Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1666: Fire source

Although there are many rules and regulations for this skill, as long as it is successfully launched, the combat effectiveness will be good.

However, this combination of pre-requisite skills and environmental condition skills, not to mention the Hounds, has never seen it even by Jing Tian.

After all, if it can be used in a specific environment, the player is more demanding, the skills are not convenient to use, and the player is often sickened.

It can be seen that this master of flame energy saving is definitely not as simple as an ordinary skill, as long as it can be successfully launched, then the combat power is absolutely against the sky!

But, where did the gods go to find the fire source?

Let alone this map, there is no fire source in most maps, right?

Also, some volcanic terrain is easier to find fire sources, where are there natural fire sources in other places?

Wait, the skill description doesn't seem to indicate that it must be a natural fire source, right?

An artificial fire source is also possible?

But is there anything like a lighter in the game?

No, maybe the fire source is just a more common thing in the game, but I didn't pay attention to it.

Hounds glanced at the skill again, and indeed there was no stipulation on the type of fire source.

So, is the fire source in the smithy considered a fire source?

Also, is the fire source in the kitchen of NPC's home considered a fire source?

Just go to the city and try it yourself!

How does the key get into the city?

If you want to try, you must advance to the city, right?

The crucial first step can't be done by yourself!

This **** skill can only be activated by the source of fire, can't it be activated directly by the flame on the back of the fiery rhino?

Or rely on the flame attack of the fire-breathing dragon!

The fire-breathing dragon itself is the source of fire, right?

This guy has been chasing me and burning me!

That's right, how could the fire-breathing dragon let Hounds escape easily at this time, chasing and bombarding wildly behind the flaming rhino's ass.

It is precisely because of this that the traveling speed of the Hounds is almost as fast as the previous Tortoise!

What a cheating!

Fortunately, the damage effect of the opponent's attack skills is greatly reduced, and the remaining skills are similar to the basic skills of weapons, otherwise you must be bombarded to death by this traitor spirit beast!

That's right, at this time the power of the gods on the fire-breathing dragon has been lost nine out of ten, after all, it is a borrowed thing, and it is easily consumed.

As time went on, the attacks on the back became more sparse and the damage lower and lower. The Hounds saw hope again, and another city gate could already be seen within his vision, and the gate was wide open!

It turns out that sitting in a well and watching the sky didn't lie to yourself, you can really enter the city by running here!

Sitting on the well is really a good person...

Thinking of this, the Hounds was inexplicably excited. This time he must have pitted the insidious guy who sat in Guantian miserably. It is rare that he was a good man, but he was pitted by himself. I don’t know his face. What kind of expression is it?

I don't know if he is dead now. 600

However, if Hounds knows that Jing Tian has entered the city through the ruined walls at this time, he does not know how he feels?

However, Jing Tian's life is indeed difficult, after all, being chased by Odin's clone is not a joke.

It was Odin's avatar who divided the divine power before, which caused him to be a little weak, but as time passed, Odin's strength was restored a little bit!

Jing Tian suddenly realized this at this moment, and he suddenly decided that he could no longer escape like this, otherwise, even if he fled with the advantage of street fighting, he might be caught up by Odin.

Therefore, Jing Tian's eyes became sharp, and he was ready to fight Odin.

That’s right, if I didn’t dare to think about it before, but seeing Odin’s weakness before and his current speed rising a little, he knew that if he didn’t make a move, there would really be no chance to make a move. Maybe this fight Can have a miraculous effect.

This is definitely a dangerous move, but if you don't take this step, you will face a dangerous situation next.

So, Jing Tian turned his head and raised the bone-refining halberd in his hand, and shouted in a low voice: "The dark dragon is dominating the sky!"

All the referees who watched this side were completely shocked, each of their brain circuits were short-circuited. They didn't understand if Jing Tian took the wrong medicine, and he really wanted to single out Odin. Isn't this the old birthday star hanging on the southeast branch?

The effect of the solar eclipse took effect instantly. In the darkness, Jing Tian turned into a dragon and swept across the low altitude, and instantly moved behind Odin, and the Fang Tianji in his hand was even more accidentally pierced into Odin's back.

However, at this moment, Odin moved!

That's right, Odin's clone is not an ordinary monster. He is the main **** clone. Although this solar eclipse effect can be called a magical skill, for the main **** Odin, it is simply an axe!

The Gunganer spear in Odin's hand seemed to be alive, and with a precise and unmistakable swipe back, he blocked the blow of Jingtian!

All the audience players were shocked, and their hearts were full of illusions. In everyone's opinion, although Odin's attack to block the well sky was somewhat unexpected, it was reasonable.

After all, people are the main gods, and they may have underestimated Jing Tian before, so Jing Tian was able to succeed so little. Now that people are serious, how can Jing Tian succeed?

However, Jing Tian was shocked at this moment...

not good!

I'm too confident!

If you miss Jingzhou carelessly, even a weak clone of the main **** is a clone of the main god!

Many referees in the audience laughed, mocking Jing Tian's arrogance, and mocking him for daring to challenge the mighty power.

There was even a group of Jing Tian's enemies who laughed out loud at this time. They didn't expect that they could see Jing Tian's stupid side.

The people of the Star Guild became even more excited. As long as Odin kills Sitting Well and Watching the Sky next, then the Hounds of their Guild will win the crown today!

However, it is obvious that Odin's clone also used some special blocking skills to block Jing Tian's blow.

Otherwise, just doing an action, it is absolutely impossible to bounce Jingtian's bone-refining halberd directly!

As long as it is a blocking skill, there are often blocking processes and actions to close the momentum. This action time is not protected by the skill, which is the biggest shortcoming of the blocking skill.

Although Jing Tian feels fooled, although he has the illusion that he has become a prey, he is still unwilling to give up, he must fight again!

"It's shaking the sky!"

That's right, it is the great general's magical ability to disarm!

Once the disarm is successfully disarmed, all disadvantages will become advantages!

At this time, all the referees and spectators calmed down again, and many people finally understood what Jing Tian was going to do, and they were sweating for Jing Tian.

Some people want him to succeed, some people like him to fail, in short, all the little hearts are raised.

However, with the next breath, several happy and sad, Jing Tian's turn to shake the sky unexpectedly failed, and he failed to fly the **** soldier Gangnir.

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