Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1458: Good pillow

  Especially after the sneak system, I believe there will be many places where gold coins will be used, such as food and beverage, such as fashion...

Therefore, few people will leave the obsolete host as a backup device. After all, once the upgraded host is used, it is very difficult to switch back to a low-configuration machine. This is like sharing a bed with a fairy every day. , One day it makes you feel nauseous and uncomfortable when you switch back to bed with the sow.

  As the saying goes, it’s easy to get from the poor to the rich, but it’s hard to climb from the rich to the poor!

   Many people cannot bear the frustration of failure.

   I have enjoyed a lot of good days, and I just can't stand the test of life if I just have some suffering and all kinds of unhappiness.

   Without thinking about recycling old equipment, everyone can’t wait to lie down in the new helmet, or in the new pillow.

  Don't say it, Tengyi didn't know which home furnishing manufacturer cooperated with this kind of anti-sky technology, lying on it even more comfortable than the pillows I usually use!

   Sure enough, games can promote the development of the world economy, and can also change the quality of human life and sleep quality!

   Maybe you don’t need to buy a pillow in the future, just sleep with this stuff!

  恩, games can promote the development of deep sleep!

   "Frog, do you think that lying on this thing at night will have any radiation side effects on the brain? What if you are exposed to radiation for a long time and become a brain disabled? Does Tengyi buy us insurance?"

   The old dirty woman Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts started to jump again!

   Is there a side effect of wool?

   If there is radiation, it is only when the helmet is working. Why don't you worry about radiation when playing games, you have to worry about radiation when you sleep?

   If you are afraid of radiation, move it aside when you sleep and keep it away from your big head.

   Besides, Tengyi Company just wants to buy an insurance for players. Will the insurance company carry out this project?

  What project?

   Brain damage risk!

Although I complained in my heart, Jing Tian’s mouth had to be honestly comforted: “Don’t worry too much. They are all certified by the United Nations. They will not affect health even when playing games. This kind of thing is not as big as a mobile phone because of work radiation. You sleep with your phone on your back, don’t you still get smarter and smarter?"

   "That's right, then I'm not afraid, maybe sleeping with a pillow can promote brain development, maybe IQ a day longer!"

  You really can push your nose to your face!

   I hope this device will increase IQ......

   "The pillow is good."

   Yun Yiyi seems to be very satisfied with the open pillow design of the new helmet, and she rarely praises her.

"I don't know which home textile factory produced this. I must make a lot of money now! I don't know if there are other home textile products, we can buy a large quantity. I want a super comfortable pillow, and I am in a good mood. You can warm up the field when you are in a bad mood, and be a venting bag when you are in a bad mood."

   is right, Sky Dungeon has inexplicably promoted the development of home textile production and manufacturing!

   This may be the charm of the product. When a brand's products are created to the extreme and are recognized by users, other products it produces will also become popular.

  Everything is ready, Zhao Jiaxue suggested calling a countdown, and the three of them opened the game link together...

   After a few breaths, the helmet self-test was completed and the work was officially started. The three felt as if their souls had been touched or pulled away by something. This feeling was very strange.

  Although, in this case, you can still feel the condition of your body, but no matter it is your hands, feet, eyes or mouth, you are no longer under the control of your own brain!

   That's right, the three of them entered a state of incomplete stealth almost at the same time, their bodies and physical feelings are still in the real world, but they are already Sky Dungeon!

   This weird feeling is very similar to the previous visual fraud, but it is fundamentally different, and these differences cannot be described in words, and they are very mysterious.

   After entering the game, the system directly transfers the player who used the non-full stealth for the first time into the learning copy.

   No matter where the player was originally located, they must enter this dungeon without exception and cannot be skipped.

   Yes, the new operating mode must have a process of explaining, learning and adapting.

   If you just let the players explore on their own, they might get confused and even want to retreat!

   "Thank you dear for using the incomplete stealth system of Sky Dungeon. In the brand-new system, you can try real-life action awareness to control character actions. Please try to raise your hand first."

   The gentle and affectionate voice of the system sounded like a loving mother educating her newborn baby. The voice of cherishing feathers is mixed with a smell of encouragement and expectation.

   Jing Tian tried to gently raise his arm, and as expected, his character's arm was raised under the control of his mind, but his arm in reality was still firmly on the bed surface, not moving!

  How does Jingtian know that his arm is not moving?

  Because Jing Tian can clearly feel the feeling of putting his hands on the mattress, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

  If the arms in reality are also raised, it would be really funny. What is the difference from ordinary VR equipment?

   "Congratulations on coming to this world!"

   The system congratulated It turns out that this is really here, yes, my soul has entered the game world, and I can use my mind to control my character!

Jing Tian looked at his character’s hand, tried to twist his arm, and turned the palm of his hand towards him. The character completed his brain instructions very well. However, the biggest difference from reality is that after raising his arm in reality, the arm will Gravity produces a certain amount of gravity. To maintain the posture with the arms raised, you must use your body against this insignificant gravity.

   However, in the game, Jing Tian can't feel this kind of gravity at all.

   In other words, if Jing Tian is willing, he can easily keep raising his hands without feeling tired at all.

   That's right, the somatosensory information sent to the player by the incomplete stealth system is limited.

   Even if the player lifts a weapon in the game, he will not feel heavy.

  Or, as long as the weight of the game character itself is not overloaded, the player will not feel heavy.

   The specific situation needs further testing.

   This is to make it easy for everyone to play for a long time. If all the actions in the game are transferred to the brain, I am afraid that the player will feel very tired after playing the game.

   "Now, you can try to take a few steps forward and move your limbs, just like in reality."

   Jing Tian did it naturally, twisting his neck, lifting his legs, and feeling the character's physical condition...



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