Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1505: Illusion

Therefore, even with the existence of the little mother, the celebrity cook, Qiyun Luoxue's total points could not be ranked among the best, and he finally ranked fifth.

This session of the guild power competition broke out unpopular, and the league and the first place of the demons were moved back home by ordinary guilds.

It has to be said that the game world is still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, with talents from all aspects and various opportunities. When it is your turn, you can win the guild power competition as long as you grasp it.

No, the chef lovers will dominate the world this time...

The next day, Jing Tian finally made up enough teams for the lower level 25 dungeons. In order to avoid revealing the fact that Ralf had leaked the wind, Jing Tian didn't explain the true purpose, and it was also one of the important reasons why he did not collect the dungeon members this week.

Of course, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi naturally knew in their hearts, especially Zhao Jiaxue, at that time she could listen to what Jing Tian said without a word.

However, Jing Tian did not expand the matter, and few people knew about it.

After all, with Liu Yaya's lessons learned, if Ralf's help is exposed and becomes a target of public criticism, I am afraid it will be difficult to get any effective information from her in the future.

Although Raalfa is a member of Tengyi's plan, he also needs his own protection. You can't disclose too much information to avoid excessive rumors and bring unnecessary trouble to Raalfa.

In the end, Jing Tian took the black and white brothers and sisters together with Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue to the 25th level dungeon to open up wasteland, saying it was a wasteland, but in Jingtian's view, it was to die. After all, the purpose of this time is to find a new level 70 dungeon, so that it can be justified. Open up wasteland.

In order to wronged the black and white brothers and sisters to accompany him to the level 25 dungeon, he also gave a very pitiful reason, saying that he had received a strange task, and must lead players above level 71 to clear the level 25 competitive dungeon, and if this task is not completed, I will be punished by the system crazy, and I may clear my experience bar directly...

Obviously, this is a lie to deceive a three-year-old child, but it is this low-level lie that finally won the sympathy of the black and white brothers and sisters.

Of course, there is a promise of a big meal.

Jing Tian felt desperate for his appeal. He didn't expect that he would have to move out of the temptation of delicious food in the end to barely gather this wasteland team...

It has to be said that the team configuration can be said to be extremely bad, such a team may not even see the first BOSS after discovering a 70-level dungeon, but as long as a new dungeon is discovered, Jing Tian has a strong reason to pull the guild. People enter the water.

At the very least, Jing Tian believes that the temptation of the first kill is greater than that of food.

After dressing up in fashion, the costumes of the bright elf who didn't understand the black were portrayed with various patterns such as gossip. It was a bit of a god-stick, and it was really incompatible with his bald monk's head.

That's right, no matter how Buddhism uses his fashions, the only thing that cannot be changed is his bald forehead!

There is really no one with this appearance... still smiling bald rivers and lakes!

Although Bai does not understand black, he also used fashion dress up, but this guy's anthrophobia may not be cured in his life. Even after two years of getting along, he still hasn't let go of his guard, and he can sneak in front of everyone. Resolutely do not look at everyone.

Especially after applying the incomplete stealth system, this guy's anthrophobic attribute has a tendency of worsening. After all, the player character image he is facing now is vivid, the details on his face are vividly portrayed, and every smile is like reality.

This is definitely a huge challenge for Xiao Hei, who was originally afraid of seeing people coming.

Of course, it takes a long time to adapt to the challenge, especially to overcome the challenge. Anyway, Xiao Hei has failed many attempts in the past few months.

Therefore, except for the poor black not knowing white who dares to face the enemy after entering the sterilization mode, most of the time he is still silent in the sneaking world and cannot extricate himself.

It was already used to meet frankly with the insiders of the guild, but now it seems to be back to the starting point.

What a illusion that one has fallen short!

What have you done in the past two years?

Why doesn't Xiao Bai seem to be making any progress?

When will her phobia be completely cured?

Yun Xueyiyi’s snow-white magic stone robe is covered with ice crystals and snowflakes. The magic stone is used as the ice sculpture, and the pattern is filled with ice and snow, so that her cold appearance is covered with a layer of frost and wind. The special effect of the "hair dryer" of the elf itself makes people feel inexplicably cold before getting close to her.

No thanks to the Queen of Coldness, she has become the Queen of Ice and Snow!

The most unsightly is Zhao Yunxue'er, this guy is outfitted with brightly colored and dazzling equipment, and the curves are uneven.

However, I don't know what the old filthy lady thinks, and even smeared the place on her chest in **** color. Although in reality there are women who like to wear **** colors for the primer, it is a foul in the game!

The texture of this color and equipment is too similar to the skin itself. If it's not that the naked color is only curvy and lacks more basic human characteristics, then female players must click to report, someone uses a skin plug-in!

However, this is only the first impression. If you look closely, the nude-colored equipment is obviously not so sleek, not like the character's body skin, as if it is covered in human skin, full of weird atmosphere.

If it's just so vulgar, what's more important is that three words are printed strangely on this guy's back feather cloak: Seeking wealthy.

Does the fashion system allow players to portray text?

Although there is no explicit stipulation, the text is not allowed to be directly imprinted as equipment patterns.

However, if the player visualizes the text, it is another matter.

What is textualization?

To put it simply, it’s the word art. How could this kind of bug-carving trick be stumped by our original game artist Zhao Jiaxue, who created his own word art. In a circle, the three characters "seeking a wealthy man" are depicted, like a seal For her, the general effect is naturally easy to come by.

Therefore, Jing Tian thinks that Zhao Jiaxue's fashion effect is the most horrible, vulgar and strange to the extreme.

However, I have to say that since Zhao Jiaxue used this dress, more and more men have taken the initiative to tease her, but Zhao Jiaxue's mate selection standard is always the same, that is: the only child of the rich!

After opening the 25-level dry Water Curtain Cave Dungeon, the five people walked in in a big way, but as soon as they entered the Dungeon, the five people quickly discovered something wrong.

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