immediately stunned. It was the first time for them to see such a thing as a plane train.

There are many wizards here in the central area, and many of them are knowledgeable wizards.

The first time they saw the plane train, they felt that this thing was unusual.

Just from the plane train, you can see the technological level of the junction behind it. The level of development of wizard civilization may have exceeded their imagination.

Planar trains are not something that can only be created by developing a single technology, but require all aspects of technology to be developed to a certain level.

This group of wizards who came down from the plane train shocked everyone even more intensely. The magic auras on these people were all very powerful.

The weakest among this group of people are all third-level wizards, there are many fourth-level wizards, and there are also many fifth-level wizards.

Anyone who walks out is already the ceiling of combat power in the wizard plane.

Herague talked with Acorn for a while, and then Acorn walked towards Ignis and other members of the Wizards Alliance Council.

Ignis and others have been staying aside, watching Herage and Acorn chatting happily, and not daring to interrupt.

They have already seen that Herague's status even in the border area is probably not ordinary. The surrounding wizards from the border area actually have some respect for Herague?

"Mr. Ignis, this is Mr. Acorn, the Minister of Resource Development of the Junction Area." Herage introduced.

Ignis quickly stepped forward to say hello, stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome Mr. Acorn, and welcome everyone from the border area back home."

Ignis was smiling and friendly, as if he really welcomed these wizards from the borderland home.

Herage couldn't help but secretly cursed: "Among these people, the people at Augustus College are probably the ones who least want this day to come."

Acorn was not so kind to Ignis and others, but said calmly: "We have already made a plan regarding the planning and construction of contaminated areas, and we hope that all of you can cooperate."

Naturally, Ignis and other wizard organizations did not dare to have any objections, and they all agreed, expressing their absolute cooperation and obeying the arrangements.

The people brought by Acorn were arranged into the best hotels in the central area and settled down.

The area where they stayed was patrolled and guarded by the Wizards Alliance's escort team, who cleared away all the clutter and no one else stayed in the hotel.

After many wizards from the border area wandered around the central area for a while, their first impression was that they were backward. Everything here was too backward, and all the technologies were from a long time ago.

For example, the airships in the port use technology that can only be found in some ancient books in the library at the junction. They have been updated and iterated countless times and have long since been eliminated.

And what surprised them most was that the level and strength of wizards here were generally low.

There are many wizard apprentices, and even formal wizards are only first-level wizards, and the number of second-level wizards is extremely rare.

As for third-level wizards, they are even more rare. You can only see one occasionally, and they are important figures in all parties.

Level 4 wizards are only the leaders of various wizard organizations here, and there are only a handful of them.

After they discovered the current situation in the wizard plane, many people did not feel that they were superior to others, but reflected on why they and others were better than the wizards in the wizard plane.

Only then did the wizards in the junction realize that they had enjoyed so many benefits that the junction had brought to them.

Being born in the border area, you don't have to worry about the lack of promotion resources. There will also be a systematic wizard education system, and there will be people to lead the way, which can avoid many detours.

Many people even chatted with many wizards in the wizard plane and learned about many things here.

They did not expect that the key to the rules was an extremely precious thing here. Many crystal wizards were unable to be promoted to the second level wizard for life because of the lack of the key to the rules.

For the wizards at the junction, this is something that is unimaginable.

Some people can't even understand why there is still a lack of the key to the rules?

Even if you can't afford a high-level rule key, just buying an elemental rule key is enough to promote you to a second-level wizard.

For those in the border area, this is indeed something incomprehensible. How can anyone be unable to be promoted to a second-level wizard due to lack of the key to the rules?

There is also the fact that promotion to a third-level wizard requires the recognition of the will of the world, which is not difficult for people in the border area.

They rarely realize that this step is actually very difficult.

The world's will at the junction is essentially controlled by the six-ring tower, which can directly promote wizards to third-level wizards.

But in the wizard plane, this step has to be done by oneself. No one knows what standards can be recognized by the will of the world.

No one knows when it will be recognized by the will of the plane. It all depends on fate.

This feeling is the most uncomfortable and desperate. You don’t know when you will be recognized by the will of the world.

It may be that there is no hope in this life, or it may be recognized by the will of the world before death.

The wizards in the junction area have never experienced this kind of despair. For them, as long as the conditions are met, they can directly apply for promotion to the third level wizard.

Acorn and others have been meeting with the Wizards Union during this time to discuss the planning and construction of contaminated areas.

The Sixth Ring Tower took away the land in the middle area. Herrag had seen the preliminary plan, which was very similar to the current plan for the junction.

It's just that the junction area is divided into six ring areas. There are only three ring areas here, and each area has a certain role planned in it.

Herage took away the entire northern area of ​​the Karaage continent. The northern area has a large area of ​​mountains and wastelands, as well as icebergs and snowfields.

It looks a bit desolate, and except for the large enough area, it seems to be inferior to other places.

The reason why Herage chose this area is also very simple, because the area is large enough to allow his eight legendary monsters to roam freely, leaving an open space for them.

Moreover, the problem of desolation can be easily solved. People who live in border areas are still afraid that they will not be able to create a piece of natural scenery.

Another reason is that the coastline in the northern region is very long. This is actually a potential resource point. It is directly in contact with the boundless sea and has a lot of room for future development.

As for other wizard organizations and wizard forces in the wizard plane, they also purchased some land use rights from Herague.

Herage is selling use rights, not land rights as is customary here. (End of chapter)

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