Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1427: Donghuangtai 1

   That’s right, [Lian Po] The great general of the same name Lian Po, the skill effect is like a great general sweeping through a thousand troops, all in one go, endless!

  Continuously break: Launch a continuous attack on the locked target, until the opponent dies or the character is interrupted by the action, the player needs to continue to click the normal attack button to ensure the continuity of skills. Single attack damage is related to skill level.

   In the beginning, Jing Tian did not expect [Continuous Break] to be used. After all, the premise of the skill activation is to lock a valid target. In this case, there is no hostile target at all. How can it be locked?

However, Lianpo was launched so inexplicably, which made Jing Tian somewhat surprised. After all, he was just thinking of trying it casually. You should know that there is such a hearty combo attack skill without using it. It is very troublesome to pile skills to break through chaos...

Don’t think that since the VR device is upgraded, you can directly read out the skill commands that the player silently read, but this kind of silent meditation is not meditation, the player must mobilize the facial nerves, at least have a mouth shape, otherwise the system will not recognize this command as a valid command .

   Therefore, even if you can chant silently, most players are still used to shouting out skills directly. Even if they have not finished shouting, the skills have already taken effect in the system first, but shouting out is still fun!

   is like in martial arts, fantasy anime, or movies, shouting before the move, as if the attacking momentum will also greatly increase.

   Of course, if you have to tell the other party your moves before you move in reality, then you really have confidence in your own skills...

   At this time, compared to shouting out a bunch of skills, it is naturally much more convenient to use one [Continuous Break] to repel the Qi of Chaos.

As the Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian whizzed frantically in the air, the surrounding chaotic air frantically filled the vacuum zone, but Jing Tian could clearly feel it, and his surrounding vision began to become clearer, although it was more similar to the outside world. It was turbid, but my vision slowly extended, and I could already see the environment several meters away!

   There is a door!

   After a short while, Jing Tian suddenly found that his vision had basically returned to normal level. After a few breaths, the continuous breaking skill was interrupted, which meant that the Qi of Chaos was killed by Sitting Jing Guantian!

   This setting is really inexplicable!

   Although the vision has returned to normal, Jing Tian turned his vision to watch the surroundings. Except for the exquisitely carved black patterned pillars, the huge shrine is actually empty, so empty that it makes people feel a little unreal.

   Empty city plan?

   Didn't you break the magic array?

   Shouldn’t, maybe it’s not the time to come, the **** is not at home?

  This has to make Jing Tian wonder whether the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, as a fallen god, has a relatively wide range of activities. At this time, he might be in other places in God's Domain, such as the sacred and inviolable Twelve Dragon Palace...

  Who calls people a degenerate god? It might be possible to do something sneaky while Haotian is away!

   However, just as Jing Tian was speculating on the setting of the twelve gods, a discordant voice suddenly sounded...

   "Oh? Someone finally came, and also broke the chaos array that the **** used to resist Xiao Xiaozhi, you are really very interesting."

   Jingtian looked around, but did not find any figures. He looked up at the high ceiling and found nothing.

   "Why, are you looking for this god?"

As soon as the voice of    fell, Jing Tian suddenly discovered that a thick cloud of chaos in front of his vision gradually turned into a human form, and then a white-haired young man in a white and purple robe tore away the chaotic aura with his bare hands, and walked out heroically.

   "Are you Taiichi Toho?"

   Jingtian didn’t know why he asked stupidly, because the other party didn’t have a name on his head?

   Or is it that you have been infected by the second-degree patients around you?

   Shouldn’t you rush up and click to interact to determine the identity of the other party?

   Call it out casually, can the other party understand?

However, what makes Jing Tian a little puzzled is that the person in front of him understands Jing Tian's problem and said without evasiveness: "Yes, the original **** is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the fallen **** among the twelve gods of China. Today. It is my first day of formal work, so please give me some advice."


   Formally work on the first day?

   Did this guy use the air pet’s robot dialogue system?

   I have to say that if the NPC has applied this dialogue system, it will become really nondescript. If I am the main strategy of the game, I will definitely deduct the monthly bonus of the game development team!

   can collect the player's voice information, and identify and interact. This kind of NPC may be able to set out some information!

   The corner of Jingtian's mouth immediately rose up with a strange arc, like a sinful clown.

   "I dare not be a teacher, why is there no name on your head?"

  Although the visitor claimed to be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Jing Tian felt that this guy might be a pet raised by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. Maybe he had any special transformation skills to play with him like Donghuang Taiyi.

   After all, it was a phantom array before, who is sure that it is not still trapped in the illusion now?

  Besides, the guy who kicked Tiannongjing likes to pit players the most. This kind of trick is very useful in weekdays!

   So, I must let the other party explain clearly Is that right? I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention. I must have accidentally turned on the hidden name function. I will release it now. "

what? Hide name?

   Are you a player?

  It is said that players do not have the function of hiding their names!

   Wait... Isn't this a plot?

   But what is the purpose of setting up such a confusing plot?

   Is it a task to find a name?

   However, after a few breaths, two lines suddenly appeared on the head of the white-haired man in front of him. The first line was the name [Emperor Taiyi], and the second line was the title [Falling God at Home].

   What is the name of the fallen **** in this family?

   The development team is being naughty again, isn't it an instruction to kick the patio well?

   The twelve gods so tall are turned into a non-mainstream by you!

   Isn't it right? All of this is an illusion, it's too silly!

   However, before Jing Tian accepted the title, Donghuang Taiyi spoke: "How is the title of the god, is it cool? I customized it."

   trousers, right?

  What the **** is customization?

   Players don’t have this function at all, okay?

   Jingtian has begun to suspect that this NPC is based on Yang Miaomiao's customized character, and the alien attributes are particularly conspicuous.

   "Can you customize the title?"

   "Of course, mortals like you are naturally incomprehensible."

   There is a smell of pride in the voice of the East Emperor Taiichi.



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