Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1503: Who said that the 70th-level copy can be found at the 70th level?

It is precisely because there is no level advantage that the dungeon competition becomes interesting. If we are allowed to pass the dungeon first with the level advantage every time, many people will not be convinced. "

"Hehe, okay, I think it would be very interesting if you could see the Alliance guilds of the same level compete for the first pass of the level 70 dungeon. It's nothing to tell you."

"Sure enough, there is a level 70 dungeon! But why didn't everyone find it? Some of the Alliance players even took a live broadcast of looking for dungeons, turning around almost all the places where dungeons might appear, why didn't they find new dungeons?"

"Hehe, who said that level 70 dungeon can be found at level 70?"

What the hell?

Isn't the level 70 copy discovered at the level 70? Is that still called a level 70 copy?

If there is no way to find a copy at level 70, should it be found at level 80?

No, from the attitude of Ralfah, it is clear that a level 70 copy can be found now.

"Wait! What are you talking about, is it that a level 70 copy can only be discovered at level 71?"

"Hehe, congratulations to your husband for the right answer."

Do you want to be so headstrong!

Kicking Tiannongjing is really a complete pitfall. This kind of setting has to be changed suddenly. Will it pit players?

"It won't be this way for the next two years! Could it be that the time and experience of the past two years have been the rounds arranged by the Tiannongjing to paralyze everyone's rounds? But is it necessary to pit players like this once?"

Jing Tian is a little confused, the main strategy of the game Kick Tian Nong Jing has reduced professional ethics to a new low!

"Hehe, the husband blamed her this time. For the specific reason, you need to experience it in the copy."

"Well, you tell me the coordinates of the copy, or tell me the approximate location, I will arrange a carpet search."

"Hehe, what the palace told you, isn't it a lie for the public? So this palace will not tell you the coordinates and directions. Even if you tell your husband, the husband will think that the palace is lying to you. But you can try to go if you have time. Look at the level 25 dungeon, maybe there will be something special to discover."

Level 25 copy?

Dried water curtain hole?

This is also the first copy of Sky Dungeon.

Indeed, if Ralfa simply told him such a coordinate, he would definitely suspect that she was playing tricks.

However, now hearing what Ralf has said, then it must be carefully considered.

Why go to the lower level 25 dungeon? Few people now grab the competitive ranking of the level 25 dungeon. Even if someone is going to grab it, there is no need to arrange players from the first echelon to grab it.

After all, in the competitive mode, the level has no advantage at all. As the level increases, the level of the monster BOSS will increase accordingly, and the skills will become more abundant and changeable. The difficulty of challenging the competitive mode will continue to be upgraded to new heights. The odds will increase a lot.

Cloud Riding Guild seldom wastes dungeon competitions, most of the dungeon competition rankings are divided by major guilds.

Even if there is a change in the ranking, it is just a matter of switching between these big guilds.

Wait, it seems that it is precisely because the top players no longer go to the level 25 dungeon, so the 71 dungeon is placed in the 25 dungeon!

The setting of kicking the Tiannongjing is really amazing. If it weren't for Rafa's reminder, I believe that I will never find the news of Level 71 dungeon in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the 25-level copy turned out to be the key to the 70-level copy!

"It's that simple? Isn't there a level 70 team that has been to a level 25 copy these days? Isn't there a team?"

Indeed, there is really no reason for level 70 players to go to level 25 dungeons, but no one is there at all, and it is impossible. After all, there are so many wonderful things in the world. Maybe any scenic party will go to the water curtain cave for a tour?

"Hee hee, my husband is really getting stupid, and he said that level 70 is impossible to open a level 70 copy."

Yes, yes, there is such a weird pit!

Anyway, I have nothing to do, contact and contact, see who has enough food, I will pay for the wasteland...

It's a long-lost instance of level 25, and it's not bad to revisit it.

After some contact, Jing Tian was completely embarrassed, and even the alien Yang Miaomiao didn't buy his own account, and was stunned to carry on the food.

Looking at it this way, Sky Dungeon can completely turn October 26 into an online game food festival!

Not to mention, Jing Tian's random ideas did not expect to be realized today the following year.

Tengyi Company abruptly built October 26 into an online food festival. Not only online games, but all take-out and food platforms will carry out crazy promotions. October 26 became the world's food carnival.

Never thought that games can also promote the development of festivals...

However, after three consecutive days, Jing Tian did not organize a team of five people to open up wasteland.

If it is a normal wasteland reclamation, for the sake of insurance, more than ten occupations should be organized, and the big guild directly gathers 42 occupations, and important occupations even back 1-2 members to open up wasteland.

After all, no one can be sure what kind of situation will be encountered when opening up wasteland, no one knows whether there will be natural enemy skills, individual occupations, or double tanks and double nurses.

There are also special monsters that require special natural enemy professions to crack. If the professions are not complete, it is easy to waste time.

Now open up wasteland, you can form a group of one hundred people, although only five people really attack the BOSS, but the other 95 people can also gain knowledge, right?

Therefore, compared with the luxurious lineups of other guilds, Jing Tian felt ashamed that he could not even have a copy of the five-man group, which was really a frustrating experience.

When did your leadership influence become so weak?

I spent a week of food festival in a haunting Jing Tian also admired the willpower of a few women more or less. Although he ate in the game, he did not turn his attention to takeaway, and he still adhered to it. The iron rule set before, is determined not to order takeaway.

But on the other hand, everyone’s food has become richer inexplicably. After all, there are so many delicious foods in the game, and it is impossible not to eat in reality. Since I want to eat, I naturally want to taste the game in reality. Food, the girls are doing their best to reproduce the food in the game.

In fact, this week, many players have fallen into the offensive of special takeaways.

The previous analysis of some experts is not wrong. If your brain receives the illusion of tasting food, it will still produce the corresponding decomposing enzymes in the intestines. This decomposing enzyme will make players want to eat similar foods in reality.

This is why Tengyi Company and the food industry are not afraid of the taste and chewing fraud system, and will not worry about the virtual food completely replacing the traditional catering industry. The older generation is right. People are iron rice and steel!

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