Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1426: Shinto residence

However, what Jing Tian is chasing is the absolute attack power, which is a terrifying power that can almost kill the enemy in seconds, so the curse effect is naturally not suitable. Although the metallic effect is useful for his character, the strengthening effect on Yiba Tian may be limited to weapon damage. Numerically, the powerful dark attribute environment brought by the solar eclipse effect is completely wasted.

  To sum up, the only thing that can realize Jingtian's ambitions, from Jingtian's perception, there is one and only the fallen god.

   So, Sit Jing Guantian soon appeared in the shrine of the East Emperor Taiyi.

   Yes, there are thirteen divine palaces in the God Realm of Emperor Haotian, of which the 12 divine palaces are located on the ground of the God Realm, showing a circular distribution.

The last shrine is suspended in the air. The twelve dragons and dragon tails are on the top of the zodiac, and the dragon's body is pointing diagonally to the sky. In the end, the dragon head is a shrine floating in the air, like the zodiac. It is the foundation of a half-empty shrine, which shows its nobleness and invincibility.

   looked up at the divine palace for the first time, using the strands of hair to know that the divine palace in mid-air must be the divine mansion of Haotian Lord God!

   However, Haotian God may not be in the floating palace, but in the palace on the top of Sky City. After all, that is the residence of God.

   Of course, even if Haotianzhu's divine mansion is empty, players can't reach it directly.

   The way of God may still be passed, but there is no way to enter the shrines of several major gods. Only when the main **** is summoned can they have a chance to enter.

   It is worth mentioning that the twelve sacred beasts and blue dragons supporting the main god’s residence are not dead objects such as sculptures, but real dragons!

   Their bodies invisibly exude a kind of sacred and inviolable coercion, although the temple is overhead, but from time to time in the dragon's eyes shoot out horrified golden light, as if being stared at by their fiery golden eyes, the player's soul will be drawn away.

  Want to secretly climb these twelve blue dragons directly to the main god's residence?

   I don’t know which player is full, and dare to climb these twelve real dragons?

   That must be a feat of no one before and after!

   Of course, I am afraid that only one will become the ration of the twelve dragons.

   However, just as everyone felt so emotional at the beginning, a discordant voice rang...

"Brother Tian, ​​there are twelve bosses here. Let's bring one of them. The other one can't hold the celestial palace. The celestial palace falls and smashes them to death. Such an awesome BOSS will surely drop a lot of good things! You can smash Sky City out of a big hole, and Sky City might lose its balance and hit the continent of Ai Yin Si!"

   Do you think this is a copy?

   Even if it's a copy, do you think we can fight a beast?

   Even if the twelve blue dragons and the five scum, the combat power is far less than the twelve alien beasts, it is definitely not our current level can be used!

  Besides, who told you that the palace needs twelve true dragons to hold it all the time, maybe they are just showing respect to the Haotian God, rashly attacking, maybe the twelve BOSS will swallow everyone alive together!

  In other words, why do you alien think that these twelve real dragons can be attacked?

   is clearly a friendly company?

  The key is, you want to get the BOSS again and destroy the current map, right?

   More importantly, according to what you said, you are not afraid that after Sky City falls on Aiyinsi Continent, will you directly smash the Aiyinsi Continent into a hole?

   Maybe the dungeon can be destroyed, right?

   The idea of ​​aliens is really bold...

   Stepping into the fallen shrine, Jing Tian felt that his vision became blurred and muddy, as if he was in a pool of mud, unable to discern the direction.

   tried to control sitting and watching the sky to pace forward, but the system did not give any indication of invalid operation. Obviously, this chaotic environment might be a test for oneself.

   In other words, if you want to believe in a certain deity, you have to stand the test of the deity. It is not a casual choice.

   Kicking Tiannongjing may also use this setting to guide the player's choice. The test is related to the power of the gods. It is also possible for the unsuitable gods to directly reject the player, although this probability is very small.

   However, Sit Jing Guantian walked forward in this chaos for several minutes, but still did not notice the slightest, as if this chaotic environment filled the entire shrine.

   I originally thought that as long as I met Donghuang Taiyi, I could easily receive the blessing of the fallen god. I never thought that I wanted to serve the fallen **** and complete the test of the gods. Is this society so difficult to be a dog licking?

He shook his head in his heart, and forced the messy thoughts out of his mind. Jing Tian seriously thought about how to tackle this chaotic level. Obviously, going on like this is no different from staying in place. It is almost impossible to get a visibility by kicking the sky. The zero environment allows everyone to find the East Emperor Taiyi in inclement weather.

   may only have a try!

   Jingtian operated sitting Jingguantian and raised the Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, and then slammed into the chaos in front of him. He thought that ordinary attack actions might increase the visibility and perhaps make more discoveries.

   However, at this moment, the Fang Tianji in Guantian's hands is like the giant axe in Pangu's hands, which can cut space and chaos. uukanshu. Com is stunned to split the chaotic air in front of you!

   However, this split is obviously only temporary. The chaotic air on both sides instantly squeezed into the vacuum area, and after a breath, the space previously split was completely filled.

   Damn, is this a fantasy formation?

Jing Tian felt as if he had discovered something, and immediately manipulated Zuijing Guantian and launched an attack frantically. The chaos in front of him was torn apart again and again. With the short gap after each attack, Zuijing Guantian moved forward and explored with difficulty. .

   One minute and one minute passed, Jing Tian felt that everything was in vain again. It was like using a fan to attack the poisonous gas in the secret room. No matter how much he attacked, the poisonous gas itself would not decrease.

   Do you want to use skills to destroy the chaos?

   Can skills attack the air?

   Life is unsatisfactory in the world, and now it exudes air!


Jing Tian didn’t hesitate, sitting in Jing Guantian’s hand, the Fang Tianji swept out, and the cold light of the halberd left a crescent-shaped phantom. The chaotic air slashed by the crescent seemed to touch the snow of magma, even the process of melting. Omitted, directly evaporated and disappeared.

   Really want to use skills to break the chaos!

   Emotion level A does not cause enough damage to the phantom array?

After    had a direction, Jing Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and said softly: "Continuously broken!"

   Madly clicked the normal attack button with his left hand, and he saw that sitting on the well and watching the sky was like a killer god. The Fang Tian halberd in his hand was waving frantically, and the action was coherent, as if he was playing a set of shocking halberds!



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