Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1613: Reasonableness of the weapon

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So how did the blueprint grades of equipped weapons come into being?

The optimist would say it is random.

After all, this is the common sense of traditional games. Most people think that Sky Dungeon is not exempt in this respect. After all, how to evaluate the grade of a piece of equipment design and how to persuade players to create a systematic evaluation. It is a very serious and difficult question.

The people in Jing Tian knew very well that the creation of magic blueprints was innovation on the one hand, and rationality on the other.

To put it simply, at the present stage, the creation space provides you with many weapons and equipment components. Players can use these little things, just like a puzzle at the time, to put together a weapon or a piece of equipment they want.

However, whether its shape is unique or not determines the rank of the weapon to a large extent.

This uniqueness refers to not only the appearance, but also the connotation of the weapon, which can be said to be a story.

Founders casting famous swords and guns will have a legendary story, so when creating magic drawings, they must also hold this idea. While creating the shape, give the weapon a story, which needs to be submitted to the system in text form.

This requires players to have inspirational stories when creating, which can tell the source of inspiration for the design, and can sublimate the value of equipment.

After that, the system will not only test the innovation of weapons, but also consider the rationality of weapons.

After all, there is no limit to creation, and the system does not limit everyone’s imagination, but if you have to create the length of the dagger to grow the sword, in terms of innovation, it is indeed innovation to a certain extent, but this kind of magical blueprint is unreasonable. If it exists, it will be directly judged as a failed work by the system.

Similarly, if the equipment you create is beyond the background of Sky Dungeon, for example, you create an AK47 with the hidden weapon box, then well, the system will definitely not pass your creation.

This transcends the era of the game and goes against the background of the game.

This is the rationality of the general direction and background. Players must respect the background of the game era and create equipment that conforms to the era and the definition of the equipment itself.

Furthermore, it is the rationality of the data.

When creating a weapon, what attributes do you want to give this weapon?

This also needs players to decide?

That's right, different weapon component materials have different basic attributes. After re-creation and assembly, it is indeed possible to create attributes beyond the main material itself.

However, transcendence belongs to transcendence, but it is not random thinking.

The player must set the direction and value of the attribute that the player wants based on the basic attributes of these components.

The system will give a rough guideline attribute to the drawing based on its own calculation formula and total weight.

However, if the player deviates from the basic attributes of the component and fills in the attributes indiscriminately, the system must determine that the creation of the drawing has failed after calculation.

In other words, if the attack power of a dagger wants to surpass that of a long knife of the same quality, it is unreasonable and will not be recognized by the system!

While the system gives the player freedom, it must give the player some invisible constraints, otherwise the world will be messed up.

When the magical blueprint of Lunar Halberd was released, most of the original equipment materials used were matching the red rank, and the qualitative attribute category was also within the normal value of the red rank equipment.

However, when Jing Tian created the Lunar Halberd, an incredible scene happened again.

That's right, just again.

This kind of thing is not the first time. Before, Jing Tian encountered a situation where the equipment was mutated when building equipment, and the equipment level was directly increased by a level.

However, this time it was not so lucky. In other words, even if the equipment of the red rank was mutated when it was built, it would not directly improve a quality.

This is not just a question of player character, but also a question of system balance.

If it is said that gold equipment is everywhere at this stage, and platinum equipment is emerging in an endless stream, then it is really possible that the red grade equipment mutation will directly increase to a level, making the player faint with excitement.

However, the 70-level golden grade equipment has not yet come out. If Jing Tian mutates a golden grade equipment early, it will naturally affect the balance of the game.

The system naturally wants to reduce the effect of this mutation and avoid unnecessary data imbalance.

More importantly, if it mutates into a golden quality, it will definitely be complained by players from all walks of life. The customer service team of Tengyi Company does not want to suffer such unsuspecting disasters every day.

Therefore, Kicking Tiannongjing has also made corrections to the weapon mutation. Even if the weapon undergoes forging mutation, it will not directly increase the rank, which exceeds the average quality of players of the same level at this stage.

Therefore, the Moon-by-Month Halberd in Jing Tian's hand is still of red quality, but due to the mutated increase in value, the combat power has surpassed the red weapon by a large amount, and the damage is considerably more than that of the bone-making halberd.

After all, the Moon Chaser halberd is endowed with the ability to swallow the moon. Its halberd head gathers the power of moonlight, and the halberd body contains the essence of the dark attribute. The attack will be accompanied by dark attribute damage!

This is exactly what Jing Tian needs, which is the same as the power of the gods he serves, and it has a complementary effect on all his skill attacks.

In this way, the damage caused by Moon-by-Month Halberd to the enemy will definitely exceed expectations, and you can hit the opponent by surprise!

In a twinkling of an eye, Jing Tian has already displayed a continuous break!

The continuous frantic attacks all landed on Sinbad, who was beaten out by the sky. Sinbad's expression at this time was like being a general chess player, his face was bitter, and he was struggling to survive.

Yes, he has been thinking about it since he watched the video, fantasizing how to fight back or slip away if he encounters it.

It's fine now, I really met, but unfortunately he still didn't think about a countermeasure.

If you don't do anything, I'm afraid I will follow in the footsteps of God's son Kuris Jobs!

You definitely can't lose so easily!

Needless to say, this girl will definitely disarm himself with Zhuan Jingtian!

Fortunately, disarming will only disarm!

Lao Tzu is equipped with double thorns!

You can disarm at most one bayonet at one Even if the disarm is successful, I still have spare weapons.

After disarming, you will definitely use seven kills to squeeze Lao Tzu into the corner, right?

That's right, at this time, when you want to perform seven kills, my **** will directly use the strong unlocking control!

If it's another profession, your seven kills may be able to quickly advance the tracking, and continue to hit after the opponent's strong release, but Lao Tzu is a stalker!

There are also drawbacks to your desert skill effect. Some reviewers have analyzed it. When the desert effect is over, you need to reclaim your weapons. That point in time is a perfect gap period. As long as you use this point in time, you can escape smoothly!

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