Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1569: Humiliation

Well, Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts really jumped.

  The point is, you and the little **** of wealth are married for each other's money, right?

   Are you embarrassed to use this as justice to attack others?

   Why don’t you have a B number in your mind?

   "Hee hee, this palace is just to celebrate, no other meaning."

   "Oh? Then you used forced intervention. What if we need your help to get the first kill?"

   As expected, Liu Yaya was able to grasp the key issue.

"Hehe, I'm so excited that I forgot that there is another possibility. But it doesn't matter. Since you can get the first pass, it will be a matter of time before you get the first kill. Even if I intervene, you won't get the first kill, I It belongs to the existence that is not included in the calculation."

   As expected, the system can't indulge Ralf in helping us get the first kill!

   This is actually a trap. I'm afraid that if the player really pulls his partner into the instance through a special method, the combat power of the instance boss will also change!

Otherwise, if Ralfasui casually helped, we might be able to easily win the first kill of the s-level, or even the sss, or the L-level, or the highest G-level first kill. Does meaning and value still exist?

   Obviously, this is also unfair.

   After all, the NPC companions of other players are not real NPCs, so they cannot actively intervene in the dungeon, let alone passive.

   Therefore, if Rafa intervenes, the battle points are likely to be ignored, and will not be counted in the total score. No matter how good the score is without the copy points, the S-level first kill cannot be obtained.

   In other words, Ralf can help players pass the dungeon at most. As for the first kill and the dungeon competition, they are helpless.

Jing Tian’s guess this time is correct. The real NPC is not only Ralf, but other players may also have adventures. They will meet a real NPC partner. After they learn that they can rely on the power of their partner to create a copy, the performance of everyone They are undoubtedly greedy. They place all their hopes on the NPC partner and go to the dungeon to compete with great fanfare, but their faces are ashamed.

"It seems that the first kill depends on our own strength, but we have already gotten the first pass. Then we can study different options and how to deal with different bosses. It may be easy to find out. The route to take the points. I believe it won’t take long, the first kill must be us riding the clouds and falling snow!"

   Jingtian saw everyone showing disappointment and immediately boosted morale.

"Hee hee, my dear husband is right. You are proud of your current achievements. The people in other guilds have not had the No. 1 BOSS yet. You have pulled them for several blocks! However, the paper package can't keep the fire, you already Knowing the entrance of the dungeon and trying to solve it has been guessed."


   Damn it!

Yes indeed!

   was exposed, they must have discovered that the Raiders dungeon will become a world BOSS after the failure, and then guessed the time when we started the Raiders dungeon. We have already started their Raiders dungeon for many days, and they have been destroyed many times by the group!

Jing Tian's face was green at this time. At first, he thought that he could use the setting of kicking the sky to create an illusion of the same starting line as other guilds, but he did not seriously think about the important clue of the world BOSS so quickly. It was locked!

   After all, who has stipulated that only level 70 dungeons can create a world BOSS. Under other adventures, there are players who become world BOSS!

   But if someone pays attention to the time and frequency of BOSS appearance, it is really not difficult to guess one or two...

  Moreover, some smart people naturally took out the previous world BOSS behavior for analysis, and also mentioned BOSS running around many times. Such abnormal behavior must be a human operation!

   Just think about the consequences of the failure of the 70-level dungeon, and it can naturally be inferred that it is the guy from the cloud riding guild who becomes the boss!

   Why didn’t I think that this problem would be so easy to be discovered at the beginning?

   It's really like stealing chickens, not worms, thinking with your hair, you all know how other guild players should smear their guild in the next period of time!

That's right, in the next week, not only the various guilds of the Alliance criticized and despised Qiyun Luoxue’s wasteland reclamation ability, but also Mozu players also stood up and despised the Qiyun guild pretending to be a BOSS running around, and it was once caused by a card position. The bad behavior of city destruction.

   More importantly, as long as someone fails to become a world BOSS in the dungeon, there will be players with ulterior motives shouting to kill the cloud riding guild, saying that the BOSS is a member of the cloud riding guild.

   There is no end to this kind of black pot!

   If it only increases the guild’s popularity like this, there are other guild players maliciously imitating the characteristics of Yang Miaomiao running around, trying to get stuck everywhere, trying to get stuck.

   Don’t they know that the system has been modified, and if they get stuck, they are humiliating themselves and are heading for destruction!

   Obviously not, they have another purpose, right?

   That's right, at this time, more demons will stand up and ride the clouds and fall snow, claiming that when members of the Cloud Riding Guild dive in the bath, their minds are full of water.

   Do you want to imitate and deliberately black out aliens?

   Aliens don’t play like this anymore, okay?

   Besides, there is only one alien in our guild who likes to be a boss. Don’t act as if we are all so crazy, okay?

   This dirty water is really dumbfounding!

   But In the midst of the slander, there is still a group of people standing firmly behind Qiyun Luoxue...Oh, no, it should be said that they are standing behind the empress.

   That’s right, the female emperor husband group never believed that the Cloud Riding Guild could not pass the level 70 dungeon. Whether it was on the forum or the World Channel, it attacked all detractors with sharp words.

"If you don't agree with you, let us see through the level 70 dungeon. Our female emperor is mighty. It's not that we can't pass the dungeon. We just feel bored. Every day, she arranges for the younger brother to commit suicide in the dungeon. "

   "That's right, you know something about wool! Don't kneel down and thank Lady Empress for the grace! The grace of the Moon God is majestic, hurry up and worship and offer your service!"

   "Long live the female emperor, the female emperor is mighty!"

   "Who is the first girl to fight for!"

"I think there are too many people who slander Lady Empress using level advantage to pass dungeons. This time, Lady Empress used actual actions to prove that during this period of time, the Cloud Riding Guild did not attack the dungeons at all, just waiting for everyone's level. , Stand on the same starting line and compete."

   "Yes, that's right! The Empress becomes a BOSS every day to prove everything, she is also speaking out, waiting for each guild level to challenge herself!"

   "The female emperor is mighty and she disdains to suppress other guilds with her level advantage. What a noble moral sentiment, she is a model of my generation!"

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