Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1504: Big stomach game

It’s okay if you don’t eat a meal, it’s considered eating control. If you don’t eat it for a day, it’s okay. It’s a short-term fasting, but what if you don’t eat it for three days?

Maybe, see God directly!

Therefore, the catering industry does not worry that people will not eat because of virtual food. They even found out that in the game, card shops only need to enter the taste and chewing data of the relevant ingredients to obtain long-term economic income. It is a one-time investment in data collection costs, and there is almost no need for maintenance in the future. Only new dishes need to be updated. Such a simple investment has made a lot of money!

Not only that, the food delivery industry is also blooming in the food festival. Everyone tasted various foods in the game, which caused the appetite to open, and the platform directly exploded!

That's right, it's just a burst of orders, and major restaurants have put up free-to-play cards, and have to temporarily close business to handle a large number of orders.

The takeaway riders are even more happy, and the commission is about to double again this month!

However, for users only, this experience can be relatively poor, the process of waiting for food is a long time, let alone time out?

Of course, some restaurants that have not opened virtual food tasting seem to be relatively deserted, and the business is even less than half of the usual. This makes them have to inquire about the situation of the list of restaurants. After learning that it is the taste of the taste collection, one by one Gritting his teeth, reluctantly clicked the button to apply for taste collection.

Yes, not all restaurants support taste collection.

After all, many restaurants lack self-confidence in the taste of their meals. If the taste of their meals is thoroughly exposed, their business may plummet.

You should know that relying on the traditional way of food delivery, you only use graphic evaluation to infect users, and you can also fish in troubled waters, but if you want to use taste collection, there is really no possibility of cheating.

However, these shopkeepers have figured it out one after another. They should no longer rely on full reduction and appetite to maintain customers. Starting from today, they must be diligent in their cooking skills and must try to produce unique cuisines in order to have a place in the future takeaway competition!

In other words, the food that is only relied on promotion and marketing cannot survive for long!

In a sense, Sky Dungeon has promoted the qualitative change of the entire food and catering industry, and consumers’ habits have also changed imperceptibly, stepping out of the consumption habit of seeking full price reductions, and pursuing better taste. Good, fresher and more delicious meals.

In any case, this energy is positive, allowing consumers to touch food more truly, even if there are errors, it is far more advanced than traditional methods.

For a whole week, the craze of world foodies being silent in the food world gradually receded. This week is probably the most peaceful week in the history of Sky Dungeon and the week with the highest user viscosity!

That's right, according to official statistics, in the past week, the demons launched invasions in less than double digits, and the completion of various daily routines is less than 20%, but the online rate of players at the same time has reached an amazing number: 78.4%!

Even in the preliminaries of the guild power competition this week, everyone performed a little mediocre, but fortunately, kicking Tian Nongjing seemed to have been expected, and turned the guild hegemony competition into a big stomach game...

Sure enough, eating goods is a disease! And it's still a contagious disease, even kicking the sky well was also contagious!

Needless to say the grand occasion at that time, all the contestants were as excited as a chicken blood. However, not long after the game started, all the participating players were dumbfounded...

Where is this big appetite game? Players need to find foods scattered in every corner of the city. After eating them, they have to do multiple-choice questions to select the ingredients that are full of the food they just ate!

OMG, this is simply a foodie contest, it is a chef contest!

But it’s right to think about it. Eating food in the game does not take up your stomach. If the game is a big appetite, wouldn’t it be difficult to distinguish the winner from the game?

Eventually became a bigu contest?

However, the ghosts know what ingredients are in the food they eat, especially when they see the dense condiments, when they have to choose the correct answer, the foodies feel that the food is so disgusting for the first time!

You must know that if you choose the wrong or missed ingredients, you will deduct some of the Big Stomach points, and the naive idea of ​​simply trying to win by eating crazy is completely wiped out.

Sure enough, kicking the sky and the well is like pitting players!

As a result, this game without any gunpowder was extremely difficult. However, at the moment when the guild madmen were unable to do anything, there were people in the Cloud Riding Guild who performed extremely brightly. That person was not Fat Luoxia, and It's a little mother!

Jing Tian also had to admire the old witch's cooking ability. After all, she also had a certificate of mythology, cooking and other things, especially the taste of the ingredients.

The little mother can be said to have passed the three stages and cut a hundred generals. The food points are all the way Yaoyao leads. Everyone in Jingtian is a little ashamed.

Although the level of the village woman is not as good as the little mother, but the famous teacher has high apprentices, Liu Yaya also has some talent in cooking, and has a good understanding of the ingredients, so she ranks second in the riding cloud guild.

Why do Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi often cook, but their points are far removed by Liu Yaya?

On the one hand, the cooking skills of Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi are concentrated on home cooking, and the taste of some high-end ingredients is difficult to recognize.

On the other hand, their lack of knowledge and knowledge of some foreign spices has led to frequent errors.

The little mother and the village woman are different. They have eaten pork and have seen pig running. They naturally have better running Nan Lingxi, Lin Yumian, Bei Yuyan and other women inexplicably and Zhao Jiaxue The score is half a catty. This is because they have eaten too many dishes. They have seen foods from various countries, and they can eat one or two. With their own experience, they can also choose some correct options.

The most unbearable one is the fat man. Although this guy is a foodie, he is not a foodie. He is not rejected at all. Where can I extract the essence from the food?

In the eyes of a fat man, there are only two kinds of food: delicious and unpalatable. What you think is delicious is nothing, and what is unpalatable is food.

That's right, even if it's unpalatable, fat people can swallow it, and it's not right to waste food.

Therefore, don't let the fat man distinguish between the ingredients. For these constantly refreshing multiple-choice questions, he has only one way to deal with it: choose randomly according to your mood!

The situation of the rest of the people is not much different from that of the fat man. The alien brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters who have died from grandchildren, and the twin sisters of unknown origin are all worthless.

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