Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1459: Teaching mode

I have to say that although the arms and legs do not convey the feeling of fatigue, there is still a sense of balance. If you do not maintain balance while raising the legs, the character will fall directly, but the maintenance of this balance is easier than in reality. too much.

   is like a simplified version of human balance. Under this simplification, the character can make many exaggerated movements.

   "Now, you can try to touch your cheek."

   Stroking the cheek?

   How do you feel that the guidance of the system is weird?

   Actually, I noticed that when Jing Tian moved his hands and feet just now, the system will transmit part of the tactile information of the hands and feet to the player!

Now Jing Tian raised his hand and stroked his cheek without hesitation. After the next breath, Jing Tian was curious to find that his hand felt soft and elastic, but there was no big hand on his cheek. The feeling of coverage.

   As expected!

  The feeling of hands and feet is very important to the player's gaming experience, so players can feel the game environment, objects, creatures, etc. through their hands and feet.

However, this feeling is really strange. Obviously, my hand is still on the mattress, and my arm can clearly feel the pressure on the bed, but the feeling on my hand is temporarily altered by the touch in the game. .

   As if to verify Jing Tian’s guess, the system prompts: "Now the system is about to start the weather change, and players can feel the weather in the game from now on."

   For an instant, the sitting Jing Guantian who was in the training room was directly transported to an icy and snowy prairie.

Snowflakes the size of cherry blossoms continue to fall above the sky, but Jing Tian’s cheeks and nostrils can’t feel any coolness at all, but his hands and feet have already felt the cold at this time, and the hands and feet are still there. Constantly sending cold signals, stimulating his brain.

   Jingtian subconsciously rubbed his hands together. This rubbing didn't matter, he really felt that the temperature of his hands had risen.

It’s a really interesting setting. If you make the player feel cold all over, it’s easy to mistake it for the feeling of your own body in reality, but only the temperature change that can be felt by the hands and feet makes it easy to distinguish the true from the false. The player is lost.

   More importantly, friction and heat are actually effective in the game!

   really pays attention to details, putting a real coat in the virtual.

   Before Jing Tian can savor the mystery, suddenly the snowflakes in the sky hover, as if the entire time and space are still.

   is Ralf?

  Is it right? How could Ralf enter the teaching mode?

   This must be the process that the system has designed!

   As if to prove what Jing Tian was thinking in his heart, sitting on Jing Guantian's head suddenly appeared nine rounds of the sun, the dazzling sunlight swayed on his body as much as possible, making Jing Tian curiously raised his hand to cover the glare and peer into the sky.

   However, with the next breath, the snowflakes hovering in the sky suddenly recovered their freedom and continued to fall downward. However, under the warmth of the nine-day sun, they could no longer maintain the shape of the snowflakes, and it turned into a torrential rain!

   Feeling the downpour of the sun and rain, the cold feeling of rain came when the raindrops fell on the back of the hands, which made Jing Tian feel very comfortable.

   However, in the next instant, the soil under his feet became muddy. Jing Tian looked down and saw that his feet were already in the mud, and there was a soft illusion from the soles of his feet.

   That is the case, it is very necessary to feel the environment with your feet!

"I believe you have already noticed that under the incomplete stealth system, the game will not generate too much somatosensory information to the player, so as to prevent the player from being confused about whether these somatosenses come from the game or the real world. However, in order to open a window for the player , To feel the environment in the game world, so the system conveys some deceptive somatosensory to the player through the hands and feet of the character, so as to satisfy everyone’s real experience of the game."

   Indeed, yes, if there is no sense of touch, even if the game world in the field of vision is real, it will be difficult for the player to be there!

   "Now, you can try to jump!"

Looking at the ground again in Jingtian, the swamp has disappeared, the ground has grown lush weeds, and there is an indescribable sense of comfort when stepping on it. If you lie down, it will be very comfortable, but even if you lie down, you may not feel it. The tactile fraud in the game is limited.

   said to jump and jump, Jing Tian used half of his strength to try to jump on the spot, but with this half of the strength, sitting on the well and watching the sky has already jumped high, at least half his height off the ground.

   "You can jump with all your strength!"

  No matter how many well days are there, anyway, it is the teaching mode, and I simply used my best to jump on the spot. This time, kicking the sky and the well soaring into the sky, the height of the jumping on the spot definitely exceeds his own height!

My goodness!

   This feeling is very strange. If you are in reality, even if you try your best, it is impossible to get two meters off the ground, otherwise you will definitely become a basketball superman!

   But This feeling is very good, Jing Tian couldn't help but tried to jump several times, but as the number of consecutive jumps increased, Jing Tian found that the height of the character from the ground was decreasing!

   That's it!

   This kind of thing does not happen in the original game, because each jump will add a cooldown to the character jump, and the player must perform the jump again after the cooldown.

   However, this is not the case after the application of the incomplete stealth system. In order to allow the player to use the body of the game character to the fullest, the player is allowed to jump continuously, but the action required for the jump becomes complicated and requires the player to control it by himself.

   If you use improper force and jump too high, you may be attacked as a target. If you force too lightly, you may not be able to avoid an oncoming attack.

"Yes, I believe you must have discovered that under the new system, the character can achieve continuous jumps. Not only that, most of the basic operations of the player will no longer set the cooldown time, but the large-scale actions of the character will consume physical strength and physical strength. After consumption, all large-scale action effects will be affected. Even after the stamina is completely consumed, the player needs to rest or drink food to recover. The specific value of the stamina is displayed below the player's mana, and the color is orange."

Sure enough, Jing Tian glanced at the character status icon with about 30% transparency in the upper left corner. In addition to the original vitality value and mana value, there is an orange stamina value, and the stamina value is recovering at a slow speed. Rising.

   The difficulty of the game has suddenly increased. Just how to deal with the use of physical strength is a university question!



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