Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1471: Never wait and be beaten

   is not only the illusion of the number of people, but also the illusion of the operational consciousness, the illusion of everyone's comprehensive combat power!

   Not to mention the entire alliance, it’s just its own cloud-riding alliance. The number of online players in this time period is also very embarrassing. Even if everyone calls friends and friends, after 2 hours, they will be as many as the demons.

   There is no advantage in the number of people, and the operation is not satisfactory, so we have to fight for the quality of the equipment!

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian felt bitter for a while, and shook his head helplessly.

   Everyone understands that the average level of equipment of the demons is a level better than that of the Alliance players.

If it was before, everyone could use Jing Tian’s command and various precise operational attacks to resist the demons, but now Jing Tian doesn’t have any confidence in the players of his alliance. He even feels that even if his command is awesome, everyone The operation is impossible to be precise and sharp.

   The current situation seems to be that no matter how powerful a general is, he cannot bring out a murderous chicken.

I have to say that the overbearing person is really despicable to the extreme. If he is really allowed to succeed this time, everyone really has no reason to refute the demons. After all, everyone’s game environment is the same. You are not familiar with the new system and criticize Mozu, right?

   After all, you are not familiar with the system, and Mozu players are not familiar with the new system either. Everyone is the same starting line, so there is nothing to complain about.

   In other words, as long as you lose this anti-Demon invasion, this battle will inevitably become an opportunity for the morale of the demons to rise.

   Moreover, after the defeat, the Mozu will definitely use a lot of speech to denigrate its own guild, and even the entire cloud-riding alliance, to disintegrate the alliance.

  Although everyone has worked together for so long, they won't be scattered at the touch of a touch, but they are sure to leave a shadow in their hearts.

Furthermore, it might be possible that the powerful demons will have a live broadcast, and maybe there will be game media watching and participating in the battle. At that time, players from all over the world can observe the battle in various ways, and its influence is definitely not insignificant. Big, not far-reaching.

   No, it seems that I have to talk to each guild leader, and I definitely can’t wait for the beating!

   Soon, Jing Tian analyzed the severe situation of this battle and the various presidents of the Riding Cloud Alliance.

The other 7 guilds also have a serious look. I have to say that most of their guild players have also updated their gaming equipment. Even if they have not purchased a new console, they have also purchased a new type of helmet and opened a non-complete stealth system. Under the new system, Although everyone was full of curiosity and yearning for the new world, they also found that the battle was not going well.

   Obviously, what Jing Tian said is true, and the current trend is not good for everyone.

"Boss sitting on the well and watching the sky is right. I think this time the Americans are going to put us in a pot. If we still look at this demonic invasion with the previous mentality, I'm afraid we will be drawn from the bottom of the pan." The president of the riding gold guild [golden] Liuli] sighed.

   "What about it, we can't just let the guild resident be handed over? Even if we can't beat us, we will die heroically. We can do our best to fight the enemy. In the end, even if we lose, we have to make the other party pay the price."

  Thailand Cycling Association [Canoe] voice is full of aggrieved and unwillingness.

   Indeed, this may be the most embarrassed time in the history of the Riding Cloud Alliance. It seems that there is no hope in sight. Even the leader of the alliance is a little helpless while watching the sky, and the president is full of powerlessness.

"Huh, the U.S. emperor is really deceiving people too much. I will order everyone in the guild to fight online. Even if they lose, they will have the backbone to defeat! The strength is insufficient, the number of people will come together!" North Korean Fire Riding Guild President [Yin Zhengjin ] Righteous indignation filled the saying.

   Haha, your Fire Riding Guild is simply the first gold-making group in history that is based on a country. It is okay for you to push the world BOSS. With your combat power, even if all members are online, it is really not enough!

   It's not that you look down on you, but your equipment and skills are not as good as the average level of league players.

   I really don’t know if you have fallen into the eyes of money. In the past two years, you have been earning money wildly and are only interested in gold coins. If it is not for fighting the five scum to push the world BOSS, wouldn’t you want to fight the world with orange equipment all the way?

   Fortunately, there are bosses forcing you to upgrade your equipment rank, but your equipment level is more than one rank behind other guilds?

   Just because the most advanced magic core is easy to sell for money, you sell like crazy, don’t keep one?

   Don’t you know that you have lowered the overall strength of the alliance?

   If it hadn’t been for a long time, I would have kicked you out of the league...

   I feel more and more painful thinking of these wells.

   However, Yin Zhengjin is right. If you flee without a fight, it will definitely hurt morale. Besides, this is also a good training opportunity. Failure is not terrible, and sometimes it can be a fuel to spur everyone's growth.

   "Indeed, we can't be crushed in the face of the American conspiracy. This battle is nine deaths, and we have to fight them to the end." The Cuban Guild President [Feng Zhongying] also expressed his attitude.

   The remaining presidents also expressed their opinions. Although they are not optimistic about this battle, they have not lost their few of them do not lose momentum. The presidents of the Riding Cloud Alliance are still wise.

   If you lose your spine, you will not have the courage to fight every time you see you again. Although the Americans have lost many times to everyone, they have never been afraid of being beaten. On the contrary, they will become more and more courageous.

   Maybe losing once is good for the entire guild.

The Cloud Riding Alliance went so smoothly. It used various methods and operations to smooth out the equipment gap with the enemy. When these methods are exhausted, if you want to defeat the enemy again, you must surpass the enemy in terms of numbers and casualties. Pay heavy figures.

   So, Jing Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and said lightly: "Since nine die for a lifetime, then it is better to use mirages and steal beams for pillars."

  A mirage?

   Stealing and changing posts?

   "What does the boss of riding cloud mean? Is it a guild resident skill that costs a lot of gold?"

   Guild resident skills?

That’s right, a year ago, Jing Tian used the Mirage to establish a false guild station outside the Riding Cloud Alliance station, tricking the demons into using a lot of combat power to kill all alliance players, resulting in insufficient stamina and impact. When the Real Riding the Cloud Alliance resided, he was defeated.

   In the past two years, some guilds have used mirages unexpectedly, but as long as the demon commander obtains the location information of the alliance guild’s location in advance, then this trick of deceiving a three-year-old child will not take effect.

   Therefore, rather than using a mirage, most guilds would rather use stealing beams to exchange columns. Using stealing beams to exchange columns allows the guild residence to launch a powerful spatial teleportation, and to change the position of the guild residence to a place away from the original residence.


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