Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1530: Questioning Ralf

After the next breath, the five saw the dark monkey's legs buried in the soil, its arms opened, and its hair grew crazily, like dead trees in spring, the growth factors poured in frantically, and a violent chemical reaction occurred.

In just a few breaths, the Dark Monkey King turned into a reduced version of the dark ancient tree in the shocking eyes of everyone.

Is this guy himself a dark old tree?

The old tree became a fine and became a monkey king?

This relationship is a bit messy!

No, this guy is obviously more evil than the dark ancient tree, after all, this guy still maintains the appearance of the dark monkey king, like a weird treant.

Before everyone complained about its appearance, the guy's originally closed eyes opened sharply, like a corpse, his eyes were filled with the deadly desolation, which was really scary.

I have to say that the current incomplete stealth system feels so realistic. Sometimes just a small detail setting can scare people, and there is no need to deliberately create any discordant pictures.

Before everyone exclaimed, the dead branches that grew from this perverted guy suddenly sprayed out all around, like countless sharp arrows, making the entire cave nowhere to hide.

In fact, there is no way to hide. After all, it is a plot, and what this guy displays is a nirvana that covers the entire map. What's more important is that all operations are forbidden, and the system can only let the system pierce his character into a dumb chicken. Hedgehog.

After that, even more terrifying scenes occurred. These black dead branches stuck into the body were not as sharp as imagined, but suddenly turned into black worms, like slender earthworms, hardened diamonds. Entered the bodies of five people.

Is it still a poisonous insect attack?

Although this picture is not bloody, it is somewhat disgusting.

After the next breath, everyone lost the light completely.

"It's disgusting, what is this thing getting into our body? You are responsible to us! Amitabha, may God be with the insects."

There are too many people in this world who hold me in charge!

Not only beautiful women, but you **** sister control!

Before Jing Tian organized a language to refute anything, the five people's eyes lit up, and they had obviously been sent a copy.

"What's happening here?"

That's right, the five people discovered the strange situation at the same time, whether the buildings in front of them or the jungle, they were not as tall as their own.

Could it be that after the earthworm just got into his body, it made the character huge?

Is this a punishment?

But what is the meaning of such punishment?

Could it be that after becoming huge, everyone can't take on normal tasks in a short time?

Or even say that the huge body can trample NPC to death in a few steps and directly become the wanted criminal in the alliance?

When the five people carefully looked at the changes in their bodies and skills, they almost simultaneously got a shocking fact: where is something huge, they are clearly turned into a monster by the Dark Monkey King!

That's right, what made the five people collapsed is that not only did he become a monster, but he also became a world boss inexplicably, and the system pit cargo also made the coordinates of the five people public, and now countless players are coming to siege the strangers. World monster.

Originally everyone was attacking the BOSS, but now in a blink of an eye, everyone has become the object of the player's hunt!

Although there was a similar experience before, it was sent to the Demon Realm to hunt and counterattack the Demon players, but the current situation seems to be completely different. Obviously, the system is calling on the Alliance players to eliminate the magic and defend the way...

You can easily play the killer in the face of the demons, but what should I do if I meet a familiar alliance player?

Especially those from the guild of the Riding Cloud Little League...

"Brother save me, I can't sneak, so many people rushed to me, I'm so scared!"

Poor Hei does not understand Bai no longer sneaks, like a kitty whose tail has been trampled on, and no longer has the ability to show off his claws.

"Killing goods, this is not over with you! We will refuse to team up with you in the future!"

Jing Tian only feels a headache. It seems that it will be difficult to ask the black and white brothers and sisters to cooperate in some activities in the future.

As the saying goes, it’s a trick to be bitten by a pig for ten years and fear the pig hum!

The five people who became the BOSS of the world appeared in different cities. They were originally places where people came and went. With the coordinate reminder of the system, the five people were like headless flies at first, and they could only run wild. Soon everyone found tragically that their range of activities was restricted by the system, and they couldn't escape at all.

Sure enough, it turned into a BOSS to slaughter the demons before, it didn't limit the range of action, but now he has become a real BOSS, unable to escape at all.

As a result, the five can only stop and start a desperate battle with the players.

what? Can it end soon?

Don’t be naive, Jing Tian and the others noticed the special mutation state from the beginning. In this state, a certain number of players must be killed to transform back into player form. The system did not give an accurate answer to how many players were killed. .

Relying on the ability to perform short-term negative state immunity, five people will kill the four directions, but when the skill effect is over, the five people will be frequently interrupted by the player's skills, and it is impossible to form a very effective large-scale killing.

As a result, the five quickly fell honourably and became the first invading BOSS live-action models to be pushed down by players.

Obviously, it is not so easy for the system to let go of the Jingtian Five. After the five people die in battle, they will be transported to another city to continue the invasion. This invasion farce will not really stop until a certain number of players are killed.

This day should be one of the few embarrassing days in the history of Jingtian First I was tricked by Ralf into the dry water curtain hole to open up wasteland and transport in an endless loop, but then I was pitted to climb trees and crashed. Times.

Finally entered the real 70-level dungeon, and ended up being anxious by all kinds of groups.

Finally, he was airdropped to the player's city, serving as a target for free labor, and being beaten and beaten by players around the world.

Although in terms of the number of people, the number of players killed by five is of course more, but the feeling of being besieged by world players is really uncomfortable, especially Jing Tian was also sent to Alliance City by ghosts and spirits, and the Riding Cloud Guild arrived after hearing the wind. The other members fought against him, and the feeling of being betrayed by the people was really terrible.

The most important thing is that there is no reward, and feelings are a punishment mode. Be a real BOSS coolie for free!

Needless to say, the first thing Jing Tian did after he recovered the player's true identity was to question Ralfa.

"Did you deliberately? Knowing that the level 70 dungeon has many organs, so you easily revealed the news to me?"

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