Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 666 Construction

In the wizarding plane, after the land is sold, it is usually permanent.

Herage did not do this. What he sold was the right to use for five hundred or one thousand years, and the price varied depending on the zone.

For example, the area Selanduil bought cost ten million magic stones in five hundred years.

Five hundred years later, Thranduil must choose to purchase the right to use it again, otherwise the right to use it will be taken back by Herague.

The price actually seems very cheap. How can I earn back these ten million magic stones in five hundred years?

But the problem is, Herage did not say that the subsequent renewal fee will also be five million magic stones, and the price may even increase.

More importantly, after these wizarding organizations purchased the land use rights, the towns they built on it and the modified natural environment belonged to this land and could not be taken away.

In other words, after five hundred years, if Serantir does not renew the fee, Herag will not only continue to own the land, but also the results of the transformation.

These wizard organizations are smart people and naturally understand this truth.

But they don't have the right to choose. They can either buy it or wait for others to buy it all. Then they will have to find a corner to develop.

So not only did these people have no objections, but they also fought fiercely. Many people even wanted to use the back door to win over Herage.

Herage didn't say anything. His judgment method was very simple, he only recognized money.

Whoever gives more money sells it to whomever.

For a time, various large and small wizard organizations and forces in the wizard plane purchased some land use rights, and Herage's magic stone balance suddenly increased sharply.

He took a cursory look and found that there were already more than seven billion magic stones. The wealth he had accumulated made him a rich man even in the border area.

And this is only the first phase. There is still a lot of land that has not been divided and is only open to the public.

There are still many places in polluted areas where dangers lurk, and these areas cannot be entered for the time being.

Some areas may be retained and not cleared.

Because although those areas are dangerous, they can also be regarded as resource production points, which will produce a lot of spellcasting materials and potion materials that wizards need.

If it is eliminated, it will be like killing the goose that lays the eggs, and we cannot make a one-time deal.

For ordinary wizards, these places, although dangerous, can also be rewarding.

Most of the weird existences have a territorial scope. They will neither leave that area nor be able to leave. They are equivalent to earth-bound spirits.

Therefore, as long as these areas are far away from human settlements, they will not have any impact on people's normal life.

These areas are actually planned by Acorn and others. In Acorn's words: "Some play facilities must be reserved for children..."

Herage couldn't help but feel a little speechless. There were some areas that even he found a little troublesome. For ordinary wizards, they were definitely forbidden areas, where there was life and death.

Thinking back to when he was in the body of the Earth-Eating Worm, even if he went underground, he had to detour through certain areas and didn't dare to get close.

After the area was divided, construction began immediately.

The main task of the people here at the junction is to complete the construction of the Sixth Ring Tower area first, and then they will help the construction of other areas as appropriate.

The first step to be completed is the restoration of the natural environment. This step requires wizards who specialize in the plant and life systems to begin restoring the natural environment in large quantities.

Wizards are indeed good at destroying, but they are also good at restoring and creating.

After completing various procedures, people from all forces began to work in their own areas. The finished woods and grasslands began to appear, bringing some greenery to the polluted area.

Dry lakes and rivers gradually began to flow, bringing a source of life to the polluted areas.

Some accidents also occurred during this process, because there were still many monsters in the contaminated area, including all kinds of monsters, large and small.

Naturally, Herage couldn't personally wipe out the monsters in every place for them. Each family could only handle these matters by themselves.

Anyway, the eight legendary monsters in the contaminated area have been conquered by him, so there is no big threat anymore.

Since Herage did not charge fees for the Sixth Ring Tower area, the construction of his own northern area was also taken over by the people in the junction area, so Herag did not have to worry about it.

In order to facilitate their work, Herage also asked several legendary monsters to follow him to help.

Herage worked on these things for two months before the construction work in the contaminated area was officially on track.

After he finished his work, he was ready to go to the Barrens to meet the Church family.

In fact, Larry and others had come to the Land of Dawn a long time ago. They did not dare to come to the Land of Dawn because they were worried about the Taylor family.

Now that Herage has solved the problem, he no longer has such worries.

He also divided an area for the Church family. It was a plain with a very good climate, which was very suitable for planting and growing potion materials.

This area is also very close to the North, located at the foot of the North Mountains.

It's just that although the Church family got the land and Herrag didn't take the money, there are still problems plaguing them.

That means no money, no one, and no resources.

Restoring the natural environment and building cities and towns is not an easy task and requires a lot of money, resources, and manpower.

Although the Church family has made a lot of money in recent years, it is still far behind the real big forces.

With their ability, it is very difficult to open up an area in this polluted area.

Fortunately, Helag is now rich and powerful, and he paid a sum of money to take up shares. Vernon also contributed money, manpower and people to help the Church family start construction at the foot of the North Border Mountain.

Vernon himself also bought an area, but he has not started construction yet. In his words, he has not decided what to do yet, and will talk about it later.

So his temporary focus is on the Church family, and he has invested a lot.

Helag and Misu went to the Barrens together, and this time he did not choose the airship.

Because for him now, the airship is too slow, and it takes a month at a time, so it is better to travel by himself.

The Barrens has also undergone tremendous changes in recent years. In addition to many people from the Dawn Land moving here, there are also many more resources and knowledge, which provides great convenience for wizards in the Barrens.

Herag came to the ancestral home of the Church family, Tonghualing, and met with the Church family's Patriarch Maier and others, mainly explaining some of the recent situations of Reese and others.

Herag has been in contact with them, and is still at the World Tree Mother Tree of the Elves. Everything is fine, and he is working hard on meditation and practice. (End of this chapter)

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