Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1367: Jingtian woke up

   Soon, he really found some unrealistic traces.

   This kind of feeling is actually very obvious. Even if I can feel the temperature of the outside world, I can feel the breeze blowing slowly, but I feel a lot of my own existence.

How to interpret   , it is like at this moment Tianjing is wearing a white robe in the game, but he can't feel the soft and delicate feeling of the robe, and can't feel whether the robe is loose or tight on his body.

   A lot of realism produced by the game world is directly obliterated!

   Of course, this is probably to prepare for the development of incomplete stealth technology. If players want to feel the touch of their own equipment and the texture of the clothes they wear in the real world, this may cause some confusion.

   Therefore, the game mainly gives the player a kind of environmental feeling, not the player's own physical feeling.

  This way of simplifying the somatosensory is also understandable, allowing the player to feel less restraint and to feel the world more instead of himself.

   To put it simply, the patio is jumping in place at this time. Although you can feel the hardness of the ground, you can't feel the tingling sensation that should have come from the soles of your feet for the moment you land.

   Even if the patio is forcibly stepping on the ground, his legs and feet will not feel numb due to the reaction of stomping on the ground.

   Yes, players can feel the virtual environment, but they can’t fully feel the virtual self!

   This avoids the player from having some bad physical feelings in the game, causing unnecessary burden on the human body or the brain.

   When Tianjing wanted to study this wonderful feeling more deeply, he suddenly felt that his consciousness had been sucked away by some treasure gourd, and the virtual world in the game suddenly moved away from him...

   is not because of anything else, but because Jingtian woke up!

   That's right, Jing Tian really woke up, this is a miracle!

   It seems that after the incompetent driver left, Jing Tian instinctively regained consciousness...

   Just as Lin Yumian expected, Jing Tian woke up and sat up on his own, shocking the experimenter with a cold sweat.

  The experimenter can naturally check what Jing Tian did in the game through the system. He clearly sees what Jing Tian did in the game. He is 100% sure that Jing Tian did not use the exit command in the game!

   Without using the exit command, how can a normal person sit up with completely cut off brain information?

   This is not a morgue, it's impossible to cheat the corpse!

   It’s not a sleeping compartment, and it’s impossible to sleepwalking!

   Without the control of the brain, why does the human body take the initiative?

   Is there something wrong with the system?

   That's right, maybe there is a system bug!

   This may indeed happen at the beginning, but now that the equipment has been operating normally for so long, how can such a low-level BUG still occur?

   Could it be that Vegetative 4 had a malfunction?

Before the experimenters thought about all the hypotheses, the supervisor behind the experimenters said: "The brain signal connection of Vegetal 4 is disconnected. The subject has multiple personalities. Our previous experiments still have loopholes. In multiple personalities Under the circumstances, the awareness of system closure is not complete and needs to be strengthened."

   turns out to be multiple personalities!

  The problems in the minds of the experimenters were easily solved, and there was no doubt about the supervisor's words...

   It’s not that the experimenters didn’t doubt it. It’s clearly that multiple personality tests are very rare. Even if you want to find samples, you can never meet them!

   Besides, who can guarantee that the tester will awaken the second and third personality in the test?

   Guys with multiple personalities do not mean that they split their personality!

   Therefore, in addition to being surprised, the experimenters are more excited at this time. The value of scientific researchers is invention and creation. After that, they continue to experiment with DEBUG, which is similar to IT industry programmers!

   "Hero, how do you sleep? Everything is the power of internet celebrities!"

   Lin Yumian's words are still so casual and relaxed, as if Jing Tianzhen had just slept all night.

   However, Jing Tian's heart trembled when he heard these words, how could he be here?

   Where is this place?

   Why is Lin Yumian by his side?

   Did something drunk and affair happened to herself and her?

   I really look like a fragment!

   But drinking should have sequelae. The most important thing is that the dock is splitting apart?

   If it's not a mess, why does she ask how she sleeps?

   And it doesn't look like Lin Yumian's boudoir here, and the bed is hard.

   But, it looks like a hospital in any way, not like Kukai Garden. Could it be a special hospital-themed love hotel?

  How did you get here?

   I remember I was playing games before, and it seemed that I had missed a broken page of a skill book, and there were three women with me. How could I come here inexplicably?

   Did you get knocked out by the third girl?

   Give yourself to Lin Yumian?

   This is not realistic!

   Jingtian's brain is a bit confused, and for a while, he forgot how to answer Lin Yumian's question, so it's better to answer questions with questions.

"where is this place?"

   "This is a very special You fell into a coma over overworked games, but I sent you here to wake up. How can you reward me? Everything is the power of internet celebrities!"

   Lin Yumian's mouth overflowed with crystal beads, like a greedy little girl, wanting Jing Tian to reward a lollipop.

Jing Tian tried hard to think about it. It seemed that his last memory fragment was indeed after the game all night. He didn't think much about it, and directly replied: "Thank you for that. I feel that there should be nothing wrong with my body. I still need it. What kind of checkups? Maybe it’s been too long to stay overnight. It’s just a bit of hypoglycemia overnight. There is no need for MRI?"

   Obviously, Jing Tian now mistakenly believes that he is sitting in the MRI device. He still has a lot of doubts in his mind. As for rewards, he has no time to think.

   Even, without waiting for Lin Yumian to say anything, he jumped off Vegetative 4 on his own, and looked at the large-scale treatment device with some curiosity.

   "You are my hero. Why do you need to be checked if you wake up? You are just overworked and unconscious. Don't be so hypocritical. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

  I am hypocritical?

   Jingtian almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. Patients who wake up from a normal hospitalization should not be checked by the hospital again?

   Can I be discharged directly from the hospital?

   How did you become hypocritical?

   Is you self-willed?

   Reminiscent of what Lin Yumian said just now, Jing Tian suddenly felt that something was wrong.



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