Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1587: The battle for revenge came so fast

The two women often admit to special effects skills, but they never admit the amount of damage. They say that they haven't gotten much, but Jing Tian and Luo Xia always think this is a lie.

If only the equipment and skills are turned on and off every time, the two women have amazing experience in the game. They often make moves and strategies that are eye-opening even in the sky, as if the two women are not human at all, but are born and raised. The role of the game world is average.

Unfortunately, this is absolutely impossible. Even if Sky Dungeon is smarter, AI will always be AI, and it cannot be as emotional as a player. At least, it is impossible to have the illusion of a human in recent years.

However, the two GMs just participated in the battle of the gods in such a grand manner, will they win the crown in the end?

Is this kind of thing allowed? Is Tengyi allowed?

Are you afraid of being fleshed out?

However, something that made Jing Tian even more suspicious happened. Just today, the two women suddenly said that there was an urgent matter to deal with at home, and they would not participate in the competition!

That's right, the two women chose to abandon the game!

Although automatic afterimages can show the methods and skills of players in daily battles, they are very mechanical, especially it is difficult to judge which skills to use under what circumstances, and when encountering changeable PVP battles, especially entering the final ranked stage. , The afterimage is to prevent the game from having a bye.

As a result, the two women were eliminated by no accident. It is just amazing that the automatic afterimage of the ugly chick still won a single game in the game, which shows that her equipment and skills have been so powerful that it is puzzling. the height of.

However, Jing Tian felt fortunate that he actually met the beautiful lady in the game. If he met the real person of this guy, not the afterimage, Jing Tian would only have a 50% chance of winning, and he needed to compete for fortune in the battle. .

It's fine now, there is no suspense at all, Jing Tian, ​​who is familiar with the beautiful aunt, naturally unceremoniously wins and advances.

However, what surprised Jing Tian even more was that Liu Yaya was also eliminated in the first round of rankings.

It is very precious that the village woman can go now, but in the face of high-end players with lore skills, her unlimited dressing is still a bit stretched.

There is no compulsory control skill, once the enemy counter-controls and carries out a killing blow, she will come to an end.

Sure enough, there are a lot of masters in the game, and they must not be underestimated.

In the second round, Nanlingxi was defeated.

Nan Lingxi unfortunately met Curis Jobs, a recognized world FPS champion. His current combat power is absolutely no less than the female emperor. Facing the puppet army lacking mobility, he went through a hard battle and won two wins and one defeat in three games.

In the first battle, Currys Jobs obviously underestimated the enemy, and even carried out a fire-powered bombardment with the Empress, but he was beaten to the north.

At the beginning of the second game, Currys Jobs changed his strategy and started kite and opportunistic tactics, seizing all favorable output opportunities, and outputting as harmlessly as possible.

There was no kill in the two wins, but he won by output.

That's right, as long as there is no tie in the game, the side that has been passively beaten will be judged as a defeat at the end of time.

Obviously, kicking the Tiannongjing is very unfriendly to those players who stand with milk and blood. Simply wanting to drag the tie through the flesh and resistance is whimsical.

Even in the third round, Nan Lingxi changed its strategy and adjusted the thirteenth sprite legion. The stealth army was deployed to try to assassinate Curis Jobs. Unfortunately, the other party's anti-submarine capabilities were also quite good, which made Nan Lingxi's plan go to waste. .

Only one thing can drop one thing, even if it is fighting with other long-range professions, Nan Lingxi has never lost such a tragedy.

In the second battle, she was forced to throw out multiple long-range puppets directly and counterattacked with firepower coverage.

However, under the intensive artillery fire, Currys Jobs added points with full agility, which can easily predict the attack route of the puppets. The intensive artillery fire can basically attack him with the principle of maximum distance. Resolve.

If you change to another profession and confront Nan Lingxi, Nan Lingxi is confident that the enemy will be frightened.

But facing Kuris Jobs, Nan Lingxi seemed to see another empress, making her fight pale and weak.

Kuris Jobs has a good overall view of the situation. He would never consider face issues in order to win. He never thought that he had to kill Nan Lingxi, so he did not enter the absolute attack range of the puppets. This is also his invincibility. Because of the place.

The referees were naturally disappointed in this game, and some even released the video to tease the myth of the FPS world.

However, Curis Jobs didn't care about these at all, letting the wind blow past his ears.

Nan Lingxi deserves to have come out of the business world. Although she lost the game, she did not have the slightest worry or unwillingness to fail. She seemed very satisfied with the results now.

After all, people have their own strengths, and their role is not omnipotent. There are still places to make up. It is precisely with such enemies that they have more motivation to move forward.

After Jing Tian heard the news, he still comforted her, just like comforting others.

In other words, only Jing Tian, ​​Lin Yumian and Yang Mimi are left in the third round.

Fortunately, in the third round, the three of them performed well, successfully beheading their opponents and advancing again without falling behind.

At this point, the game has entered the top 100 competition.

At the beginning of the fourth round, Jing Tian snorted in his heart because he met the person he least wanted to meet.

I don't know if it is doomed in the dark, or if it will happen after all, Jing Tian's enemy is the Curis Jobs who has won Nanlingxi before.

God willing?

The battle for revenge came so quickly?

Will you avenge Nan Lingxi?

Originally, Mimi Yang was clamoring to fight against Curis and was annoyed because she didn't meet each other, but she slapped such a large cup on her head.

The opponent is very strong, if you don't use all the means, you will definitely lose.

Jing Tian, ​​who originally wanted to have reservations, decided to show all his strength in this game, and he could no longer hide himself.

Yes, Jing Tian is ambitious. Without affecting the victory of the game, he can have reservations.

Along the way, he hardly used the comprehension skills at the bottom of the box. You must know that there are still two god-level skills and emperor-level skills in his hand that have not been used in the game.

In this battle, Jing Tian has already decided to expose his hole cards. He is also afraid that the other party will rely on it. If he doesn't make the first move, he will definitely be single for a lifetime!

"Dark Dragon Tyrant!"

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