Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1636: Burning blood

Doesn't this mean that it is a very good control skill?

   Yes, although it is not a very compulsory control skill, it can definitely deter the enemy and let the enemy be restrained!

   In other words, Xie Wendong really guessed it right. This is a special control skill...

   However, the slave slave is not under the control of Xie Wendong at this time. Even if Xie Wendong had expected it, the situation of the slave slave will not change in any way.

   Although the combat AI of the knife slave is very high, it is impossible to optimize the response strategy for all skills, especially for this rare skill, the combat AI is deliberately ignored.

   If the sword slave is proficient in all combat skills and has a perfect response strategy, then these strange tricks will become a waste move, and the player will only have to turn around when they meet the sword slave, right?

   Therefore, even in the face of the strange control skill effects, the slave slave did not seem to feel any danger, and just like a madman who was not afraid of the sky, he actually rushed towards the Phoenix at all costs!

   However, there is a black flame ball in front of you!

   That's right, the moment the knife slave touched a black flame ball, the black flame ball burst instantly, causing the knife slave to suffer a lot of burns and the action was interrupted!

   This is a natural tragedy. Xie Wendong held his forehead in his heart and seemed to think of something extremely headache and disgusting...

   However, the slave slave did not learn from this, let alone what Xie Wendong thought in his heart, and rushed out again at the moment of recovery!

   A knife slave who knows nothing about life and death, is like a soulless zombie, only knowing about rampage.

When Hounds saw this scene, he couldn't help but laughed, but the phoenix did not laugh, but a cheerful phoenix sound, and the phoenix sound became short and repetitive, as if it were very pleasant, just like The twittering magpie.

   The cheerful phoenix sound was heard in Xie Wendong's ears, and it naturally became extremely harsh and mocking.

   This is where the sword slaves and sword slaves are more embarrassing. When the battle environment becomes complicated, their automatic battle AI seems to be insufficient, and it feels like a rampage and mentally retarded.

  Moreover, AI does not have the ability to learn and adapt immediately, and will not complete evolution in battle, and can only fall into the pit again and again.

   But at this time, is there a better decision than rampage?

   If you don’t rush out of this area as soon as possible, then it’s like dancing on a land full of mines!

   More importantly, if you give Hounds too much time, maybe he will play with more exaggerated methods!

   So, it seems that the sword slave is reckless, but it is also a way to break the game.

   Thinking of this, Xie Wendong had an idea of ​​breaking the pot, hoping that the slave slave could create miracles.

   However, Hounds obviously didn't have the patience to watch the knife slaves toss about, and had already chanted the next skill.

   This is also a skill he just read, the name is also quite domineering, called: [burning blood]!

   The skill description says that it can generate a powerful flame storm, burn blood, and continue to damage the enemy.

   So, the Hounds just used it, wanting to burn out the enemy's bloodline with this blow!

  How do you look at it, this skill is very practical, and it is the best in single damage, it seems to burn the enemy's blood according to a certain ratio.

  The magic took effect instantly, there was no gorgeous cut scene, and a raging flame was ignited directly on the slave slave for no reason, and the color of the flame was a little blood red, as if the blood of the slave slave had been drawn away!

   is worthy of burning blood, it seems that you can really use the enemy's blood as fuel!

However, what made the Hounds face changed greatly was that he found that his blood line was falling crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. The burning blood of emotions burns not only the blood of the enemy, but also the blood of his own beast. !

   It's not right, maybe this is a pit. The enemy doesn't burn blood at all, but it seems to be burning blood in effect.

   After all, damage skills should have lost blood, so the theory of burning the blood of oneself and the enemy at the same time is not true.

   In other words, the blood in the flame storm of emotion is also the blood of my own beast. This is using my blood as a combustion aid, frantically burning the enemy!

   Hounds' expression at this time is a bit dumbfounding, and this blood burning skill is still a continuous singing skill. As long as you don't stop, it seems that the skill has a burning effect, and you can even persist until your blood line is completely burned!

   However, after taking a look at the blood line of the slave slave, the hound was determined that he was going to exchange blood for blood!

   That’s right, the opponent’s blood loss is definitely much faster than his own. This kind of blood burning can be understood to be a two-way street. Let’s burn together!

   Obviously, paying the price of burning blood also has the same effect. In other words, as long as your blood volume is higher than the opponent, you can definitely kill the opponent!

   Such an easy way to win is really sour and cool, so cool that the Hounds want to be paralyzed in bed.

   However, before the Hounds were refreshed all over the body, the slave slave moved inexplicably.

   It is reasonable to say that the knife slave should not be able to move at this time. After all, the effect of burning blood is continuous damage, and this kind of damage should be an action interruption mechanism in it!

  In other This is a special nirvana, which can continuously attack the opponent and let the opponent be taken away by a dragon.

   However, the slave slave still moved. He directly rushed out of the range of burning blood to generate flames. After making the Hounds startled, he had to cancel the skill singing immediately.

   Someone may have guessed it, but the slave slave has used strong control skills!

   That's right, the nemesis of the nirvana is naturally strong release control, as long as the strong release control, you can leave the opponent's attack range, and even counterattack.

That’s right, so far, Sword Slave has not used strong control skills, but it does not mean that he does not have strong control skills. However, Sword Slave’s AI combat mechanism is only triggered when opponents use continuous damage kill skills. .

   This is the use of good steel on the blade. If you use strong control skills casually, then the combat AI is equivalent to pitting players, and the combat effectiveness can only be described by fighting the five slags.

   Unless you encounter a more stupid player, a player who doesn't even have nirvana, you will definitely die into a tragedy.

   In this way, the strong control skills can at least fight off the opponent's nirvana, which is still a very cost-effective setting.

   Therefore, the knife slave is now using it. Obviously, the blood burning skill must be a special move in the system setting!

   So, the slave slave, according to the battle AI, logically, after taking a certain amount of damage, used a strong control ability.

   That's right, in response to some special nirvana skills, the system can't allow the knife slave to immediately perform strong control, which is also suspected of cheating.

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