Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1531: What are the prizes in the seventieth level copy?

I thought that Ralfa would pretend not to see the news even if he saw the news, hiding in the corner and laughing secretly, but unexpectedly, Ralfa directly teleported and appeared in front of Jing Tian, ​​as if he was ready to bear him. Of anger.

After taking a deep breath, she said with a look of nothing to do with herself, "Hehe, my dear husband, my house does things according to the rules, and the company stipulates that whenever the level 71 inquires about the level 70 copy, we all You have the right to reveal the wind to the players. Moreover, this palace did not participate in the detailed planning of the 70-level dungeon. The difficulty of the dungeon is not clear. I did not expect that there are still dungeons in this world that can hardly beat you. It is really rare. Now I am very proud of planning those guys!"

Do you think I am an almighty dungeon, can you just push the dungeon and get the first kill?

The copy was not planned by me. I have been expelled from this main policy for two or three years, okay?

Okay, you kick the sky and the well. Sure enough, you are the real behind-the-scenes. If you order the staff like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before many players will be killed by you, and you will be active as a free labor BOSS in various cities!

There really isn't anyone more cheating than you. Where is there a copy of the game that has to be punished and bombarded by players?

Have you considered the mood and feelings of the players?

Yes, that’s right, it’s the feeling that you can only watch and cannot pick it up when you fall down and explode treasure chests all over the floor?

If you want to catch a strong guy, you can catch a strong guy. If you are a real BOSS, you can be a real BOSS. No experience or loot is given. Is it so disgusting?

Also, since you think about cheating people so much, why don't we make the world headlines and let players all over the world discover the entrance to level 70?

Is it too obvious to do so, do you want to trick the player down?

Make players feel that this is a personal adventure, and then enter the pit as soon as possible?

It's really incomprehensible!

"Don't tell the relationship in one sentence. Since you are planning, how can you not know anything about it? You just wore a pair of pants with them, and deliberately cheated us?"

Jing Tian was not so naive, and would never think that Ralfa was so pure.

"Hehe, he is still the smartest husband. Although this palace knows a little bit and knows that if you don’t pass the level, you will become a little monster, but I have never heard that this copy is a pit. There must be a way to break it. As long as the husband, you can organize people to go. If you open up wasteland, maybe you can take the first kill. Besides, even if you become a little monster, there is no Bumpman in this world, so why bother to panic?"

"Little monster? It's clearly the world boss, okay? There is no equivalent Bumpman hitting the little monster. I was surrounded by thousands of people on the street just now! That scene was even more uncomfortable than being beaten by Bumpman alone. I know I am. The world boss, singled out any player will win, but to be besieged by a group of ant players, really unwilling!"

"Hee hee, what I heard about in this palace is little monsters. You think if everyone opens up wasteland at level 71, then many people will become little monsters. If everyone is a world boss, then alliance cities don’t need them. Playing bad?"

It makes sense, it turned out to be a random boss or a little monster!

If the number of players punished by the dungeon in the same time period is small, then BOSS-level monsters will be generated, but if there are too many players, small monsters will be generated, which will be easier to be killed and will not be a monster!

However, if you turn into a monster, it will be difficult to kill a certain number of players, so the number of players will definitely be reduced, right?

"Will that one day trip to the Demon Realm?"

"Hee hee, the husband is really smart, and the little monster has a high chance of going to the Demon Realm for a day trip. I believe that the alliance players will not resist this punishment by then."

Of course, it won't resist, whether you become a small monster or a world boss, as long as you can go to the Demon Realm to wreak havoc, every alliance player who is slaughtered by the Demon Race as a lamb every day will gladly accept it!

Maybe in the future, there will be players who deliberately go to the level 70 dungeon to die in anger in the future, just to transform into a monster and teleport to the Demon Realm for revenge!

Anyway, this kind of death will not punish anything at all, it is nothing more than a waste of game time. Compared with the blood and blood, the price of this kind of revenge is almost negligible!

That’s right, the guy kicking the Tiannongjing is too insidious. On the face of it, he is pitting Alliance players. In fact, even the Demon players have pitted them together. However, if the Alliance players become monsters and go to the Demon Realm, they will surely explode the Demon. Isn't it made of materials?

The point is, how do the local tyrants of the Mozu care about this?

Isn't it, when the time comes to kick the sky and run the well, it will still be shameless and say that it is to increase the welfare of the Demon players?

And this is not a PVE, but a serious PVP!

The war criminals of the Mozu like PVP the most, especially the bosses turned into players from the siege alliance. They now have a set of sets.

No, no, I must repay all the grievances I have received today, so Jing Tian gritted his teeth and said: "Dear Queen, don't you think I should make up for it? I did not publicize it for your sake. It turned out to be the emperor. Go to the brothel, you emperor are not in a hurry, I am an **** who is active and concealed! If you make it clear at the beginning, I will directly pull everyone to open up wasteland in the name of a level 70 dungeon, and kill them properly!"

"Hee hee, my palace has never said that you need to keep it secret. But in the interest of your husband's consideration of this palace, then I will help you. Well, just do it, my palace will tell everyone , What are the prizes in the 70-level dungeon, I believe everyone will be interested. The husband will also work hard to organize a team to open up wasteland."


It's nothing more than some orange equipment and magical drawings. What else?

Although Jing Tian wanted to ask, he knew that he didn't need to ask himself, and Ralf would be announced in the guild when he waited, so he didn't have any rush, waiting for Ralf to speak.

However, after a few minutes passed, Jing Tian saw that there was no movement in Rafa, so he asked impatiently: "Dear Queen, you said, shouldn't you sum up the language, you have to brew for ten minutes?"

"Hehe, I don't know if there are any prizes, I have to ask my colleagues."

I don't know, you said a woolen thread!

How can you be sure that when I know the prizes, I will go all out to open up wasteland?

Jing Tian felt that there was no way to communicate with this guy, and he had to rely on himself for everything. When Ralf asked about the reason, the day lily was cold.

"Everyone, pay attention! I just found out with Ralfa. The dry water curtain hole can trigger a level 70 dungeon. The five of us have also experienced it. The early stage of the dungeon has already been explored. Going into the dungeon and doing a great job!"

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