Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1470: The punishment of ruining the moon

   The overbearing person at the time only hated that he didn't arrange for anyone to start the live broadcast, because it was fighting against the Cloud Riding Alliance and losing more and winning less. Doesn't the live broadcast mean self-humiliation?

   In other words, they have been defeated and fought repeatedly, and even a little numb. Although there is some progress each time, the progress is very small and they cannot open the situation of victory.

  No one would have expected that the sneak attack was so inexplicably successful!

After    won the victory, the overbearing was still stunned for a long time, and then he praised the strategy master to make up the sky, after all, he planned the attack.

   Of course, Meng Tianshi is not welcome. After accepting the compliments, he also asked for a lot of rewards for the personnel who launched the sneak attack. It can be said that everyone is happy.

   Jingtian was also a hundred secrets, and finally gave the enemy a loophole. This time he stumbled and was scolded by some people, including Zhao Jiaxue and Jiu Qianxun.

After all, Jiu Qianxun, a canine girl, has been fighting with her heart. Seeing Jing Tian’s squat and losing her guild residence, she naturally has to fall into trouble, take the opportunity to swear, and continue to convince herself that she should never listen to Jing Tian again. Ordered.

   Zhao Jiaxue was just furious, feeling aggrieved, and spreading all his inner unhappiness on Jing Tian.

   Jingtian felt ashamed, so he didn't refute anything.

   After the incident, the forum directly exploded. Those more than 20 stalkers were using video recordings. They posted all the videos of killing the members of the Qiyun Guild and destroying the buildings in the Qiyun Luoxue resident.

   I have to say that the number of times the members of the Riding Cloud Guild have fallen is definitely the most in history, so the killing videos left for the opponent are naturally countless, which is puzzling.

After all, the previously exposed videos of the deaths of members of the Riding Cloud Guild are always anticlimactic. The content deletion and deletion seems to cover up the truth, but this time it is a complete video, and under the domineering instructions, everyone used the original video. , Without any processing or deletion.

   For a while, these videos were directly promoted by Mozu players one after another, and the popularity of posts was about to reach the sky and the sun side by side.

However, the members of the female emperor husband group will not be at peace. They have come forward and produced some videos to prove that the moon-destroying forces are shameless. They bypassed the frontal battle through a sneak attack, and were defeated in a frontal battle in exchange for a sneak attack on Qiyun. Opportunity to stay in the palace in the snow.

   Moreover, in this confrontation that took place within the resident, the moon-destroying forces could not win. Knowing that Qiyun Luoxue's members were generally low-level, they also sent a stalker brigade of level 60 or above, which was clearly a bully.

   What is so strange about high-level players abused low-level players? It is shameless to use it to hype.

However, there are so many Mozu players who care about so many, all the way triumphantly devalued the Cloud Riding Snow Guild, and even listed all the shameless actions that the Cloud Riding Guild had done before, and called this battle a holy war, a battle against evil. You should use thunder against the evil, and don't pay attention to fairness at all.

   They continue to use this kind of remarks to fight back against the remarks of the female emperor husband group.

   even the demons shouted: "Take advantage of his rebirth to kill him! The trust of Tengyi Company should accept God's punishment!"

   "Take advantage of his illness, destroy his house!"

   "What kind of punishment, it is obviously our punishment for ruining the moon!"

   "Yes, the punishment for ruining the moon is to punish all evil!"

   "The punishment for ruining the moon, punishing all evil!"

   "The Yankees are starting to act as world law enforcement again!"

   There are even players clamoring to let the demons directly cross the border and flatten the Alliance City.

   "Take advantage of this opportunity, and go northward, and you can surely smooth the alliance cities!"

   However, most players also have a steelyard in their hearts, and they also understand that the Cloud Riding Guild did not lose thoroughly this time, and the moon-destroying forces did not win enough.

   Even the overbearing power of the Moon Destroyer has such a knot in his heart, always thinking about defeating the Qiyun Luoxue Alliance once.

   At the moment when Tengyi Company announced the listing of the non-complete stealth system, the domineering body suddenly shook, and he found that the opportunity he was waiting for had come. This time he must bloodwash the Riding Cloud Alliance, and completely step on the Ride Cloud and Luoxue!

   So, a conspiracy was brewing, the anniversary just passed, and the bully sounded the horn of the conspiracy.

   When Jing Tian asked about the situation of the Jade Demon Alliance, he learned that the Demon Race had declared a full-scale war. As long as everything that could be declared was declared, it really was another world war!

However, Jing Tian couldn't understand why the Demon Pact organization chose to launch a war at this time. After all, everyone has just come into contact with the incomplete stealth system. Although they have gained a lot of understanding after this week of adaptation, there are still many unsuitable and unskilled It’s almost like playing a brand-new game. Now it’s difficult to play half of the operational strength when confronted.

and many more!

   Does the Mozu just don't want everyone to use their full operational strength?

   Jingtian came to a conclusion that made him a headache.

   That’s right, if everyone’s operational strength is affected by the incomplete stealth system and cannot use their previous combat skills, then the victory of the battle will test the number of combatants and the level of equipment.

  In terms of the number of players, although there are many Alliance players, the number of Alliance players at work is limited. Maybe at the beginning, everyone may take leave of absence to go home to participate in battle due to the invasion of the demons, but now few players will do this.

What's more, many companies now use virtual offices, which are interoperable with the Sky Dungeon system. Although you can directly enter the game when you ask for leave, if the company leader checks his account, he will immediately find out what he did when he asked for leave. .

   So, this kind of fake really can't be asked casually.

  Furthermore, with the development of the game, the invasion of the demons has become commonplace, and few people will ask for leave to play games because of this kind of thing.

   After all, I will get a little excited at the beginning. As time goes by, everyone finds that there is no need to be so truthful, so they will naturally look down on this kind of thing.

   Therefore, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, the demons chose a time when a Chinese player went to work to declare war, so as to weaken the combat effectiveness of the alliance players as much as possible.

You should know that the number of Chinese players is quite terrifying. Most of the players in the Blue Wolf Group Guild are civilian office workers and student parties. At this time, most players with better combat power are not online, and their combat power is less than the tenths of the time when they were fully defeated. One part.

   The goal of domineering this time is not the Blue Wolf Guild, and he doesn't want to fight against the Alliance players. If you find the Alliance to launch an invasion war when most of the players are online, it might be self-defeating.

   Jing Tian thought about this, and felt more and more that the domineering did indeed play a good card this time: taking advantage of the void.



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