Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1425: Fallen God

   That's 504 occupations!

  Even if it is not 504 occupations, forty-two occupations, each occupation has 15 occupation skills, each occupation has 12 variations, that is 7,560 new skills!

   How can this number not shock Jing Tian?

   Of course, these 7,560 skills are also pale and feeble in the face of changing comprehension and fusion skills, but as professional skills, they are really crazy!

   It was time-consuming and laborious to know the vocational skills of forty-two occupations. Now there are 7,560 variants, who can remember them all?

   It’s not easy to figure out a guide, right?

   Future battles are not only about comprehension skills. The enemy throws out a common professional skill at will, maybe you won't recognize it! How do you fight this?

   Is it a competition or a memory capacity?

   However, after being shocked, Jing Tian still thinks about this setting from the perspective of kicking the sky and getting the well. If he is himself, how to deal with this contradiction. Thinking of this, Jing Tian's heart suddenly became clear. That's right, what if the damage or special effects of different attributes are added based on the skills and actions of all classes?

   Even with 7560 variants, the effect of 42 professional skills is still 630.

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian feels that he has already got a first glimpse of the plan to kick the sky.

   Now, it is necessary to understand what kind of auxiliary increase the twelve gods will bring to skills. As long as you understand these, then it is clear who chooses to serve.

However, judging from the data collected now, the twelve gods should each represent an element attribute, but some attributes are easy to understand. For example, among the twelve gods, the fire **** will give the player fire attribute characteristics, and the water **** is naturally water. The attributes are similar to those of Thunder God, Earth God, Wood God, Light God, Fallen God, and War God.

   It is worth mentioning that what the Fallen God bestows on the player is the dark attribute. Contrary to the God of Light, the God of War gives the player a metallic blessing, which may not be directly judged from the name of the God of War.

In addition, it is more difficult to understand the goddess, moon god, death and patron saint of the twelve gods. Among them, the patron saint is a little better to understand, which will give the player a shield attribute. From Jing Tian’s view, the eight achievements are special effects that reduce damage or increase defense. , But the nature of the goddess is more difficult to understand.

For example, the goddess in the Haotian God God System is Nuwa. Nuwa does have a legend of creating humans in mythology. Good fortune here can be understood as strengthening, or it can be understood as calling for creation, but this good fortune attribute is blessed by skills. On top, what kind of chemical reaction will evolve, what kind of skill effect will evolve, even Jing Tian couldn't understand for a while.

   Moon God’s attribute is resuscitation. Whether the resuscitation here is a healing ability remains to be verified. If the player’s attack skills merge with the healing ability, wouldn’t it be the same as the blood-sucking skills of the Dark Knight?

   I always feel that this kind of understanding is a bit far-fetched. I can't just obliterate the characteristics of a profession and let everyone have such characteristics, right?

   Finally, it was Death, which turned out to be a curse attribute. This attribute is both mysterious and powerful, as if it is a non-profit and harmless attribute. If you hit the enemy, what kind of curse is imposed on the opponent, isn't it cool?

  Of course, if the healing profession serves the **** of death...

   That wet nurse has become a melamine poisonous nurse.

However, all speculations are fictitious, and the results will not be known until after actually serving, but Jing Tian definitely does not believe that kicking the sky and Nongjing will be so kind, maybe he will bury a hole in the easy-to-understand attribute, etc. Jump in!

   Maybe this guy will produce some completely different effects, which are beyond the common sense of the players. After all, kicking the Tiannongjing is a trick to pit players to the end...

   Therefore, Jing Tian had to choose and experiment. Even if he jumped into the pit, he had to be the first to jump, so he chose to serve the fallen **** [Emperor Taiyi] after several considerations.

The fallen **** and the fallen angel sitting on the well and watching the sky have the same illusion. Of course, Jing Tian does not see the word "fall" between the two, but because the fallen angel gives the waiter skill the dark attribute blessing. If this blessing can be used in comprehension skills Above, then one's own [halberd method·Yibatian] can be further refined.

According to normal people’s thinking, the current Yibatian has written the dark attribute damage to the extreme. After all, this trick can hit the most perfect environmental dark attribute damage in the case of a solar eclipse. If it can bless the curse damage or gold, wood, water and fire. Earth element damage, that must be able to tap Yiba Tian's combat power to the extreme.

   However, in Jing Tian's view, the current Yiba Tianyuan did not achieve the effect he expected. It was clear that they were all the broken pages of the ancient skill book obtained from the Yonghan Palace, but the result he got was the worst!

   Compared with people, why is your character so bad?

   swallowed the tears from the bottom of his heart, Jing Tian was the main strategy of the original game, he naturally knew that the current Yibatian was the king level, and the dark attribute damage was only partially excavated, far from reaching the limit.

   Adding other attributes to Yiba Tian may have certain side effects.

   That’s If the energies of two different attributes cannot be integrated, they might kill each other!

   If you are the main strategy of the game, you will definitely set it up like this. You might even create such a pit for players to jump!

  Many players fantasize that their skills can add water, fire, thunder and other attributes. If they create an exaggerated effect of pulling the wind, they will surely jump into the pit like moths.

   For example, if fire attribute damage, light attribute damage, and lightning attribute damage are added to the dark attribute damage, the environmental dark attribute will be greatly reduced.

   As for the blessings of good fortune, recovery, recovery, and shield, Jing Tian is not sure whether it will have a significant effect on Yiba Tian.

Metallicity and curse attribute, in addition to the dark attribute, are more suitable for the existence of a tyrant. If you guess it right, the metallicity of God of War increases physical attack power, while the curse attribute is added to the original attack effect, adding special The curse effect.

   Even if you choose a certain **** to serve, it is not necessarily a good thing after getting the protection of the gods. For example, if the elemental mage chooses the **** of fire, the fire attribute magic may be strengthened, but the water attribute magic may be weakened.

   No one can predict the results of the protection of the gods, everything needs to be practiced.

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian felt that kicking Tian Nongjing had created another problem for himself, and once again secretly used Cloud Qiyun Guild as a guinea pig!

   Damn, this guy put another one!

  , this kind of adventure is also quite interesting. Whether you are a guinea pig or the first person to eat crabs, adventure is the essence of the game!



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