Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1493: Endless fantasy mode

Jing Tian decisively chose the endless fantasy mode, and the system immediately prompts: "Your choice will open another door of inspiration for life. Now you can try to focus on a piece of equipment while imagining it in other colors."

Jing Tian placed his gaze on his spirit stone bundle. The original bundle of hair showed an ordinary bright silver color, with a water blue spirit stone inlaid in the center. The appearance looked ordinary, especially It's one of the most common colors in gaming equipment.

  What color should I change?

   Jing Tian thought of green inexplicably, but before he could react, the system had recognized his thoughts, and replaced the bright silver hair with green, just like a miniature green hat. It was a bit magical.

   Unexpectedly, in the endless fantasy mode, the system can really capture your own thoughts on colors and quickly process them!

   But it was too fast, I was not ready yet, so I got green.

   shook his head in his heart, wherever there is someone who cuckolds himself, he just thought about it, and changed his hair to a golden color.

   This kind of gold inlaid with jade has the taste of being tall. The silver before it was all sold on the ground. After so many years, the world's pursuit and enthusiasm for gold is still indelible.

   The color has changed, should I engrave some patterns on the hairline?

   is just pure gold, with too much metal and some hardness, just like uncarved jade, lacking beauty.

   What kind of pattern should I engrave?

   So, Jing Tian imagined his favorite patterns in his mind, and soon he discovered that if he fantasizes about some anime patterns, such as the appearance of an anime character, then the system cannot recognize and present it.

  Only when you imagine some patterns that match the background of the game, the system will show your phantom content.

   Obviously, the system recognizes the player's phantom information very highly, and also recognizes and categorizes the pattern content. If it does not meet the background of the game era, it will not be displayed.

   This guarantees a sense of harmony and substitution in the game. If the player unscrupulously imagines some avatars and anime characters in the real society, there will always be an inexplicable sense of jumping out of the game.

   This sense of jumping out will lead to a lack of second-world realism in the game, which is unwilling to see Kitian Nongjing and Jingtian.

   Just like some traditional online games, they are obviously magical and different world online games, so they have to engage in daily activities like cycling.

  Bikes obviously shouldn’t appear in these games. They don’t fit the general background of the game. Players will have a sense of jumping out every time they play and cannot fully integrate into the world built by the game.

   Another example is that some games are mixed with different platform gameplays. They are obviously magic role-playing, and a dancing game mode must be implanted. It seems to enrich the game content and gameplay, but it is actually destroying the game environment.

   There are also games that are clearly rpg online games, and they have to come up with some chicken-eating competitive mode. While blogging people’s attention, they planted the foreshadowing of decline.

   These gameplays may seem novel, but in reality they will become the cracks of the game, which will eventually bring the game to death.

   Jingtian can't tolerate this happening, so at the beginning of game planning, he set an iron rule: anything that violates the background of the game is not allowed to appear in the game.

   Some people may be dissatisfied, and they have to ask: Then why is there such a setting as Xinghuacun Wine?

   And why do you want to select scenic spots in reality?

   ahem, who ruled that Xinghuacun wine is not allowed on Aiyinsi Road?

   Didn’t see that the appearance of Xinghuacun wine also followed the background of the game, did not use modern glass bottles, but wine jars?

There is also, whoever stipulates that the other world cannot have similar scenic spots, and the scenic spots in Sky Dungeon are only formed on the basis of real scenery, not the original appearance, and there is no deviation from the game background. set up.

   But if you want to make any tank in Sky Dungeon, even if it is made of wood, it is absolutely not allowed!

Therefore, Jing Tian can only imagine some dragon and phoenix patterns in his mind, trying to make the hair more beautiful, but because the hair is too small, after this change, there is no aesthetic effect at all. In the end, he has an idea and dreams about the hair. There is a peach pattern, the appearance of Miao Tao is really very cute, and it also symbolizes peach blossom luck.

   It’s not bad, good luck, I’ve always had good luck in the peach blossoms, this is even more worthy of the name...

A similar situation has happened to many players. Some of them experience the wonderful sense of creation brought by the endless fantasy system, and some people use the palette in accordance with the rules, just like operating a Meitu software, but, You don't need to cut out the picture yourself, you can easily change the color of the equipment.

   However, players who use palettes definitely don't have the illusion of making heaven and earth.

You must know that the feeling of good fortune is really great, as if you are a god, you can dream come true with just one thought, and you can control everything in the world. For those who want to create and control, it is definitely their own heaven. .

   "Dear I found that the system does not seem to have an open social fashion system?"

   After studying for a long time in Jingtian, after modifying the equipment on his body, he suddenly thought of this question and sent a message to Ralf at will.

   However, he is not sure if Ralf is online, after all, this guy will only show up if there are major events on weekdays.

   "Hehe, my husband is really smart, in fact, there are still some problems with the social system, so I can't go online for the time being."

   "What's the problem? By the way, why didn't there even an announcement when the fashion system went online this time? It's not in line with the usual style of kicking the Tiannongjing."

   "Announcement? Dear husband, you shouldn't be so confused. The announcement was made a week ago."

   A week ago?

   Jingtian thought about it, the next breath, a flash of electric light flashed across the sea of ​​consciousness, he found that he wanted to understand everything!

   " mean the anniversary is the system announcement?"

   "Of course, so many people have read it, how can it not be counted as an announcement? It's just that there was no clear time to go online at the time."

   Jingtian immediately went into deep thought, he suddenly felt that kicking Tian Nongjing was indeed a very insidious guy!

   Are you digging holes for the media this time?

After    and many other media have released various opinions on this matter, Tengyi company personnel will surely come forward and explain: All the content announced on the anniversary will be released gradually from time to time, and there is no need to update the announcement.

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