Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1637: [Samurai Knife] Skills merge the power of God

After all, Knife Slave can't spoil all skills, it is normal to have a certain hesitation.

   Seeing the slave slave rushing towards him, the Hounds didn't have much fear, and he immediately started singing new skills.

   However, this time the attack fell on the knife slave. Although he continued to erode his blood line, there was no way to cause fatal damage, and even the opponent's actions were not interrupted!

This is also expected. The strong de-control skills of all professions will not only relieve the current negative action, but will have a continuous negative effect of resistance action. Although this effect lasts for a very short time, it has played a crucial role. Important role.

   Most players have completed the Jedi counterattack under this effect.

   Therefore, Hounds did not hesitate to immediately chant the next attack continuous attack skill: [Luo Yue Liu Huo].

   This is a single locking skill. A red blood moon suddenly appeared in the sky, and there was continuous fire falling on the blood moon, and the direction of the fall was the area where the slave slave was.

   Yes, even though it is a single lock skill, the effect of this kind of falling fire will produce a small-scale blasting effect. It is not an exaggeration to be a small-scale group damage skill.

   However, after being bombarded by the dense falling moon fire, the slave slave continued to rush forward like an okay person!

   This is a bit unusual!

   According to common sense, in a few seconds, if two breaths are almost the same, the other party should not be able to resist the interruption!

   But how can this guy move forward so courageously now?

   This girl is not a nanny with full energy, how could it be okay?

   Even a full-spirited nanny can’t completely resist the negative effects, right?

   Damn it! It must be the knife slave who has strengthened the strong control skills!

   Is there such a precedent before?

   Even if you are a slave slave, you shouldn’t just casually strengthen your strong control skills, right?

Thinking of this, the Hounds had a bad feeling in his heart. It was not that he was afraid of the slave slave. The key was that the slave slave in front of him did not know why it seemed to exceed the normal level. The previous knife-blade tornado was also the same, and the current strong dismantling skills did not matter. , I haven't seen it before!

   Therefore, Hounds faintly came up with a bold conjecture that Xie Wendong seems to have strengthened the [Servant Knife] skill through some special means, and thus caused the change of his own sword slave skill!

   is really a real person without revealing his face. It is unimaginable that Xie Wendong still has such a hole card in his hand.

   If the [Servant Sword] can be strengthened, doesn't it mean that the spirit beast combination skills can also be strengthened, but I have never obtained relevant information?

   How did this guy do it?

   is cheating!

   At this time, a scornful smile hung on the corner of Xie Wendong's mouth.

   That’s right, if you change to someone else, you might have been in the hands of the dog, but it’s a pity that your saber skills have indeed been strengthened, and it is not a unilateral enhancement!

   Everyone knows that after level 70, the power of the gods can be integrated into the existing skills to add more variable effects to the skills.

   Exactly, Xie Wendong did not follow the path of ordinary people. He took the lead in strengthening the skill of [Servant Sword] that was rejected by others.

   That's right, after this skill is strengthened, there is almost no obvious effect, so that some people mistakenly believe that the power of fusion is not effective for this type of skill after strengthening.

   However, Xie Wendong has a special understanding of the samurai sword. He believes that the samurai skill belongs to the curse system, so he serves the death **** Hela, who is good at cursing power in the Norse mythology, and then makes his samurai skill blend the power of curses.

   In his opinion, as long as he chooses the right path, he can definitely break through the limit and merge into a more powerful [Sword].

   However, things did not develop in the direction he imagined. After the Sabre skill was integrated with the power of the curse, there was no change except for the type of skill changed from no attribute to a curse skill!

This made Xie Wendong a little disappointed at the time. He even shared the results of his experiments with his guild leaders and friends. Soon someone boldly proposed that since this skill belongs to the curse type, then if you understand that a curse type skill is enhanced Special skills, what impact will it have on [Servant Knife]?

   Of course, this is just a joke, and none of the people who proposed this idea seriously considered the possibility of it.

   However, after Xie Wendong heard about it, his eyes lit up. With the idea of ​​holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he really spent a lot of money to redeem a high-grade curse enhancement.

   In fact, this kind of comprehension skill is not uncommon, but high-level exchanges are more troublesome and consume a lot of contribution points. Even comprehension and learning will consume a lot of offline points.

   However, this kind of comprehension skill is often rejected. The so-called enhancement is often just a painless enhancement. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is useless, but if it is said that the enhancement is earth-shaking, it is even more exaggerated.

However, Xie Wendong was excited by the results of the experiment. He did not hesitate to become a knife slave and kill the Quartet, and he came to a happy conclusion: after using the curse to strengthen the skills used by the knife slave who transformed themselves are as follows: There is a certain probability that mutation will occur. This mutation is random and uncontrollable.

   On the other hand, the cooling time of all the skills of the knife slave has been shortened again, which is more crazy and stronger than the ordinary knife slave!

   This is a very surprising discovery, but Xie Wendong did not say anything and hid the secret.

  Actually, many players have tried and researched on the issue of skills similar to [Samurai Knife] fusing the power of God, but the results of the research have disappointed most people.

   Because most people have blessed these skills with the power of God and found that the skills have not changed at all!

   Yes, not all skills can accept the power of God unconditionally, there is a certain probability of failure.

   In other words, Xie Wendong's ability to integrate the swordsman into a skill attribute is purely accidental or coincidental. It is difficult for most people to do this step, and they don't know how many times they need to be integrated to succeed.

   Yes, with everyone's research on the power of the fusion, it has been found that the effects of the skills after the power of the fusion are also random, even if the effect is the same, there are differences in the damage value.

   Attacking skills obviously have a high success rate in accepting the power of God, and failures are rare, but status skills are just the opposite. Successful people are rare.

   Even if it succeeds, most of the special skills are simply changed from no attribute to a certain attribute. Regarding how to use this attribute state skill, or what practical effect it has in battle, most players are groping.

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