Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1568: Willow dark flower bright and 1 pit

This actually implies that everyone should actively try to shrink the population strategy in the final BOSS stage!

   But, under normal circumstances, no one would think of this at all!

   Kicking Tiannongjing is insidious at this point. Using everyone's inertial thinking and traditional game experience, he firmly believes that no one can pass the 70 level dungeon.

   In a sense, Jing Tian also lost this time, completely lost.

   Even from the perspective of game planning, he could not see through everything through his own independent thinking. He still got the answer under the prompt of Ralf.

   If there is no reminder from Ralfah, I am afraid I will fall into an infinite loop, and I can't get rid of the mud.

   This made Jing Tian feel frustrated again, and he had to pay attention to the divergence ability of kicking Tian Nongjing again.

   He asked himself again: If he is himself, can he design a copy with such a deep meaning?

   Asked and asked himself, but there was no answer in his heart.

   This is also the place that hit him the most.

   Originally thought that kicking Tiannongjing was just the finishing touch to his own planning, but the setting time and time again proved that he has extraordinary talents in game planning.

   This makes Jing Tian want to beat Ki Tian Nong Jing even more, and want to fight against one in game planning.

On the second day, everyone in the guild stepped into the dried water curtain cave arrogantly. At this time, there were more and more advanced players at the entrance of the dungeon. There were also other guild leaders who saw the people of the cloud riding guild. Showed provocation and war intent.

   In their opinion, this time they can sit on an equal footing with the Riding Cloud Guild, and they no longer need to be suppressed by the level advantage of the Riding Cloud Guild. They can compete with the Riding Cloud Guild upright.

   However, Jing Tian's heart is full of complexity and embarrassment, because he believes that he will first pass the copy today.

   In order to improve the probability of passing this, Jing Tian did not rush to choose other answers in the final stage. He still chose to admit that the person occupying the body of the dark ancient tree was the dungeon guardian, and then opened the final battle with the soul of the dark ancient tree.

   But this time, Jing Tian reduced the team to five people early.

   Sure enough, in this battle, the combat power of the Dark Ancient Tree Soul was significantly weakened, and the combat power was less than one-tenth of the original!

   It can be seen how defying and difficult to cope with his combat effectiveness before.

   However, the Cloud Riding Guild was still destroyed.

   It's really poor and there is nowhere to go, and there is another hole in the willows!

   Although I found the right strategy idea, it doesn't mean that the five people can easily kill the final boss of the dungeon!

   Although the combat power of BOSS has decreased, it is only a large reduction in all attributes, but there are many skills.

Dark Ancient Tree Soul’s combat skills have various effects and are flexible from anti-control. Compared with the ten-player strategy, it has more freedom of action, less time to be controlled, and more output opportunities. Although many output is weak, the blow is on the player. The body is also quite fatal.

   Therefore, this led to the destruction of the group.

   It seems that if you want to pass a level 70 dungeon for the first time, it is absolutely impossible to take any shortcuts.

   "Brother God, it's not enough to say that two people are enough. I think if I let Sister Yaya and my stupid sister go into battle, the two of them cooperate, maybe they can directly kill the boss!"

Sure enough, he is my own brother. This kind of thing does not forget my sister. Although the BOSS bloodline is only 10% of the original ten people, that is a huge number. Even if the staff is reduced, the BOSS bloodline will be weakened to less than half. You have to be tired of your sister too!

   No, what Yang Mimi is best at is protracted warfare, which is indeed suitable for her.

   But why did you bring Liu Yaya together?

   Is it because the village women have more skills?

   But she still hasn't worked out the hidden usage of all the basic skills, which seriously restricts her combat power!

   " should be useless now. If you want to reduce the BOSS's attributes by a large margin again, you must reduce the number of final participants in the bar."

   "Try it and you will know meow."


   Jingtian casually adjusted the team members. Sure enough, the BOSS's health bar did not change in the case of the two. If the player can change the attributes of the BOSS during the battle, the player will definitely be aware of the clues.

   So, the key point is still in the bar.

   Refuse to think of opportunism, Jing Tian adjusted the crew again, and started fighting with the boss again.

  Although the group is still destroyed, everyone has seen hope through observation.

   The firepower of BOSS is not very fierce, and there are not many second-hand skills. As long as you pay attention to dodge, there is still hope for the first pass.

   Then everyone gradually became serious, and the fighting rhythm became more and more smooth.

   Finally, just when Jing Tian felt that he was about to become a world boss and be beaten again, the five suddenly broke out, with a very small turnover rate, and finally pushed the final BOSS in front of him!

   "Oh my God, it's finally over!" Yang Miaomiao cheered for the first time.

   "The big rock in my heart was finally removed, it is really disgusting to press people!" Zhao Jiaxue also responded.

   "Well, I'll just say that the hexagram shows that today is auspicious, you can definitely live the book? Amitabha, may the artifact be with us." The **** stick white did not understand the black and became excited, obviously it is the crucial moment to open the treasure chest.

   "Hey, it's still too young!"

   "This fairy is very pleased, let's see what good things have burst out, is there any good stuff suitable for cultivating immortals?"

   How could there be such a thing!

   Are you embarrassed?

   You didn’t take part in the battle The five people on the field just exhaled a sigh of breath and relaxed, but you can burn up, don’t let anyone take a break?

"Hehe, isn't this going to pass the customs? How about, this palace didn't pit you, right from the beginning to the end, this copy can be passed, but you didn't find the most suitable way. Different ways have different ways. This is called What? Yes, there is no strategy. No strategy is relative. There are different strategies in different situations, but you didn't choose the right one that suits your situation, rather than no strategy."

   is indeed such a truth, kicking Tiannongjing deduced the principle of "no strategy" to the point of magic.

   But, none of this is critical, okay?

  The key is, we are finished, how did you send in the copy?

   Didn’t it mean that teleporting into the dungeon would take up to a month to cool down?

   Why did you come in after our first pass copy?

   Can’t you wait until I need your help to win the first kill of the S-level?

  Is there such a fee for you?

   is simply utterly desolate!

"How did you come?"

   Or Zhao Jiaxue directly.

"Oh, I see, you're too unscrupulous, we finished the dungeon, you come in to divide the equipment? This kind of poisonous woman should be divorced, the frog should divorce her quickly! She married you for your money !"

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