Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1588: scarecrow

Therefore, after being bombarded by Curis Jobs at the beginning of the game, Jing Tian didn't hesitate at all. In the first time he entered the absolute attack range, he directly used the Dark Dragon One Domination!

That’s right, at the beginning, it was Kuris Jobs who blasted Jingtian violently. There is no way to make the mask shaman have a white shadow mask. After the full rank is used, the distance of level A has exceeded the effective distance of the dark dragon one domineering .

However, this was just a test by Jobs. When the distance was widened, the prediction of the attack became clearer, and Jing Tian easily avoided all attacks.

This is the added advantage of full agility!

If you want to use a long-range attack to bombard and kill a guarded all-sensitive player, you can only submerge and kill it with a human sea barrage.

When a fully sensitive player encounters another fully sensitive player, it is difficult to hit the opponent with this ultra-long range attack, and the single ballistic cannot block the opponent's escape route.

But this is just a test. The purpose of the test is not to kill, but to obtain intelligence!

Jobs seemed to have seen the information he wanted from Jing Tian's actions.

Yes, many players may choose to wash points and change equipment in the second game in order to confuse the enemy.

In this way, it is possible to confuse the audience and make the enemy fall into trouble.

However, it is clear that Jing Tian did not do this, and there is no need to do so.

Although washing points can make the enemy misjudge, but you can't flexibly switch the point addition plan in the battle, and use the attribute gameplay that you are not good at to fight the enemy, which is undoubtedly playing with fire and self-immolation.

Unless it is a guy who does this often on weekdays, it is impossible to adapt to the incompatibility caused by the big change in attributes in a short time.

Especially for all-minded players, from as fast as a gust of wind to as slow as a tortoise, this is not just a psychological gap, but more importantly, the attack pace is disrupted.

And this disruption is not caused by slow magic.

Most PVP players will train themselves specifically how to proceed in an orderly manner under the negative side of a slowdown.

However, slowing down is impossible to transfer the full agility attribute to other attributes, and then slowing down will not make the full agility bonus point invalid, right?

Perhaps those players who turn their strength into physical strength or turn physical strength into strength can also adapt to the changes in a short time. These do not affect their mobility...

In short, Jingtian cannot adapt to the washing point in a short time.

Right after the trial ended, sitting in the well and watching the sky, as expected by Curis Jobs, he used the dark dragon to dominate the sky.

That's right, Jobs is very familiar with this skill. Although some people are lucky enough to get a halberd, but they don't have the courage to integrate other comprehension skills.

It can be said that the current Dark Dragon Yibatian is the hallmark skill of sitting in the well to watch the sky!

Of course, this logo skill has been thoroughly studied, and how to crack it will naturally be announced.

However, the method of cracking the Dark Dragon Overlord is somewhat powerless, because after the solar eclipse effect is used, sitting in the well and watching the sky enters a short-term invincibility effect, and this process is actually insoluble.

However, it does not mean that there is no solution after this process.

The easiest way is to let the Glory Paladin taunt and directly force the hatred of sitting in the well to watch the sky. In this way, the general charging and falling into the battle will be equivalent to falling into a trap.

Of course, you also need to pay attention to the anti-control skills of sitting in the well and watching the sky. Once the opponent performs anti-control, then the Honor Paladin needs a second taunt.

However, it is 1v1 at this moment, where is the glorious Paladin who can restrain from sitting in the well and watching the sky?

Of course, there are also ways to deal with the heads-up. As long as the intention of the action is clear, the player can take precautions.

Simply put, since you know that Yibatian is an invincible charge sneak attack skill, and since it cannot stop the opponent's actions, you can start from the aspect of avoiding damage. If you can't avoid it, don't avoid it, and directly use the skill to resolve or invincible skills. You can let the opponent's abacus fall to nothing.

Especially when it is 1V1, there is no need to consider the adverse effects of the solar eclipse effect produced by Yibatian. The opponent has and only one of his goals!

Curry Jobs understands this deeply.

Invincible skills?

Mask Shaman doesn't have to think about it. If Mask Sa has invincible skills, other professions still play wool?

Then use damage resolution skills?

The mask shaman has such a skill: [Scarecrow]!

Tier 6 Scarecrow: Wear a scarecrow mask to gain the power of the scarecrow, and the damage from the attack within 10 seconds will be resolved. After the power of the scarecrow is over, the effect of the skill [Grass Boat Borrowing Arrow] will be triggered.

That's right, as soon as the eclipse effect was produced, Curis Jobs had already issued the command: "scarecrow!"

In the darkness, Jobs raised his hand and put on a straw woven mask before Jing Tian rushed to his back...

In an instant, thick straw grew on his equipment, as if he really became a scarecrow who has experienced countless ups and downs. I have to say that this effect is really strange and frightening.

Although Jing Tian could clearly see the small movements of Kuris Jobs, he had no way to stop it. Originally, he had no intention of successfully capturing Jobs after using the Dark Dragon to dominate. He just used this blow to get close.

That's right, the domineering dark dragon Yibatian was only used by Jing Tian as a charge skill.

The bone-refining halberd still plunged into the scarecrow's back without any suspense, but this blow did not bring any mosaic blood splash effect, and the damage was abruptly resolved by the scarecrow's special effects!

Although it was a resolution, it did not mean that Jobs could avoid the negative state. However, he did not stop his actions at this time, and was turning around and shooting wildly.

Why was he not interrupted by the action?

Don't think that the other party's mental attributes are added high negative resistance.

The reason why he can avoid the interruption of action is mainly because of the passive ability of the mask shaman: [Power of Faith].

Shaman has faith!

The power of belief of Tier 6: Passive skills, making the mask shaman gain 18% of resistance to negative states.

Obviously, Curry Jobs deliberately wore a mentally-enhanced equipment in this battle, with speed and resistance equal to shoulder to shoulder, so that he can run and resist the negative, and the battle is like a fish in water. It is also a common mask shaman genre.

Therefore, it is excusable that Jing Tian's blow did not interrupt his action.

It's not that Jing Tian is too watery, but the opponent is very tough, and he lacks such a little bit of luck.

Although a little surprised, Jing Tian didn't pay attention to the opponent's resistance at all, especially in the Scarecrow state, the opponent's attack power was not a threat, so he immediately shouted: "Single challenge!"

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