Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1614: Cat and mouse

???? After the forced release, find a place to sneak away quietly, I don't believe you, what can I do!

???? However, what made Sinbad's glass break down was that until the desert effect ended, the sitting in front of him was still madly smashing his head with the moon-by-moon halberd!

???? The expected thing did not happen...

???? Why can the character not take back the weapon floating in the air when the desert condenses into a halberd?

???? The previous skill evaluation did not say that, but they said, you must have a weapon collection action, otherwise the bone-refining halberd formed by the desert may fall or become unusable. If the player fights with you, Can take the opportunity to do something!

???? If it is interrupted briefly, you can even take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack perfectly!

???? But why don't you charge the bone refining halberds now?

???? You are cheating!

???? Why is the bone-refining halberd received by you out of thin air?

It’s not right, right, when Sinbad’s wine glass saw that the white-white bone-refining halberd was still floating behind Jing Tian, ​​he understood: It turns out that this weapon can also not be recovered. It was deliberately shown to everyone, so that everyone mistakenly thought this was an opportunity!

???? This is fake!

???? Damn it!

???? This guy is too sinister and cunning!

???? Deliberately make some extra moves to confuse the reviewer and make everyone misjudge this?

???? Why is there such a shameless fellow in the world?

???? How can the system recognize this kind of casual grabbing operation?

???? The evil stealth system seems to have not only been done by sitting in the well and watching the sky, some players also like to use some actions to confuse the enemy, such as putting some skills in the starting position, but it is only flat cutting and closing. To confuse the enemy, and deceive the opponent's defense, skills and so on.

???? I have to say that sitting in the well to watch the sky sublimated the fake action, and even used the fake action to make the reviewers stumble and let the new enemy overturn.

???? More importantly, why don't you play the cards according to the routine, why don't you use it on yourself?

???? Why not perform seven kills?

???? Do you know that I'm waiting for you to put seven kills, so I can't do it!

???? Even if you can't grasp the moment when you reclaim your weapon, I can still slip away while you are performing seven kills!

???? But, what does it mean that you keep playing continuous breaks?

???? Planning to use this killer skill to kill yourself?

???? Are you kidding me?

???? As for being so underestimated?

???? However, Sinbad's wine glass had to be scared at this time. If this bombardment continues, he will undoubtedly die!

???? Want to use strong control?

???? But if you use strong control, if you get caught by the opponent again...

Let go, then can you slip away?

???? Fortunately, there is still a chance without going deep into the house!

???? "Ghost Dance!"

???? If Sinbad knew Jing Tian's famous saying, he would definitely cry out in his heart at this time: Life is not satisfactory in this world, and tonight is a ghost dance!

???? Thousands of knives are not afraid of smashing, the ghost dances again and again.

???? For an instant, Sinbad's wine glass seemed to have turned into a ghost, without any movement under his feet, but the entire character drifted away, as if he was teleporting continuously at high speed.

???? This is the real ghost dance step, much more exaggerated than the ghost dance step in reality.

???? Of course, the teleport distance is limited. If there is no limit, isn't this skill a magic escape skill?

???? However, after the strong release, Sinbad has a means of escape!

???? Sixth-order Shadow Li!

???? Separate his shadow in eight directions, and the shadow has penetrated into the ground. There is only one real body. Players need to judge one or more of them.

???? Sinbad's wine glass is a bit proud at this time, because he has seen Jing Tian chasing in the direction of the door, but at this moment, his real body is fleeing in the direction of the hotel suite.

???? He concluded that Jing Tian would think that he would flee toward the door, but in his opinion, it was the safest to run to the most dangerous place.

???? As long as you hide in this room, even if your hands and eyes reach the sky, you will never find yourself again!

???? Moreover, he can turn his back on the guest, wait for the opponent to cast himself into the net, and give the opponent a perfect sneak attack.

???? Just now I was reckless, and mistakenly thought that sitting in Jing Guan Tian would hide in the suite and seal his retreat. Now I will definitely find the place, wait to hide, and wait in sitting in Jing Guan Tian to deliver it to the door. I must regain my advantage. , A one-stop blow to sit and watch the sky!

???? Jing Tian was really deceived by Sinbad's wine glass for a while. When he found that the avatar here was not the deity, he turned his head to observe behind him, and he suddenly found that the other party was gone.

???? Jing Tian didn't think Sinbad was very clever, what he thought at this time was:

???? I have to say that Sinbad's wine glass is quite courageous, and the Ming Dynasty is more vigorous to run outside the door. As long as he escapes and sneaks, the possibility of finding the other party by himself is almost zero.

???? But the other party sneaks in this house, giving him enough scope to explore, in a sense it is limited sneak.

???? "Uh... this is to hide, find a chance to start with myself? Well, then I will sit here while eating dishes and wine, while waiting for you to come first. Why play cat and mouse? What about a boring game, you are so innocent."

???? Cat and mouse?

???? Who is the cat and who is the mouse?

???? You are not obviously going to steal food waiting for the cat hidden in the dark...

Come to catch it?

???? Obviously, Jing Tian and Sinbad's wine glasses did not reach a consensus!

????In Sinbad's heart, Jing Tian will definitely use his advantage to pursue and find himself.

???? However, in Jing Tian's view, he has already gained the advantage of injury, and the opponent will definitely fight back to find himself.

???? There is no need for him to be led by the nose!

???? So, after a fierce collision of thoughts, both of them calmed down and waited for each other's arrival.

???? This made the referee audiences completely dumbfounded!

What kind of thing is this, one hides in a serious look waiting for the rabbit, and the other flaunts the wine and food on the table, as if to attend someone's wedding.

???? Can you two play well?

???? Can you pay attention to the rhythm of the game and consider the mood of the referees and spectators?

???? Why can't I give a yellow card to warn these two people at this time, they all owe it!

???? It's better to sentence the two for contempt of the game, a death sentence or something, and let them all die together...

???? After a while, it was obvious that Sinbad could not wait for his glass. He also suddenly thought of a question: if Jing Tian ran away, would he lose?

???? After all, the opponent has damage points, but there is no damage record on my own side, plus I am a stalker, the probability of losing is almost 10,000%!

Thinking of this, he even slapped himself in his heart, for fear that Jing Tian had already left far away and found another place to hide, so he didn't know if he could catch up.

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