Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1469: Riding the Clouds and Falling Snow in the history of the Guild

   So far, some people are excited to say: It turns out that games can relieve the pressure of urban traffic!

   Of course, this has negative effects. For example, the business of taxi drivers has declined significantly, and the sales of some transportation vehicles, such as automobiles, have shown a downward trend, which makes related industries worry.

   So more people came forward to criticize the promotion of Tengyi's virtual office.

   After all, in this way, the interests of these people have been weakened, and they can only put their anger on Tengyi Company.

   However, they didn't realize that their biggest enemy was not Tengyi, but the unmanned driving system.

   At present, unmanned driving systems and dedicated unmanned roads are being piloted, and even large-scale planning has been carried out. In the future, the profession of taxi drivers will completely become a historical product.

However, the employees of major companies supported Tengyi Company this time. After trying the virtual office, the vast majority of people fell in love with the incomplete stealth system and the virtual office, which saved a lot of traffic incidents and The transportation expenses, makeup expenses, and clothes purchase and rental expenses all smiled.

   Of course, although they save money in reality, they have added extra expenses in the virtual office system, such as makeup.

   If you want to use makeup in the office system, it is not free, but you need to purchase it.

   But compared to buying in reality, the purchase price in the game is cheaper, and the use time is long, the effect is good, it saves some troubles of makeup, and also cares for the skin. Girls still prefer virtual office.

   However, it is precisely because of the low prices of virtual items such as office fashion and make-up that it has spawned a trend of comparison and waste, which is the same as games.

   Even though fashions are time-limited, many female players like to buy multiple sets of fashions at the same time, rather than wear one fashion time limit to the end and then change to another set.

   This provokes some social comments, and the target is the virtual office system.

   But in this era, is it illegal for women to make-up?

   Is it illegal for women to make-up on avatars?

   So, these accusations were quickly swallowed by the woman's saliva.

  At this time, some people may ask, does the virtual office system have a virtual appearance setting? Do I still need makeup?

  Of course, the premise is that the company has purchased the avatar system, but most Huaxia companies are still reluctant to purchase this system. After all, if the purchase is turned on, it may not even be clear to colleagues who will meet in the future.

   Some foreign companies are more open-minded, especially those companies that value ability rather than appearance. They still spend a lot of money to open their virtual images.

However, regardless of whether the avatar is turned on or not, everyone’s face is without makeup. Although the avatar will not produce ugly girls, it will not produce beauties with heavy makeup. Therefore, even in the avatar system, employees want to be in good looks Big fuss.

   In other words, there is no one step to reach the peak of appearance. Kicking the Tian Nong well has already dug a hole, waiting for everyone to jump.

Furthermore, some companies do not require uniform dress code, so many female employees frequently change their clothes in the virtual office. Although this trend is contrary to tradition, it gives the company a sense of prosperity. Most company leaders Also acquiesced.

   After all, in reality, many companies have no dress code requirements, especially Internet companies. Most of the companies that use computers for office work are Internet companies. The bigwigs of these Internet companies are generally more open-minded and rarely conservative in these aspects.

   In this week, the whole world is destined to focus on the imperfect stealth system. Sky Dungeon, as the essence of the game, has been firmly suppressed.

   But this week, it did not affect the enthusiasm of new and old players at all. In the process of adapting to imperfect stealth, everyone found strange ways to play and enjoyed it all.

   However, just after the so-called anniversary event ended, the Cloud Riding Guild immediately received the warning of the invasion of the demons.

   In fact, regardless of the name of the power invaded by the demons, everyone can guess that it is: the moon-destroying power.

   In the past two years, the overbearing forces of the ruining moon have declared war on the Riding Cloud Guild many times, and most of them ended in failure.

   Even though their main members are married and have NPCs to help them, compared to Ralf’s perverted existence, it is simply the difference between ants and elephants.

   However, in the later period, the moon-destroying forces naturally discovered that the use of skills is restricted when the NPC participates in the invasion of the forces, so they arranged a wheel battle to test the cloud riding guild.

Soon, they verified their guesses and found that although Ralf is against the sky, but the skills of the against the sky have an upper limit, so they find ways to consume Ralf’s skills and quickly supplement their combat power to suppress the cloud riding alliance. , Causing them to slip into the middle palace of Qiyunluoxue several times smoothly, destroying most of the It was not that Jingtian could not beat the Americans, but the situation was very complicated. The player on his side is at level 45 of rebirth, and the players who have entered the middle palace are all level 60 stalkers...

   I have to say that this trick is really amazing. The weakness of the Riding Cloud Guild lies in itself. If the Riding Cloud Guild is allowed to face the demons alone, it will almost certainly be defeated.

   After all, during that period of time, many players from the Cloud Riding Guild were born, fighting the five scum!

Without Ralf’s time and space magic, all members of the Cloud Riding Guild returned to defense, and it was too late. More than 20 stalkers directly wiped out all level 60 hired NPCs. Although the members of the Cloud Riding Guild who drove back to the station played a role in restraining, However, facing the huge gap in levels and equipment, Qiyunluoxue Guild was bombarded by the demolition brigade in turn.

   Even though the members of the Riding Cloud Guild gave up their lives for several consecutive counterattacks, they still flew to the fire like moths, giving away many heads to the enemy for nothing.

  In the end, the guild hall was not spared, and the resident of the riding cloud guild fell for the first time!

   That time was a shameful shame in the history of the Qiyunluoxue Guild, and it was also the first time that it was completely defeated by the demons.

After   , Jing Tian felt painful and thought, and took multiple measures to prevent stalkers from sneaking into the guild, and never repeated the same mistakes.

   Although it did not repeat the same mistakes, the Mozu still used various strategies in subsequent attacks, which caused a lot of trouble to the Cloud Riding Alliance.

   Moreover, on the day when the Guild of Riding Clouds fell completely, the demons celebrated with the world, and finally they removed the giant mountain that seemed to have occupies them for many years!



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