Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1552: Next is a single copy?

The wine just now will teleport players into separate maps. Could it be that the independent instance branch line has been opened?

Wanting to understand this question, Jing Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately asked Jiu Qianxun to verify a few questions, and determined that the map settings for the two were exactly the same.

Therefore, Jing Tian somewhat understood the intention of kicking Tian Nong Jing, and said helplessly: "Everyone drink the wine, the system will send us into a separate space, it should be a separate plot, whether the entire copy can be cleared. It depends on the result of everyone's common strategy."

Do a separate plot?

Indeed, the old man of the rebellious instance guardian said that he wants to show everyone the cause and effect of the matter, but is it necessary to show it independently?

Can't we send everyone to one place and watch the plot development together?

The key five-person dungeon first quietly broke the common sense and became a ten-person dungeon, and now it has become a single-player dungeon. Will there be more changes in the future? The team has to verify the capacity of the dungeon every time it opens up wasteland?

This kind of dungeon sets a single-player dungeon situation is really rare. It is the first time I encounter it. What is the implication?

"Oh? You mean, next is a single copy?"


The person who answered was Yun Yiyi, and the cold voice revealed a taste of sudden enlightenment and trust.

In the end, it is Liu Yaya and Yun Yiyi who understand them best!

"Exactly, I'm afraid the next step is the single-player dungeon! We have never encountered this kind of setting. Next, everyone needs to fight separately. Maybe if one person fails, it will cause the group to be destroyed. Everyone knows who this guy likes to cheat players the most. So don’t take a fluke, and don’t think about eating a big pot of rice. It’s okay to paddle and die by yourself. This kind of thinking may lead us to collectively become slave bosses. Give Tengyi a free part-time job."

"Stopping, shouldn't the treatment be changed back to the bench? In case we need to be exported, should we turn into violence again?"

" shouldn't let our deity appear. I think there may be some changes. For example, like the 32-level dungeon transforming into a BOSS, everyone's skills are the same. The same starting line is tested by consciousness and strategy. So Don’t look forward and backward, there must be a way to the mountain."

"Interestingly, my holy sword is on, you and me have a match, I will definitely defeat you and let you surrender!"

As soon as she heard the same starting line, Yu Yan gave out golden light in her eyes. She likes to fight against the sky in this kind of competition, so as to satisfy her desire to learn to dominate.

That's right, as a schoolmaster, you must crush all your classmates with strength!

When the last person finished drinking and was sent to the independent map, the plot finally officially kicked off.

A voice murmured from everyone's mouth: "It's another fantasy. I have been here countless times, but why can't I see everything here? Where is the deity of the dark ancient tree?"

That's right, everyone is speaking, not yourself. At this time, everyone's body has changed, and they have become betrayed old guardians!

Never expected, let everyone play the big villain?

Perhaps the old man should be killed when fighting, instead of trying his best to break the barrier?

It's really a headache to kick the patio well!

"My god, why are you all turned into bosses, so envious of Meow! You can jump above the ancient tree, maybe you can get stuck, and blast the old tree into scum! Yes, it must be like this, at least This is the easiest and most effective strategy method!"

Do you only have that perverted hobby?

Do you think kicking the patio will give you such an easy BUG, ​​allowing you to get something for nothing?

How could the dark ancient tree exist, how could it be completely destroyed now, then in the future, the ultimate BOSS of the world can smoothly descend on the continent of Aiyinsi?

More importantly, we are now obviously swayed by the plot of the system and cannot be manipulated at will, okay?

How do you climb the tree and get stuck?

At this moment, another voice came rumbling, like thunder: "Are you sure you want to see me? Do you want to destroy me or occupy me? You know, I can make you extremely powerful, You become the **** that countless people look up to."

"Huh, don't want to confuse and disturb my heart, I am the elder of the Tai Chi Sword League, guarding this place for many years, and seeing you will definitely break you to pieces! After so many years, you have finally emerged in front of this old man, look at you Being so arrogant, it seems very sure to defeat me, but I will definitely make you regret it!"

"Haha, the mere ants are going to be shoulder to shoulder with the sun, then I will fulfill you, and allow your humble existence to step into the realm of respect."

what? Is it the domain of respect again?

As soon as the words fell, the entire dried water curtain cave shook quickly, as if some collapse event was about to happen. The dark ancient trees in front of them grew strangely one step and one step, and the distribution of the steps was inconsistent. Interval faults, and even continuous faults, are full of the illusion of steepness.

However, the steps as a whole are spiraling upward, and it seems that as long as they work hard, they can reach the end.

Without waiting for everyone to think, that kind of high-pitched voice came again: "Since you are so brazen that you want to destroy me, then you can talk to me beforehand on your own basis. I hope you can live in front of me. It's really interesting and humble. Creature, hahaha..."

The single-player copy begins!


With an order from Jing Tian, ​​he had already rushed up the steps first. He didn't have to think too much about it, knowing that this must be a time-limited breakthrough, but the original tree climbing has become a time-limited stairs!

This kind of setting definitely won't give players enough time to climb or else it will be dull, it just becomes a matter of time.

Sure enough, the stairs in front of me are not as easy to climb as I imagined. Some are like the real-life version of Super Mario. If the strength of the jump and the take-off position are not well controlled, then they will fall from the vacant steps!

Although Jing Tian moved the fastest, he was also the one who fell the fastest, and it was not the first time he fell off the steps.

More importantly, everyone has discovered that falling from the steps of the dark ancient tree can cause fall damage.

Sadly, all the props cannot be used, and the character does not naturally return to blood!

In other words, if you fall too many times, the challenge will fail!

As a result, everyone's mentality of being in a hurry from the beginning was adjusted to a mentality of avoiding mistakes, and the actions began to become a little cramped and hesitant. As a result, when the time limit for the dungeon was over, only Yang Mimi jumped to the top of the dark ancient tree.

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