Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1668: Gunger and Neal

"Do you think I'm trapped, or you? Who is the trapped beast? Who was acting before? And who wrote the script?"

When Jing Tian heard it, there was a chuckle in his heart.

A bad premonition instantly filled Jing Tian's heart, and he even suspected that he had made a fatal mistake.

Damn, is this guy pretending to be before?

When is the NPC's combat AI so high, will it deceive the player?

However, even if your combat power can be restored to its peak, how much of your combat power can be without Gungnir?

Thinking of this, Jing Tian smiled slightly. He clearly regarded the other party as a trapped beast. In his opinion, Odin's clone was just set up in this way. Under special circumstances, it would be such a dialogue. He launched a heads-up match, which was just enough. Conditions of dialogue.

"Oh? Do you think I'm joking? Do you think that without Gungnir, I'm just useless? It's a naive idea, but I like your idea, otherwise you continue to run like a mouse, then I It takes a lot of trouble to kill you. So, I have been waiting, waiting to challenge you."

The audience referees were shocked at this time. They never thought that the game planning team is so careful now, and the planning is so seamless, even this kind of scene is considered.

It's like being designed for the well sky.

That's right, Jing Tian felt uneasy again at this time. He even suspected that his previous thoughts were not wrong. Kicking Tian Nongjing was calculating everything about himself, and he had already predicted the actions he might take!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian's face grew gloomy.

Damn it, kicking in the sky and making the well, so pitted yourself, just because you still can't show evidence, you say you are not wronged?

Before Odin's clone was completely disgusting, Jingtian was completely disgusted. Odin's clone did not know where he fetched a spare weapon, but this action was completely disgusting to Jingtian!

That's right, Odin's avatar was just a scratch in the void, and Gangneil appeared in his hands again!

Damn it!

This guy's magic weapon can teleport?

This is naked cheating!

Do you want to change the settings casually in front of the world players?

No, it's not Gungnir! this is?

Before Jing Tian could guess, the Odin clone was in full control and said: "Hey, you seem to see it. This is indeed not Gangnir, but Gangnir 2! Who told you there is only one magic weapon Did it? Who told you that my backup weapon is not Gunganer 2?"

Gunganer 2?

The level of naming is too casual, right?

It seems that after the number 2, there can be numbers 3 and 4?

Is Shenbing Chinese Cabbage?


Jing Tian vomited a lot of old blood in his heart!

The referee audience players, who had been frightened by Jing Tian's courage before, couldn't hold back at this time, they all laughed.

Feelings are all in vain!

No, it was not only in vain, but also dug a huge hole for myself!

Not to mention that Jing Tian didn't think about it, and other players didn't think about it, there are still two things like Lord God and God Soldier!

Moreover, the Odin clone actually uses the main **** weapon as a backup weapon!

It is as luxurious as it is, and it makes people envious of it!

I've seen NPCs that open and hang before, and I have never seen such shameless ones. Although I don’t know the properties of the weapon, it’s good for other NPCs to change the appearance of the weapon in their hands. I have never seen a shameless NPC. I directly took out a weapon that was exactly the same, and I never heard of the name XX 2 directly!

This way of naming is a bit too inconsistent with the taste of Sky Dungeon, right?

It seems that this is specially set for the gas well sky?

Just waiting for Jing Tian to get the bait, and then move out such a random setting to make Jing Tian collapse?

It's really insidious!

However, everyone seems to have forgotten that there are no wonders in the game world. Who stipulates that magic soldiers cannot have copies?

What's more, this is not a copy.

"What's so surprising? Divine soldiers are often born in pairs. What you see is just the appearance. It is not wrong to say that this is Gungnier 2. If you were knocked into the air before. The handle is Gunger, and this handle is Neil's words, it seems easier for you to understand."

That's it!

Gangneil turned out to be a double shot in Sky Dungeon!

At least there will be no Gunganer 3 born. Does Jing Tian still have that little chance?

Everyone was deceived by Norse mythology from the beginning. Odin in Sky Dungeon is not Odin, and Gangneil is not a sharp spear in Norse mythology, but a double gun!

"Who are you? Unexpectedly, you encountered a real NPC in the finals. At first, everyone thought it was a PVP, but it turned into a PVE. There was suspense in the new special. However, how many people saw this From the beginning, the game was a conspiracy, or an out-and-out PVP. And it was a private PVP, calculating my PVP, it’s really hard work, who is behind you?"

Jing Tian finally saw through everything.


The off-court referees and spectators were completely dumbfounded. Everyone did not expect that the Odin clone in front of them turned out to be a real NPC. Is this too shameless?

But everyone calmed down and thought about it. Before this guy could actually take the little fire dragon and give the other side a lot of power.

This kind of operation is obviously not something that an ordinary NPC can do. Only a real NPC will make the most reasonable decision based on the current situation.

Also, if it's not a real person, how could a little NPC forbear, how could it deliberately pretend to be unsupported and deliberately let Jing Tian be deceived?

If this is the game set up, then it is too targeted, and it will be ill-fated, right?

But if Odin's clone is controlled by a real person, then everything that happens can be considered logically by the people of Tengyi Company. It's just a matter of There is no awesome plot setting in it!

Fortunately, everyone thought that AI had become smarter at first. It turned out to be just a wishful thinking.

No, it should not be said to be a dream, but a nightmare. If the NPC's AI is so high, how will it be mixed in the future?

At this time, Jing Tian only hated that he hadn't insisted on his previous sixth sense. He always felt that Odin's clone was waiting for him to make a move, waiting for himself to disarm his weapon.

However, I didn't expect the opponent's back hand, and didn't expect the mere NPC to perineate himself!

Naturally, I didn't expect that this NPC is not a stupid AI at all, but a real person!

However, at this time, some people on the sidelines could not sit still, and one by one they expressed questioning voices: "I think this guy can't beat him, and he started to make excuses for his failure so that he can step down. This is not a real NPC at all. It's so ugly, so ridiculous."

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