Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1650: Is the plague pastor really a pastor?

As we mentioned before, if the bleeding skill is a percentage bleeding, if the same skill can stack the effect, it may cause everyone to easily kill the enemy with the bleeding skill, which is obviously unreasonable.

  Since Jingtian wanted to quickly kill Xie Wendong, he had to pile up a bleeding state, which was naturally the icing on the cake.

   At this moment, the Tortoise Hounds not far away finally chanted his most powerful skills, before facing the plague, he did not give his full strength.

Indeed, Xie Wendong and the plague are correct in guessing that the Hounds as a meat shield does not have any lethal skills at this time, but don’t forget that even the Glory Paladin has its own powerful output opportunities and can also launch [Overlord] Remove Armor] Fight to the death.

   What's more, what about the spirit beast?

   That's right, it's just that the Hounds has been hiding and tucked away, and the cooling time of this skill is too long, he is not willing to use it casually!

   But why don’t Hounds fight close to you?

  Should I take advantage of the effect of the broken halberd to sink the sand first, give a wave of melee output, and then use Dafa?

In fact, it is not the case. The halberd sinking in the sand has a side effect, which will cause the player's movement speed to be greatly reduced. Now the Hounds do not have the charge skill to get close. If you waste time to crawl over quickly, it is better to directly cast after the plague is contained. The big move came happily.

   More importantly, if there is any accident after he displays it, Jing Tian can plan early, right?

   The plague is the most suffocated at this time. The effect of breaking the halberd and sinking the sand made him turn his back to Xie Wendong and sit on the well to watch the sky.

Later, he was constrained by a weird skill under his control, which seemed to be a kind of existence similar to a golden bell, but strangely, this golden bell was covered by the plague, even if the plague casts a skill that will cause damage to his whole body. Unable to break through the golden bell.

   However, this golden bell does not have any damage effect. It is temporarily safe from the plague, but it is restrained and unable to launch an effective attack.

   In the next instant, I saw the skyfire stone tablet on Ba's back suddenly cracked. When everyone was dumbfounded, the stone tablet shattered and burst into the sky with countless meteors and flints!

   That's right, it wasn't against the plague, let alone Xie Wendong, it was heading straight into the sky!


   Is there an enemy in the sky?

   Shouldn’t, aren’t both of them in the quicksand?

   However, after a breath, everyone can hear the sound of breaking wind and explosion in the sky. If you look up, anyone will be surprised!

   That's right, the meteor and flint that just rushed straight into the sky, are now meteorites, blooming with more dazzling red light than before, falling towards the range of the halberd sinking sand!

   That's right, this is obviously an area skill, which is very similar to the magician's Flowing Fire Heaven Punishment.

  What is the situation, a meat shield tank can even output the powerful range of the elemental wizard's skills?

how can that be?

   Is there really a meat shield mage?

   Did everyone make a mistake?

   How could this be a natural punishment?

   Everyone, pay attention to the strange characters still swirling around these bolide!

   If you look closely, the text on this turned out to be: "Blast"!

   My goodness, this is what is the punishment, it is obviously a full screen bomb!

   This skill is called bomber directly!

   That’s right, what is falling at high speed now is not a bolide, but fragments of mysterious stone tablets that will burst. The clear text on the fragments indicates what will happen next...

   Accompanied by the first explosion sound, successive explosions one after another, covering this land of quicksand, the plague and Xie Wendong were completely dumbfounded.

I was struggling in the quicksand, but now it’s okay. The picture before me has completely turned into a burst of sandstorm and gunpowder smoke, and the entire field of vision has become blurred. Except for the part buried in the quicksand, my body seems to be lightened by countless fingers. It's normal, you can see how intense the attack your character has endured!

   Finally, the explosion stopped, and the quicksand under my feet seemed to have been bombed out of existence by the previous bombing. No, it's not right, it should be said that it was like being destroyed by a bomb.

   Fortunately, this wave of attacks looks terrifying, but it is only a shocking effect. It is far from the world BOSS's full-screen kill skills. Although the damage is intensive, the single damage value is not high.

   So that after this round of bombing, not only the plague was still alive, but Xie Wendong also had the last bloodline left.

  The vision gradually cleared...

   However, at this moment, Jing Tian’s moon-by-month halberd was like a dragon drilled from the ground, directly hitting Xie Wendong’s chin, and Xie Wendong was thrown high in an instant.

   With the next breath, Jing Tian's whole body jumped high again, the moon-by-the-moon halberd in his hand was like a blue dragon hovering above nine heavens, suddenly lowered his proud head, and blasted towards Xie Wendong.

   Moon by Moon Halberd poke straight at Xie Wendong's abdomen, and directly blasted his not burly body onto the hard ground. The ground was smashed into a shallow pit.

   This is exactly the ghost king halberd method [Xiang Tian] and [Luo Long] created by Jing Tian. After two blows, Xie Wendong lay down and suspended animation.

   Actually, without a nanny, fake death means real death.

   However, at this moment, UU reading www. uukanshu. The plague not far away from com was singing skills that even Jing Tian hadn't seen!

   Damn, what does this guy want to do?

   Jing Tian is very curious. He and Hounds have self-protection skills. The plague theoretically should lose combat effectiveness. All struggles are futile under the current circumstances.

   But this guy didn't give up?

   Is there a lore skill that is more defying than Ebola?

   No, no, absolutely impossible. Even if there is, the other party can only attack one person. Although his blood line has just been lowered, there is basically no recovery.

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn't actively interrupt the other party's singing, but was curious about what tricks the other party could make.

   It is best to be able to force another killer of the opponent, so naturally you can have a better grasp of it in the future.

   However, it is this kind of care and relaxation. After seeing the effect of the skill displayed by the opponent in the next moment, Jing Tian's whole person is green and hairy!

   It was not because of anything else, but because Jing Tian saw Xie Wendong who had just fallen beside him stand up inexplicably!

   I will go, this is a corpse!

   Do you want to make this kind of joke casually?

  The plague pastor has become a pastor?

   Has a resurrection skill?

   What the **** is this?

   Plague is really worthy of the ID name he gave, and it has brought new expectations to all Plague priests.

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