Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1454: Become a designer

"Isn’t there a function of trying on clothes before? It’s just in the experience store. That set of equipment is too expensive to buy into the home. Now it means that as long as you have a game console and a new helmet, you can try it on crazy. Ah! You don’t need to go out of the house and you don’t need to be as troublesome as before!"

"It's also great. There is a visual fraud try-on system in the store. You can try it on with a game console at your home. You don't really need to buy it in the store in the future. It's a pity that cosmetics are just trying make-up. Some skin care products are probably useless.

"Yes, there is no way to measure the sensitivity and insensitivity, but it still has a fly in the ointment! You can test it on your skin after trying it on in the store."

"Online shopping can be returned, what are you afraid of? You can also buy only from shops in the city. You choose to go to the upper body to try on. You don't have to wait in the store to try on. The shops are so popular that you have to wait in line every time. ."

"Don't be silly, it's not a complete virtual reality. If you can even measure the efficacy of skin care products, you might be able to go to the doctor virtually. Take the medicine directly, predict the effect of the medicine under the game system, and then choose the most cost-effective medicine. Come on, that's a magic weapon!"

Virtual medical treatment?

The system also simulates the operation of the human body?

Is your system omnipotent?

I have to say that the girl's jumping thinking is so strong that she can suddenly think of such a weird problem.

However, it can definitely be achieved without leaving home to try on at home, which saves a lot of time and allows girls more time to try on as they please.

"The social fashion creation system will also be open to players in the world. Players can create fashions on their own. Even if the fashion styles created are recognized by major clothing manufacturers, design patents can be transferred through game contracts."


Can you still make money directly as a designer?

Many people's minds immediately became active. This is exactly the new home occupation they need!

Although anchors are more profitable, not everyone has the desire to perform, and not everyone wants to appear in the public. Most people are still restrained.

I don’t know if Ki Tian Nong Jing came to pit the players today. I just gave everyone hope that after a breath, I would break the players’ dreams again.

"Of course, not all fashions created by everyone can be realized casually. Virtualized fashion based on real products, and clothing products based on game fashion are two completely different concepts. In other words, when a player creates a special Some of the fashions may be very exaggerated. Some details do not meet the standards of fashion production, and do not conform to the laws of reality, but they can still be formed in the game. But they cannot be produced in reality. This is not only about craftsmanship. The problem is also limited by the characteristics of skin-friendly materials."

That's why money is not so easy to earn!

If you want to sell your own creative designs in reality, you must pay attention to realistic needs and rules!

While kicking Tian Nongjing to explain, two completely different social fashions appeared on the screen. A set of gorgeous and cumbersome noble dresses floated on her left hand, and a simple and generous set of elegant dresses floated on her right. sportswear.

"Take the two sets of clothes in front of us as an example. The outer skirt of this gorgeous dress on my left is woven with pearls of the same size. This kind of clothing with pearls as the main fabric is extremely rare in reality. The workmanship is complicated, the cost is high, and it may be inconvenient to wear. Even if it is designed, it is very difficult to popularize in reality. Most clothing companies are reluctant to try unless there is a private order. This is an overhead realistic production process. And the game fashion designed."

Give everyone two breathing time to think, kicking Tian Nongjing and continuing to play: "And the relatively simple sports suit on my right hand is a game fashion produced based on the virtualization of clothing products in reality. If you design Such fashions may be easier to acquire by clothing companies. Simply put, when designing social fashions, if you consider that you can sell your designs for a good price, then the inspiration must come from reality and follow the characteristics of real clothing , Can’t be completely divorced from reality. If it’s just for the purpose of getting people’s eyeballs in the game, then it’s completely possible to oversee reality and create as much as you like according to the fashion elements provided by the system! But to sell in reality, you have to be a little bit ordinary and use ordinary materials Different styles of clothing."

Wow...All the players on the live broadcast were in an uproar.

"You can also create your own fashion. If you create it well, you can really sell it for money? I didn't believe it just now. If you think about it so carefully, it is really possible. As long as the clothes you make meet the actual production conditions, it's fine!"

"This is really a good idea. I have always wanted to design clothes for myself, but the barriers are a bit high, and I don't have time and tools. Now it's good. You can create fashion with your brain. It's great!"

"Yeah, yes, it would be great if you can wear the fashion you designed!"

"I think it would be the best if I could sell the fashion I designed to the world!"

"In the beginning, I said that fashion orders were placed in reality. I thought there were all over the city. Now it seems that I was wrong."

"That's it, you can make up and design your own fashion. It's great. For the first time I think Sky Dungeon is also pretty cute."

"Then the game has become very feminine?"

"What a joke, don't forget that many famous designers are men!"

"Yes, we men only know how women touch men's hearts, okay? I believe boys will definitely support are right, we fully support it! This brain map creation is awesome !"

I have to say that DIY is a love of men and women!

At this point, no one talks about the safety of the new helmet anymore. After all, the new experience the new helmet brings to players can no longer be hindered by safety or not!

Kitian Nongjing slowly put away two sets of social clothing, watching the reactions of the players, she once again showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, she continued to break the news: "Since I have makeup and fashion, I feel that I am short of a super contest of beauty pageants. Therefore, I decided to build Sky Dungeon in the near future. In this session of the guild power beauty pageant, each guild power can compete for the beautiful and handsome representatives through internal preliminaries, and then participate in the global competition! This competition will also have rich experience and black gold rewards, I hope all the brothers and sisters will participate actively! "

Wow... there was another exclamation and noise off the court.

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