Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1366: Correction?

   Then, for the first use, there must be a correction process. The system needs to determine whether the brain information generated by the device is recognized by the player's brain and whether it can feed back matching data information.

Simply put, the system virtualizes the information of an apple and transmits it to the player's brain. The player's brain receives this information and interprets it. After the interpretation, the feedback information "This is an apple" is obtained. This feedback information is processed by the system. Recognize and compare with the database and find that the front and back are consistent, then the correction is completed.

   The colorful patterns in Tianjing’s mind are a high-speed correction process. After all, the most intuitive thing about the game itself is the image data.

   Immediately afterwards, the system corrected the visual distance of the patio, and mountains appeared in the screen, from far to near. Then the butterflies in the sky flew towards themselves, this kind of real and false sense of distance is jaw-dropping...

   Of course, at this time, someone may stand up and ask, what is the difference between this and the previous optic nerve deception technology?

To put it bluntly, the optic nerve deception technology transmits the optic nerve signal to the player's brain. The quality of these false images is the same. The player cannot unilaterally modify the optic nerve information, and even without setting to modify the brightness of the screen degree.

   However, stealth technology is different. It allows players not only to receive virtual optic nerve signals and see the virtual game world, but also to modify the game world consciously and unconsciously according to their own brain thinking.

   For a simple example, during the calibration process, if the player sees a color that he hates, the system will no longer use that color in the text content or system background that appears later.

   When players are more sensitive to or love certain colors, the system will use these colors as much as possible.

   If the player feels that some screens are scary, hate the screen scenes, or feel that the screens cause discomfort to them, they can be forced to block or tamper with these scenes to avoid the screens causing harm to the human body.

In other words, if a player falls from a high altitude and the picture is too real, his heartbeat speeds up and he feels uncomfortable. At this time, his brain will tamper with the picture to make the surrounding scenery still, eliminating the entire falling animation process, and ensuring the player’s physical and mental safety .

   In this process, if the brain fantasizes sufficiently developed, you can even imagine that you are surrounded by the vast ocean, and you are swimming in the sea, then there is no fear of falling.

  Of course, this kind of tampering does not affect the normal data of the game. If the player falls to the best, he still has to die in battle, or to see the system god.

   However, compared to the tough visual fraud, the game experience brought by the complete stealth is healthier and more comfortable.

   On the other hand, players can create brain maps in specific game functions. As long as their brains are serious about imagining something and imagining the details of this thing, then the system can realize what you have imagined.

  For example, if you imagine an art painting, the system can directly digitize the fantasy content in your brain, and directly virtualize it, and present it in your optic nerve information, and you will see an identical picture in front of your eyes!

   More importantly, the picture scrolls generated by the system can be modified arbitrarily and can be saved many times for future use.

   Inspiration is fleeting. With such a system, players can more easily grasp the creative spark in their minds and quickly take shape!

   This is also the biggest difference between visual fraud technology and stealth technology. The difference lies in interaction and creation!

   This is why many functions of the game must be released after the incomplete stealth technology is mature, which is more conducive to player creation and more conducive to the creation of the whole people!


  In the past, only those who knew art design and had a solid foundation could paint, but now it’s fine, as long as you feel it, you can draw a [Mona Lisa's evil smile]!

   More importantly, in the past, only those fashion and equipment styles that game designers could design, now as long as players have ideas and creativity, they can directly create them through the system!

   What does this mean, there is no need to go into details?

Suddenly, Tianjing only felt as if he had completely lost his body. This feeling was very subtle. There was no more breathing, no more heartbeat, no more skin to feel the surrounding temperature, no more limbs to control. , It's like dead!

   Yes, there is nothing wrong, just like a dead end, as if the whole world is far away from me!

   For a time, the patio was left with only thinking, yes, only thinking!

  What are you thinking about, thinking about whether this Vegetative No. 4 will erase itself?

  Of course not, because at this time Tianjing had somehow discovered that something appeared all over his body, not the optic nerve, but the sensory nerve. Numerous pores all over his body seemed to come to life, and he felt warm inexplicably!

   That’s is warmth, as if being directly exposed to the sun, this warmth gradually heats up, getting hotter and hotter, even changing from hot to hot!

   Is this still correcting?

   That's right, Tianjing's guess is not wrong at all, this time it is correcting the player's body temperature!

Soon, when the heat reached the limit, he felt the temperature drop suddenly, as if standing naked in the mountains of ice and snow, making him want to shiver. Unfortunately, without a body, he can only feel the changes in temperature, even the basics. You can't make any warming actions.

After the warm sensation, the pain is corrected. Fortunately, the pain in the game is very small, like being lightly touched with chopsticks. This is obviously taking care of the feelings of most players. After all, if you really want to feel the pain The pain of a thousand knives, then this game is bound to fail!

   However, this does not mean that the game cannot adjust the pain.

You know, some people like to be hurt and can find pleasure from pain. This group of perverts will naturally adjust the pain of the game to the maximum, but even the maximum is just like being slapped moderately by someone. , And will not produce severe pain that the brain cannot bear.

   These are all later, so I won’t repeat them for now.

   After the calibration was completed, Tianjing felt that his eyes suddenly brightened, his vision widened, and he had come alive in another world!

   Yes, this world is Sky Dungeon!

   Tianjing felt his body in disbelief, moving his limbs, twisting his neck, and even jumping on the spot, trying to find clues to be in the game...



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