Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1665: Lord of Fire

Although the fire attribute damage is nothing to the Flame Rhino, which is also the fire attribute, the attack of the wind attribute is unavoidable. If you want to rely on the attribute characteristics for very little damage, it is just wishful thinking about dreams.

However, beyond Hounds’ imagination, he and the Flaming Rhino were directly stunned without being hurt by the storm!

That's right, it was vertigo, and the source of the vertigo was also this blow, but it was not the blazing storm in front of him, but the dragon's roar before!

That's right, before the dragon chanting sound was not a special skill effect at all, but a real dragon chanting attack!

This is cheating!

Combination of sonic attack and wind attribute attack?

This is the combination attribute skill that ordinary players dream of!

This guy easily merged the three attributes?

I was really lucky to go to grandma's house, and I met everything today!

This kind of multi-attribute combination skills is very rare, and the world BOSS often has such special skills.

After all, if any BOSS uses multiple attributes to attack, the difficulty of missions and dungeons will be greatly increased.

Faced with BOSS with multi-attribute attacks, players usually have to prepare for multi-attribute resistance, and the difficulty naturally increases.

Although the fire attribute attack does not have a significant damage effect on the Flame Rhino and Hounds, it does not mean that it will continue to burn. They can do nothing at all. The flames are like viruses that cannibalize their lives, which are constantly decaying their bodies and guiding them gradually. Perish.

That's right, the continuous braised skills fell on the Hounds and the Flame Rhino, and their shared blood line continued to decline. It seems that as long as the fire-breathing dragon skills can be cast continuously, the Hounds must die in the hands of the spirit beasts they summoned.

I am afraid that this will become a big stain in the history of the hound's life. The betrayal or killing of the spirit beast summoned by him can definitely become the legend of the spirit beast summoner.

However, Canis is extremely calm at this time, and he is not worried about the ridicule that the new black history will bring to his future. He seems to be 100% sure that the fire-breathing dragon's skills will cease before his life is gone.

He was sure that he only needed to wait for the opportunity to fight back, and he would never be easily pinched to death by a fire-breathing dragon.

That’s right, Hounds really thinks so. The reason why he started riding and sharing life is to conclude that the fire-breathing dragon's combat power is not enough to destroy himself in one breath, and he has other plans in his heart, even if the fire-breathing skills can last. To activate, he must do the same, and must consume all the powerful skills of the fire-breathing dragon.

Otherwise, everything he planned will inevitably fall to the ground, and now he must wait for himself.

Everything seemed to be staged in accordance with the plot written in the heart of the hound, the divine power of the fire-breathing dragon gradually faded, and finally there was a short pause when the attack was connected.

Just after the bloodline of the canines and the flaming rhino fell below the 15% danger line, the canines didn't support it anymore, and directly shouted the long-planned skill: "fit!"

Yes, there is nothing wrong, it is the combination of spirit beasts!

The weakness of the spirit beast summoner is not the lack of compulsory hatred skills. It can completely become the first meat shield. Although there are no sharp skills, you can rely on shared life to improve your bloodline. After being abused almost, in the key bloodline The second life can be opened by displaying the fit! Bai Xiao

That's right, after combining with the spirit beast, the combined spirit beast is equivalent to being reborn, and has a certain probability of evolutionary mutation, and gains a new combat power.

In other words, the merged spirit beast is a new life form, with 100% bloodline. Of course, when the bloodline is low, the merged mutation effect is generally poor, and even degradation will occur, resulting in a decline in combat power.

However, the Hounds didn't care at all, after all, his luck today is really good, and he has no chance of degenerating.

Hounds obviously planned everything early, ready to use the combined skills to gain more time to deal with, and even use the time before the combination to exhaust the fighting power of the fire-breathing dragon. After it exhausts its lethal skills, it will give the most effective counterattack. !

As a result, the Fire Rhino swallowed the Hounds in one bite. After swallowing, he did not forget to chew a few times mischievously, and even showed a funny expression that was still not enough.

Although it was immune to interruption during this period, it was not immune to damage, so the fire-breathing dragon still poured out the skills in its hands, and continued to burn the raging rhino.

As if the fire-breathing dragon had very high intelligence and understood what was going to happen next, its attacks became fierce again.

It is precisely because of this that the Hounds left enough blood lines, and when they were 15% of the blood lines, they gave the instructions to fit together. Even if the fire-breathing dragon has a high AI IQ, there is no way to hit himself 15 in such a short integration process. % Blood line.

Therefore, the Hounds can be so confident and look at the futile attack of the dragon.

However, after the Fire Rhino and the Hounds successfully merged, the Hounds watched the spirit beast skills, he directly chose to flee without a fight!

That's right, Hounds he ran away again!

Hounds had already greeted the game planner and the whole family at this time, because his luck was really overdrawn, and only one skill was combined!

That's right, one skill is probably the least skill in history that has never been seen before, and it is also the least in the system, right?

This is definitely the worst combination of spirit beasts in history, and it is definitely the most ancestral super degeneration in history.

Normal players won’t have only one skill if they click the back, at least six or seven, right?

Hounds ran, showing a dumbfounding expression. Of course, his expression could not even be seen by let alone the judges and the audience, let alone what happened.

However, Hounds doesn't think that this is too bad for him. It may be that his luck is a bit too strong, so he has got the wonderful skill of this kind of wonderful work.

Moreover, this skill is obviously not a skill in combat!

Why is this skill not a skill in combat?

Very simple, this is a prerequisite skill!

Yes, this kind of combat skill system is not uncommon in Sky Dungeon. Before Jing Tian used the pre-skill [Ghost King’s Halberd], after turning on the Ghost King’s Halberd, he can create some skills that meet the system specifications. , Is definitely a relatively difficult combat skill system.

The [Fire Lord] held by Hounds at this time is the same skill, but this skill is different from [Ghost King Halberd] in that it has environmental conditions when used!

Yes, environmental condition skills are not uncommon, some comprehension skills must be used in a certain environment.

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