Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1551: 1 All the answers are in the wine?

Suddenly, the drunkard offered himself, he had naturally imagined that the next strategy seemed to be related to alcohol.

After all, it is a bar, and there are a dazzling array of wines in the bar.

Jing Tian also has some scruples in this regard, so it is better to change a few people who have studied alcohol.

No one knows where the next plot will go. Since I let everyone taste the fruit before, it is natural to let everyone identify the wine.

After all ten people entered the bar, the door of the wooden house was directly closed tightly, obviously to enter the rhythm of battle.

But no matter how you look at this battle, it will be very special, and it has become very friendly and passionate inexplicably.

However, when everyone stared at the old bartender warily, he smiled faintly, as if he was joking with everyone before, nothing happened, and calmly said: "Welcome to my home as guests, since You can come here to show that you are capable of accepting my test. Want to know what happened here? It's actually very simple. You can find the answer you want by drinking the full wine on the table."


All the answers are in the wine?

What kind of ghost setting is this?

Shouldn’t it be for us to taste the wine in the glass, and then choose the name and year of the wine?

This is more in line with the usual style of kicking the pit cargo, right?

"My God, why can't this old man be attacked? He is not a running dog of the ancient dark tree, and shouldn't be hostile to us? Why are we now becoming a gang of meows with him? Are we also controlled by the ancient dark tree? Meow?"

The thinking of aliens is like this, what kind of ghost logic...

"Uncle Se, drinking is harmful to your health, so let's kill the old man directly. The friendly target should be just an illusion. A single blow can make his fox tail leak out."

A false friendly target?

Can you guys not make trouble, the old man is obviously in a state of inability to attack, kicking the patio well to design such a cozy restaurant, must continue to show off the taste fraud system!

If you can walk out of another plot without drinking wine in the glass, wouldn't it be a big loss to kick the patio well?

Before Jing Tian gave the order, the drunkard had already taken the lead and took the wine glass on the table and drank it in one go!

Not fortunate to be a drunkard, now he is addicted to alcohol in the game!

However, as soon as she drank it, a buzzing sounded in her mind. The next second she turned into a white light and left the wooden house, and appeared outside the wooden house in a blink of an eye!

Nothing, right? The drunkard took a closer look, and she unexpectedly returned to the level 25 dungeon, with a dark old tree without a wooden house in front of her!

"Smelly man, be careful, this is a trap. I was teleported back to the level 25 dungeon. Sure enough, men are all contemptible, and they only give the old lady a drink. It's too superficial, it's a stinking beggar! "

Who used fine wine to pass the beg...

Return to level 25 copy?

what's the situation?

So what should we do, whether to drink or not?

Jing Tian wanted to try to take Jiu Qianxun back to the cold bench, and then arrange for new members to play. However, what made him different was that the system actually reminded him that the alcoholic was not in the current instance!

what's the situation?

Even if the drunkard is teleported away, it is impossible to teleport her to the level 25 instance, right?

Isn't this just exaggerating copy transmission?

That means one less member in the team?

Is there such a tricky setting?

The key is what is the drunkard who is transported away?

Do you want her to single out the copy?

The brain hole kicking the Tianlongjing is too big, it must have been hit by a hammer!

However, Jing Tian tried the operation of taking a cold bench as a substitute, and found embarrassingly that the system directly prompted that the maximum number of dungeons had been reached and the player could no longer be played.

what's the situation?

Is this the setting to reduce the maximum number of dungeon participants?

Is it to change back to 5-person base in this way?

Then can't it be forced to accept five people to sit on the cold bench?

As for making such a random special effects selection?

Waiting for the person to be selected is not appropriate, isn't it necessary to change players?

The more I think about it, the bigger my head is, I feel that everything is beyond my control.

Shaking his head, Jing Tian arranged and said: "Look up the entire bar to see if there are other dungeon plots that can be triggered."

After a careful search, everyone found nothing, and the only Dungeon Guardian who can interact with is betrayal.

It is better not to interact with him. The command urged everyone to drink as soon as possible, as if looking forward to this trap to trap the player, making Jing Tian increasingly think that the wine in front of him is a bottomless pit.

"Oh? Isn't it possible that these wines have various effects, which can only be understood after we drink it?"

Different effects?

Are some of them randomly transmitted?

Will some of them quit the dungeon after drinking, become a world boss, and continue to bloodbath the demons?

That's right, Mozu had what happened yesterday, and now it is complaining to Tengyi Company. It has turned out a natural disaster-like BOSS and asked Tengyi Company to give a reasonable explanation.

how to explain?

Did you tell the opponent that it was a real BOSS played by an alliance player and then activated the ability to destroy the map?

Then they can't afford to be angry?

"Smelly man, you should decide quickly. I was locked in the BOSS room of the 25th dungeon. There are only dark ancient trees in it. Nothing is found. There is no way to go back! Men are contemptible!"

Obviously, Jiu Qianxun was not idle during this time, she had even tried to withdraw from the copy and commit suicide, but both methods were invalidated.

Of course it is invalid. Originally, you are not allowed to quit the level 70 dungeon. If you pass the level, you will become the BOSS. There is no third way!

However, if you want to withdraw from the dungeon, you can kill yourself indefinitely. Now there is no way to commit suicide, which is really sad!

" Let's drink together and see what happens! The big deal is another failure today. There is too little intelligence to judge."

Jing Tian, ​​who had made up his mind, no longer hesitated, and immediately walked to the front of the table, picked up the glass and drank it. After the next breath, he was also teleported away!

"Haha, Brother Tian was also cheated!"

At this time, Yang Miaomiao was staring very closely, and he had discovered that Jing Tian had also been teleported into the 25-level dungeon map. Standing in front of him was the gloomy dark ancient tree.

Jing Tian switched to the current channel directly, called the name of Jiu Qianxun several times, and then went around to observe the surrounding situation.

Yang Miaomiao also found the weird place, he was surprised: "Oh my God, Brother Tian and Sister Drunkard are not in the same copy!"

What is not in a copy?

Is it not in a map?

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