Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1455: Qing Dynasty 1 Color Detachment

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There is even a beauty contest!

Is this going to give super benefits to male players?

This is definitely a super party for a blind date!

The beauties are gearing up, and the male players are full of enthusiasm. They once again look at the Kicking Tianlongjing with the eyes of watching women's clothes. I have to say that this woman really understands men!

"There are also some system updates that are not particularly important. After using the new generation of incomplete stealth helmets, the player's facial nerves will also be read by the system, and the expressions of the player's character will be highly adapted to the character's face. Everyone no longer It’s a zombie face, and no emojis are even needed in the future. Incomplete stealth is a real leap in the second world. The interaction between humans and the world will be more in-depth, so stay tuned!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone noticed the change in the facial expressions on Kicking Tiannongjing’s face. In fact, since the live broadcast, her face was filled with a variety of rich expressions. Everyone thought it was because the system had done special to Kicking Tiannongjing. Taking care and optimizing expressions, it seems that this is clearly the credit of the new generation of incomplete stealth system!

However, it can only be achieved by using a new generation of equipment. It seems that the equipment has to be upgraded. It is also necessary to upgrade the equipment for the social meeting, or it may be rejected by the system.

After all, everyone is on the scene with real people, and you use zombie fake faces to make up the number. Is that for a social blind date?

You are here to find abuse and indifference!

At this moment, Kitian Nongjing perfectly completed the introduction of the non-complete stealth system, and then the DI108 host of Tengyi Company appeared.

The beauties of DI108 brought beautiful singing and hot dance as soon as they appeared on the stage, and everyone can easily find that the current DI108 dance is more realistic, the movements are smoother, in line with the principles of live dance, and their facial expressions have become richer. , Without the previous rigidity.

It seems that Tengyi Company is not joking, the non-full stealth technology can be used universally, and even initially mature!

If the anchor style of Kicking Tiannongjing can be described as serious and witty, then the host of DI108 is naturally funny and hot.

The different styles made the anchor not cool down with the departure of Kicking Tiannongjing, but instead had the illusion of starting a prairie fire.

After the hot dance songs, DI108 elaborated on the system concept of kicking the patio well in the form of one question and one answer, and the idol group of Dungeon 108 even showed up and made detailed demonstrations frequently. The live broadcast atmosphere was a wave of waves. .

After kicking Tian Nongjing and ending his introduction, Jing Tian quietly reduced the live broadcast voice, turned on the communicator, and sent a message to Ralfa: "Unexpectedly, your chief strategy officer turned out to be a girl, and you are also a girl. Your game planning department doesn't have all the women's army, right?"

Obviously Jing Tian wanted to extract some information from Raal's mouth.

In addition, it's not that Jing Tian has any illusions about DI108 and is reluctant to shut down the live broadcast to collect information seriously, but now that there are constant experience points in the live broadcast room, I have to keep watching!

It’s really insidious to kick the patio well. When the news broke, there was no experience rain. Now when retelling those concepts and interacting to explain the details of these concepts, it keeps popping up experience rain. This obviously wants all players to listen carefully. , And players have to stay in the live broadcast room and listen.

Experience rain brought this live broadcast event to a happy ending. Players and game companies are absolutely happy!

I have to say that Kitian Nongjing’s consideration is very thorough. If it were not for the experience of rain, Jing Tian would definitely have left the live broadcast room. After all, after hearing the speech of Kitian Nongjing from the beginning to the end, Jing Tian has already obtained the information he needs. , And many players even can’t wait to rush to buy helmets and experience the incomplete stealth system for themselves. Where is the time and patience to continue listening?

With the rain of experience, all impetuous players listen to the interactive commentary of DI108, and players who are late after hearing the wind can also fully feel the fiery atmosphere of the live broadcast.

After kicking the Tian Nongjing speech, everyone already had a lot of illusions and doubts in their minds. At this time, all the questions in their hearts were raised. The DI108 on the court just extracted the questions for interactive answers. It was really natural.

However, Jing Tian's ridicule of Ralfa's remarks did not get a response in the first time. After a quarter of an hour, Ralfa's reply came back.

It seems that this guy is really busy!

"My dear husband, how did you find out?"

No way, Tengyi company plans to use the All Detachment Army?

This is not in line with common sense!

This guy must be joking with me!

I can really deal with myself casually!

" be serious. I've been watching the live broadcast. Why didn't Kicking Tiannongjing mention the huge changes brought by incomplete stealth to the game operation? Get rid of the traditional operation method and use brain information control. Everyone will adapt to There is a stage of discomfort Why is there no introduction and explanation of such an important thing?"

Jing Tian said the doubts in his heart. After all, in his opinion, if this kind of thing is not explained to the player, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble and commotion.

Do you want players to yell at them after they level up?

Or, because you are afraid that players will not upgrade their equipment, your income will decrease?

Now it is clearly a 50% discount, which is not profitable at all, and a large number of players buy it. What good is it for the game company?

"It's completely unnecessary, just treat it as a surprise for everyone!"

What kind of surprise is this?

Wait... This seems to be a surprise. Although it is out of the controller game, this experience must be very mysterious. All players can only experience it for the first time in their lives. How can it not be a surprise?

Seeing Jing Tian’s silence, Ralf seemed to see through the changes in Jing Tian’s mentality, so he affirmed: "Dear husband, it is indeed you who have been worrying too much. You have too amplified the incompatibility brought by the incomplete stealth system to the player. Ignoring this kind of incompatibility is precisely an innovative experience. Moreover, this kind of experience can only be unspeakable. Even if the palace is required to explain it in person, it is only a paper talk, and everyone can experience very little. New The new experience of the device is inherently reasonable, so when we upgrade from a keyboard phone to a touch screen phone, we can adapt to it as soon as we get up?"

Sure enough, Ralfa also uses a non-complete stealth system!

The key is, let the palace explain it in person?

This regards himself as an important person, and the main game player kicked Tiannongjing.

Who do you think you are, is it better than the main strategy of the game?

I think you just want to live on stage and talk about the experience, the company leaders disagree!

How could such a good opportunity to show your face give you such an unsuccessful fellow?

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