Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1649: Whitening disease

However, everything doesn't matter. The fish has already taken the bait, so why care if the plague is out of trouble?

   My goal is not the plague. What's so terrible about the plague that has used Ebola?

   If you kill the plague first and face the unpredictable knife slaves, is it the most troublesome?

   As long as you control Xie Wendong, the rhythm of the game will be stable!

   That's right, the bone-refining halberd in Jing Tian's hand broke Xie Wendong's skin and plunged heavily into his body. This is a skill reserved exclusively for him: [Bonely].

   Xie Wendong confirmed the negative effect of being hit, and his eyes immediately became serious.

   He never thought that such a skill as bone-chilling would still be retained by sitting in the well and watching the sky!

  Theoretically speaking, if you want to kill a target with all your strength, with a percentage loss of vitality and blood skills like Biting, you should naturally lose all the targets that are set on fire, instead of leaving to interfere with the enemy!

   After taking a breath, Xie Wendong understood completely. From the very beginning, he always focused his main kill target on himself!

   The sound hits the west?

  Blind eyes?

   In order not to reveal his intentions, he deliberately controlled and attacked the plague?

   Damn it!

  Think about it, too. Obviously sitting on the well and watching the sky has continuous disasters that can counter negative effects. After the hounds are combined, there are invincible skills to avoid Ebola's lore, so what reason do they have to take the lead in killing the plague?

  Even if the Ebola of the plague is still there, it is not a threat to them, right?

  Thinking like this, no matter how you should kill yourself this time bomb!

   What's more, if the plague dies and stimulates yourself to become a slave slave, wouldn't it be more worthwhile to lose?

   Want to understand this, Xie Wendong has already made up his mind to transform into a sword slave and break the game!

   If you don’t serve the sword and turn into a slave slave at this time, then once you have passed the enchanted state, you would be delusional to become a slave slave...

   However, how could Jing Tian give him a chance?

   At the moment Xie Wendong wanted to understand everything, the bone-refining halberd in Jing Tian's hand had already broken into two pieces, and the next breath fell into the earth, blooming a golden quicksand wonder!

   Damn it!

   Xie Wendong had only 10,000 regrets left in his heart at this time, regretting that he was too concerned about the life and death of the plague and lost the best time to transform.

   It's alright now, the other party doesn't give himself a chance to transform at all!

   The samurai knife is not an existence that can ignore the interruption of the action, and cannot be used under the control of the enemy.

   That's right, how could Jing Tian give Xie Wendong a chance to transform, the Moon-by-Month Halberd in his hand has already blasted on the opponent's face.

   However, Jing Tian was still somewhat surprised. He didn't expect that while he was using the halberd to sink the sand, the plague that was able to escape the trap would even sing a note of [Albinism]!

   At the same time that the smashing of the halberd and the sand took effect, the white powder also flooded his body. I was still not so lucky to resist the virus and was infected with albinism!

   His hair became pale in an instant, and all aspects of body functions began to shrink.

I have to say that the setting of turning white hair is unstoppable. After some players are still suffering from albinism, they don’t forget to ask their teammates next to them to take a photo for memorabilia. Not all negative skills are rejected. There are always some. There are people who see the world from another perspective.

   Damn, this fellow plague is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

   But, just want to stop yourself like this?

   is too naive, right?

   All attributes are reduced, nothing great at all!

   At this moment, Jing Tian yelled out without hesitation: "Ghost King Ji!"

   That's right, this is a special skill that Jing Tian comprehends, and in a sense, it is also a strong control skill!

   At the same time, all the state effects on his body were completely dissipated, whether it was BUFF or DEBUFF, without exception.

   Of course, this is too far behind the ideal strong control, and it is also very dangerous to get rid of all states regardless of benefit and harm, and lack of response to interruptions in follow-up actions.

   However, the Ghost King Halberd, who is so powerful and doing it, made the plague's original blow so completely invalid.

   This makes the plague's face now full of shock and helplessness!

   is also the case, his heart is even a little shaken, and he has the illusion that he can't defeat the enemy.

   He didn't even consider continuing to control the field, but struggled upward subconsciously in the face of the quicksand effect.

   Of course, it’s not wrong for him to do this. After all, some players commented that the halberd sinking sand may have the special effect of devouring the player. If the player does not resist the quicksand effect, they may suffer special damage.

  Besides, there is also the Hounds staring at him, he has to give priority to his own survival.

   That's right, Hounds will naturally not be idle. At this time, control skills have been launched against the plague, and his task at this time is to contain.

   But for Jing Tian, ​​this skill is still very embarrassing. After entering the state of the ghost king halberd, the player must use the ghost king halberd method, and the ghost king halberd method must be created by the player and must not be the same as the existing system skills.

   If you want to play skills with negative effects, you need to pay more attention to the high quality of the action, otherwise, let alone the negative state, it is easy to be resisted even if the action is interrupted.

   However, at this time, there is no need to consider any action interruptions and negative Just output the skills efficiently!

   After all, the effect of breaking the halberd and sinking the sand is to control the field!

Therefore, Jing Tian directly displayed his own [Thousand Halberds] and [Man Red]. The moon-by-moon halberd in Jing Tian's hand is still a halberd at this time. It is like a crazy long sword in his hand. , In a short time, numerous mosaic blood holes were pierced into Xie Wendong's body, making Xie Wendong a little unrecognizable.

   This is definitely not an attack speed that can be achieved in reality. Jing Tian will not be able to perform to the extreme. I don't know how many times he stabbed in just a few seconds...

   After the storm-like intensive attack, the halberd head of the halberd of the month just stopped on Xie Wendong's neck without slanting, and in the next instant, there was a data wound formed by a mosaic on Xie Wendong's neck.

  Man Jiang is a bleeding skill created by Jing Tian, ​​which has a chance of hitting a negative effect.

  What, don’t you need to consider the negatives at this time?

  No, no, no, if the bleeding state can be increased, it will be increased!

  Don't get me wrong, the bleeding damage caused by hitting different positions with different skills can be superimposed!

   That’s right. In other words, the game is now closer to reality. If the player attacks the same place continuously, causing a bleeding state, then only one bleeding state is counted.

   In addition, the bleeding effect caused by the same skill cannot be superimposed temporarily, but in fact, after hitting different parts, it still has a bonus effect on the bleeding effect. Although this bonus is not obvious, it is definitely real.

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