Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1460: stamina

   And the stamina may also be related to the effect of the jump. For example, a full jump after the stamina is dry, I am afraid that the effect is definitely not as good as the full jump just now.

   I don’t know if the stamina of running and the stamina here are the same thing?

   The system seemed to see through what Jing Tian was thinking, and continued: "Now, you can try to run forward."

   It seems that the two are really connected!

   Jingtian ran, but the speed of sitting and watching the sky is not ideal. Although it is running, the speed is not as good as the player's sprint in reality, but compared to ordinary walking, the speed is several times faster.

After all, if you can run without restraint in the game, it will be easier to avoid the enemy's long-range attack in a non-combat state. The difficulty of the game's long-range career will also increase, and the starting advantage of the remote career will also become A disadvantage.

   It's even more impossible to run fast in a combat state. If you can run fast, wouldn't the sprint skills be a tasteless one?

   In short, although the game is a second world, there are also second world rules. It will not be as exaggerated as in some novels and animations. You can speed up and sprint as you want. The system must consider the player's speed attribute and the weight of the equipment.

   In other words, even if the player wears heavy armor and holds heavy weapons in reality, it is impossible to sprint fast!

   The exaggerated shots in movies and animations are naturally in order to make the picture more intense, while the game needs to respect the facts and consider the balance of the game.

   However, what Jing Tian cares more about is the changes in physical strength. Sure enough, the physical strength bar is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, but compared to jumping in place, running consumes less physical strength per second.

   This is natural. Jumping takes only 1 second, and it will directly consume a large amount of physical strength. If you run at the same consumption speed, then if you don't run a few steps, your physical strength will be exhausted!

   This naturally doesn't respect the facts too much, and obviously it would not be so illogical to kick the patio well.

   However, Jing Tian can also feel it, which is completely different from the previous stamina consumption.

   If you used the breathing step before, you might be able to run for a long time, but now, I am afraid that the original breathing step usage cannot be maintained at all.

Because the natural recovery speed of stamina is obviously slower, if you stop running at three-quarters of the stamina, if you want to wait for the stamina to automatically recover before running, the time between this interval will double than before. More than.

   It seems that the system is to promote the development of the catering industry, but the player eats food after running out of physical strength!

   That’s right, as long as you run quickly until the speed drops and stop to eat food and drinks, the player’s stamina will quickly fill up, so that the player can move on.

   I just don’t know if you can use this sprint faster than walking in battle?

   Is it possible to stop and eat secretly during the battle?

Sure enough, Jing Tian thought about it, and the game planner also thought about it. The system directly introduced at this time: "If the player's physical strength is exhausted or exhausted in a non-combat state, he can quickly recover by eating food. But in a combat state, the player cannot eat. Food, and the physical energy consumption of fast running will greatly increase in combat. It is recommended that players do not use sprint, but use jump dodge."

   That's it!

   In order to get closer to reality again in the combat state, the player is allowed to run fast. After all, it is weird not to run, which is not conducive to the real experience.

   However, as long as the stamina consumption of fast running is greatly increased, and even equal to the consumption of flash jumping, it can avoid the abuse of sprinting in the battle state of the player, and bring unnecessary other troublesome experience to the game.

   What troublesome experience?

  , of course, is a battle royale. If you can't beat it, you will run away, and you will recover while running, and you may even go to your side players to seek shelter.

   I believe that Mozu players absolutely don't want to see this kind of scene. In that case, PVP would be too boring.

   "Well, in addition to these basic exercises, you can also try to squat and lie down. This is exactly the same as reality."

   Being able to get down means that the player can lurch better and more comprehensively in some complex landscapes, but once discovered, it is difficult to get up. There is a process of getting up.

   In other words, it is definitely an unwise choice to get down to avoid an oncoming attack.

   Unless you stand in the trenches, you will become a target when you get down, and you will surely usher in a ruthless blow from the enemy.

   This is another kind of self-falling effect.

   Jingtian casually tried the action of getting down and getting up, and he lost interest.

   "Now, we will restore your own attributes and equipment attributes, your movement speed and movement speed may be fine-tuned, please try."


   Is it a body without attributes just now?

   Running so slowly without wearing gear?

   But it’s the same, novices should be at that speed, otherwise as the attributes increase, wouldn’t it be going against the sky?

   Jingtian immediately recalled the bit by bit of the operation just now, so as to wait for the operation to compare.

After a while, Jing Tian was operating the restoring attributes, sitting Jing Guantian, and repeating all the previous Jing Tian was surprised to find that his character's movement speed was greatly improved compared to before, and he was jumping, flashing, etc. In terms of movement, the movement process is greatly shortened, and his body seems to be obviously lighter!

   As expected, he is a general!

   Not to mention that I am equipped with a heavy load, but I must know that my attribute points are all added to the agility attribute without reservation!

   You must know that the agility attribute increases the movement speed and avoidance. The general's passive professional skills [General Order] also increase the character's movement speed and avoidance.

   The order of the generals of Tier 6 can increase the speed by 25%, which makes other professions sigh.

Although before, the agility attribute has been spurned by people, even if the whole body is added agility, it will not bring the player supernatural speed, but under the incomplete stealth system, the speed attribute will be fully reflected, gradually showing the power of this attribute And practical.

   It’s not that there is an ancient saying: The world of martial arts is only fast and not broken. As long as you run fast, how can you lose?

   Of course, in a non-complete stealth system, the speed is fast but all aspects are fast, not just as simple as running away, the body's limbs can complete various movements faster.

   The convenience produced in this way is in all aspects, and it is definitely not limited to walking speed.

   Jingtian's eyes lit up at this time, as if he had seen some treasure.

   "Maybe you are not used to it right now, but it doesn't matter, it will be better gradually, and with the changes in your equipment, your speed of action will also undergo subtle changes. Now, I will return your weapons to you."


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