Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1612: The princes used Xiangning to create something

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Therefore, he didn't care about the dazzling array of tables and chairs in the hall, and he swaggered towards the direction of the suite. In this way, he would still touch the seat and bench while sneaking. He had tried his best not to touch the tableware to avoid There was too much movement, but he couldn't worry about all the tables, chairs and benches, and there were still obvious traces of touch.

At this moment, Jing Tian already heard the movement, the tension in his heart suddenly disappeared at this moment, and he became more accessible and relaxed. Yes, the previous excitement and tension were waiting for the prey, afraid that the prey would see through the trap and bite him back. Circumstances, now that the prey falls into the spider web, why is Jing Tian nervous?

When he saw that a chair in the distance was being touched and moved back, Jing Tian's eyes lit up, his lips moved slightly, his voice was restrained, and the spoken instruction was: "Broken the halberd and sink the sand!"

That's right, the broken halberd is sinking into the sand again!

Jing Tian doesn't care if this skill is picked up, because many players have already picked up his skills without mystery at all.

That’s right, compared to before, there are now more and more game review masters, and many players have their own unique insights into the game settings of Sky Dungeon. They are no longer the same people who used to be in the beginning, everyone. With its own analytical method, with its own inference results, with its own dialectical basis.

After Jing Tian used the broken halberd to sink the sand, a series of his operation videos were made public. Many game reviewers focused on the new comprehension skills of sitting on the well.

Comprehension skills are often the things that many evaluators like to study, because the knowledge inside is huge and full of many uncertain factors. In many cases, everyone can use their imagination and existing comprehension skills to infer their own scientific opinions.

Of course, only one of these views may be true, but the others are infinitely close to reality, which is enough.

This time, they disdain to say more about the description of the skills, and more are to study the different combat powers and actions shown in peace and time after the skills are deployed, and analyze the complete picture of the skill settings of the broken halberd and sinking sand.

That's right, most players keep secret skills like this kind of rare comprehension, and Tengyi will not force players to disclose it, let alone unravel the mystery, so that all comprehension skills are included in the skill roster.

Therefore, the effects and combat power of many rare skills are mostly analyzed by these game reviewers through data comparison.

Therefore, the skill effect of Broken Halberd and Sand Sinking has been inseparable by them!

After seeing these skill assessments, Jing Tian used them unscrupulously.

After all, it has been exposed, why is it necessary to hide it?

Therefore, he decided to give up being passively beaten and turned into an ambush to take the initiative. As long as he can be sure that Sinbad's glass enters the middle of the tavern hall, he will cast the halberd and sink the sand to catch this guy out!

That's right, the halberd sinking sand can of course catch the stalker, don't forget its skill effect, it can make all hostile targets fall into the quicksand, although there is no harm, but the quicksand effect can be seen at a glance!

This is the power of the environment!

Under normal circumstances, a stalker will not produce traces when sneaking, and will not leave footprints even in the sand.

But now it's different. This kind of quicksand terrain has special effects on all hostile players. Even if you can't see Sinbad, you can easily determine the opponent's location based on the terrain effect.

The indoor floor was instantly engulfed by quicksand, and there were ripples of quicksand at Sinbad's feet. Jing Tian didn't need to verify it at all. He drove Budweiser and Baiqi and jumped forward, and the shot was: Tian Jiang !

The goal of heaven is not elsewhere, but the center of the ripples of quicksand!

Jing Tian can be 10,000 affirmations, and Sinbad's glass is absolutely impossible to escape.

However, Jing Tian's attack suddenly changed its trajectory in midair, avoiding the center of the circle and smashing down to the side.

Of course, he had to drop it to the side. Jing Tian didn't believe that Sinbad's glass would not resist, and let the quicksand sink him down!

And everyone has also read the comments on the broken halberd sinking sand, and they all guessed that if the quicksand falls into the center of the circle, it will not be able to break free, and there will be a more powerful imprisonment effect. You must desperately climb in one direction before being imprisoned by the quicksand!

Jing Tian can conclude that Sinbad has definitely read the relevant comments and is ready. As long as he uses the broken halberd to sink the sand, he will try to escape like this.

That's right, Sinbad's wine glass is also the evaluation description and video of the halberd sinking skill. He naturally has lingering fears about this skill, and naturally he will be afraid of the halberd sinking sand.

Although panicked, he did not forget to continue struggling!

However, it was just such a continuous struggle, but it happened to usher in the halberd in Jing Tian's hands.

The appearance of this seemingly dim and pitted Fang Tianji made Sinbad's little heart tremble.

Game reviewers also evaluated this Fang Tianji. They all said that the fighting power of this halberd is extraordinary. It seems to be broken and iron, but its comprehensive combat power seems to surpass the red rank. It is an extremely rare weapon. The stage can even be regarded as a deadly weapon in the world, I don't know how it was forged.

That’s right, the magic blueprint for the creation of the Lunar Halberd was not generated by the system, but created by real people. It is precisely because of the uniqueness and rationality of its creation that it has been recognized by the system god, and it was only when it was created. Produced a certain numerical variation bonus effect.

Yes, the magic blueprint created by the player is not based on skill proficiency.

Almost all players think that magical drawing is a life skill that requires proficiency. Only by creating more low-level drawings can you create better high-level This idea is in Sky Dungeon In the negative.

Creating magical blueprints for weapons and equipment does not need to test the player’s skill proficiency, nor does it have the value of proficiency. After players enter the creative space, they even find that they can build equipment and weapons at all levels.

In other words, as long as children are talented, children can also draw masterpieces, so why stick to the value of proficiency and put a heavy shackle on creation?

There is no limit to creation, and it is more appropriate for the prince to use Xiangning to create.

That's right, identities are not equal at birth, but in terms of imagination and creation, almost everyone is equal!

However, there is no way for players to qualitatively define weapons and equipment, which means that players cannot intervene in the grade of equipment and cannot predict the grade of drawings they have created.

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