Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1667: Conspiracy succeeded

Suddenly, many referee players had already ridiculed and laughed, and they seemed to have seen the scene of Gangneil stabbing Jing Tian into a hornet's nest.

Many people even laughed at Jing Tian's insufficiency and wanted to disarm the Lord God. He was really a whimsical lunatic.

However, they have forgotten that the general is more than just such a disarming skill!

That's right, at this time Jing Tian frowned slightly, his eyes condensed, and he resolutely used his last hope: [Li Mu]!

The same as the name of Warring States General Li Mu, this blow not only has brute force, but also has great wisdom in it!

Those referee players who were mocking suddenly grew their mouths, and they didn't have time to close them, and they saw that Gangnier was knocked out by Jing Tian's blow!

That's right, the magic weapon can also get rid of!

Yes, the Lord Odin can be disarmed!

And it was disarmed by ordinary players!

Can this be included in the history of Aiyinsi?

No, it must not be true!

Everything in front of you must be an illusion!

Is it an illusion cast by the Lord Odin?

But with illusion, will everyone see the illusion at the same time?

This is a bit unreasonable?

Is it really sitting on the well, watching the sky and hanging out, disarming the gods of the main god?

Those who had no time to close their mouths turned from ridicule to shock and sadness. They never thought that the main **** would be disarmed by a player. This is simply an international joke!

This can definitely be included in the black history of the main god. It is embarrassing that the high-ranking main **** is played by a mortal!

However, everyone seems to have forgotten that Odin in front of him is not the main god, but the clone of the main god.

Many people can't even see that this main **** clone is still in a period of weakness, and all attributes have declined!

That's right, if it was Odin's clone in the victory period, even if he gave Sit Well and Guan Tian a hundred disarming skills, it would not be able to shake Gangnir.

However, it was different now. It was Odin who was arrogant and divided most of his divine power to help the little fire dragon evolve, which caused the current situation.

Odin's avatar didn't seem to have expected this scene to happen, and his eyes were filled with confusion and puzzlement. Looking at his empty hands, he even looked like a kite with a broken line, not knowing what to do next.

That's right, the tiger who lost the magic weapon is the tiger whose teeth and tail have been pulled out. If you want to defeat the guy in front of you, you can only use your bare hands...

However, how could Jing Tian miss such a great opportunity, just as Odin was stunned, he directly extracted the bone halberd and stabbed it out.

"Seven kills!"

That's right, it is seven kills, seven dashes, and seven knock-ups. Clearly, Jing Tian wants the opponent to be unable to pick up the **** soldier Gangnir in a short time! vp

This is also the general operation method of the general, especially when fighting against NPCs without spare weapons, it is absolutely useful.

Indeed, in the current situation, even though Gangnir was knocked into the air, but Odin's clone could use skills after the weapon landed or how to gallop to the side of the magic weapon for picking up operations, then Jing Tian's efforts became futile.

Jing Tian naturally wouldn't allow Odin's clone to easily pick up Gangnir, he must push the opponent to a farther place at this time.

The avatar of Odin did not disappoint Jing Tian, ​​the effect of the seven kills was excellent, and he pushed the opponent directly thirty or forty meters away.

At this time, Jing Tian’s eyes flashed, he decided to test how much combat power the clone that left Gangnir had, so he didn't continue to shoot, instead he stopped to do a skill starter, waiting for Odin clone s attack.

However, Odin, who stood firm, did not choose to counterattack Jing Tian, ​​and ran directly in the direction where Gangnir was.

Although it was running, Jing Tian didn't have to worry about the opponent's escape from his Wuzhishan when his movement speed dropped greatly in the fighting state.

It seems that this guy should lack the combat intelligence after disarming, he only knows to pick up the gods blindly.

It seems that the weak state of this guy has exceeded the expectation of kicking the Tianzongjing, which led to the appearance of such a loophole, but it is not an opportunity for loopholes!

Opportunities should be seized decisively!

Jing Tian made up his mind, no longer hesitated, and directly named the clone of Odin.

Rolling names means heads-up, which means that Jing Tian has launched the great general's magical skill.

This is another usage of heads-up. If you can, you can first disarm the opponent's weapon, and then use the heads-up, you can directly lock the opponent in the heads-up space, so that the opponent has no chance to pick up their own weapons.

However, this usage has been badly played by the generals a long time ago, and other professions have reported them, so that Kitian Nongjing had to be modified and restricted from the system.

Now, if it is a battle between players, after performing heads-up, even if the opponent is disarmed, the opponent’s weapon will enter the air heads-up enchantment with the player. The position will be determined according to the distance between the previous weapon and the player’s owner. Restore the situation before heads-up, and keep the position and direction of the weapon falling in the same way as before, so that players can fight fairly.

Of course, kicking the Tiannongjing is not a must. He still retains the PVE. When fighting an NPC, he can choose to fly the weapon in the opponent's hand first, and then trap the opponent in the sky enchantment.

However, this is another huge pit dug by Kicking Tiannongjing. You must know that NPCs have always had more than one weapon.

After all, the existence of NPCs is often blatant.

After they lose their main weapon, they can take out spare weapons of the same level. Even if they are disarmed many times, the result is the same, as if NPCs are all mobile weapon storages. If they are lifted and shaken, they can fall out. Land Weapon...

Therefore, UU reads and disarms the NPC to perform single-dumping or something, which is completely ineffective, so why ban or modify it?

However, this time is different. The main weapon of Odin's clone is Gangnir. Even if this guy has a spare weapon, it is impossible to come up with a super soldier like Gangnir?

Jing Tian was sure that the clone could only take out ordinary spare weapons to fight with him, so he launched the heads-up skill.

With good luck, after the singles skill is used, Jing Tian completely separates Odin's clone from the **** soldier Gangnir, and the other party can no longer use Gangnir, let alone the perverted destruction skills.

Unsurprisingly, the avatar of Jing Tian and Odin rose up with the translucent barrier, and the two were completely sealed in the barrier.

The corner of Jing Tian's mouth raised a strange curve, like a clown who succeeded in a conspiracy...

However, Odin's avatar was still a little confused at first, but after a while, his face suddenly showed a triumphant smile on his face.

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