Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1494: Bone Suit

   In this way, everyone will continue to pay attention to the development of Sky Dungeon, instead of the traditional time-announced propaganda, and know the new content of the game well.

   This will allow players to always maintain a sense of anticipation and surprise for the new content of the game. Maybe someday when it goes online suddenly, there will be a new gameplay released?

   In order to know that the new gameplay is online for the first time, it must become a daily routine to scan forums or game information websites.

   Yes, this kind of effect is what we want. This is to let everyone pay attention to the game to continue to rise, enduring!

Don’t underestimate such a setting. Players will naturally browse some headlines while logging on to forums and game websites every day to follow Sky Dungeon, which invisibly increases the viscosity of the game, and makes everyone want to participate in it inexplicably. What to interact with, and then promote the continued popularity of the game, or even increase.

   "By the way, dear queen, what question did you just say?"

   "Hee hee, it's not a big problem. The main thing is to distinguish the social system of the game from the social system of the virtual office."

"That's the case, that is to say, it is necessary to define whether fashion meets the background of the game, and how to define it, and there are still some difficulties in delineating the boundaries? In other words, many clothing is borderless, even without world boundaries. But, too fashionable The appearance of clothing in the game will destroy the environment. I think you may be restricting the fabrics that make up the game’s fashion, so that you can block most fashionable clothing."

"Hehe, I really can't hide from my husband, we are indeed working hard, and it will take some time. However, clothing companies hope that modern clothing can also enter the social system of Sky Dungeon, which can promote clothing sales. After all, Clothing that matches the background of the game is almost impossible to wear in reality."

   "Uh... these profiteers are really good at selling modern clothing to the virtual office. It's pretty good, but they have to sell the messy things to the game world."

"That's right, these people are too greedy, and they don’t know at all. They want to continue to expand the market and destroy the game environment. The company will not let them succeed. Now the planning department is so noisy. After all, the social gameplay is relatively independent. , Is equivalent to in a specific copy, even if you use modern clothing, it will not affect the background of the game too much. Everyone who meets frankly in reality is to jump out of the background of the game, so using modern clothes is not completely impossible. I hope that they will discuss a result as soon as possible, so I don’t have to have a headache."

   You don’t have to have a headache?

  What's the matter with you?

   Are you the person in charge of this project?

   Even if it is, it’s not your turn to make a decision, right?

Soon, Jing Tian took the lead in completing the fashion of combat equipment. He usually has all kinds of equipment on his body, so this time he did not personalize the various equipment parts. He also thought that he did not have the ability to match colors and did not use colorful ones. With matching, all the equipment on and off the body has been changed into a color: white.

  White is an eternal color. Jing Tian feels that white is more suitable for him, especially with his own weapons.

   That's right, at this time, sitting in the well and watching the sky with white exterior equipment looks very individual. After all, most of the equipment will have some color, and pure white equipment is extremely rare. First release https://https://

   Especially with the white bone-refining halberd sitting in Guantian's hand, it made him look like a bone war **** walking out of the buried ground.

   In this way, a white armor is like bones, full of weird and solemn atmosphere.

   That's right, it's the air of murder. A white dress is not necessarily a wedding dress, it may be a white bone, exuding a strange smell of death.

   Seen from behind, the two broken wings of the fallen angel and the black hair on top of his head formed a perfect echo, black and white, with a different kind of death beauty.

  Black is also an eternal color, black and white symbolizes Tai Chi and two rituals, full of the avenue of the world.

   I have to say that although Jing Tian lacks color aesthetic cells, he uses black and white permanent colors. The accidental hits and collisions made a lot of brilliance, which attracted passers-by to stop and watch, and there was a lot of discussion.

   There were even unknown passers-by approaching Jing Tian, ​​thinking that he was the bone suit exploded from where.

   It seems that not everyone still knows that the fashion system is online!

  If you like it so much, you can completely paint your equipment white, provided that you usually keep some furniture, otherwise you will be discouraged by the price of the system.

   Originally, Jing Tian wanted to wait for everyone to come out of the fashion system, but waited and waited for everyone to come out, he asked the situation aloud, and when he heard it, he understood that the feelings were completely lost.

   Yes, there are too many choices in front of me, and how to match them becomes a very painful thing.

   This is like a moonlight clan who suddenly received thousands of beautiful clothes, but if she was asked to choose the most beautiful clothes from these thousands, then she would definitely collapse.

   Now most female players have such an illusion, too many choices are in front of them, but it is difficult for people to make up their minds.

  In comparison, the speed of big-handed male players is faster, but each one has to indulge in it for an hour or two, hesitating.

   Female players directly used shopping-like superpowers to the extreme, and no woman who knew each other in Jingtian thought they would end in a short time.

  They are like running a It is impossible to do it overnight.

   This caused Jing Tian to wait a little to collapse, but he was also quite helpless, and could only quietly go offline after dropping a personal copy and completing the service mission.

  Wait for such unreliable things like women, it is better to do less, and you must find something to do first.

Affected by the fashion system, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue both went on strike, saying that they would continue to create unique and peerless fashions. At the end, Zhao Jiaxue also said: "You can just make something for lunch. Yu Yan's!"

   Feeling Yu Yan, this game madman has secretly written to you all!

   But, why didn’t I receive the battle book?

   It’s right to think about it, how can you compete with yourself?

   Is it more handsome than me, or is she handsome?

   Things like Bimei are still comparable to the same sex!

  Walking around in the kitchen, the instant noodles have been eaten to the bottom by the fat man. Obviously, the remaining bowl of noodles is not enough to support everyone's dining together.

   Thinking of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi's resolute attitude, Jing Tian definitely doesn't think they will end the equipment embellishment in a short time. Since there is nothing to do, it is better to cook by yourself.

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