Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1670: The typical thief shouts and catches the thief

"The huge Tengyi company can't tolerate a small player like me. It wants to set a trap for a helpless player like me. What are you doing?"

Jing Tian's questioning left Odin's clone speechless...

"Oh? You have nothing to say? Then I will ask you again, did you reach an ulterior agreement with someone to attack me on purpose? If it wasn't a trap against me, why didn't you go after the Hounds, Why are you chasing me alone? Are you still going to avoid this problem?"

As if being awakened by Jing Tian’s words, Odin’s clone directly retorted: “Why did you chase you alone? Don’t you be too narcissistic. Do you really think you deserve special attention from the deity? The deity has just given divine power to the little fire dragon. , Made it grow and evolve, and launched the pursuit and revenge against the hound. If the deity wants to target you alone, why do you have to do it again? Isn’t it just a laughing stock?"

As if caught a breakthrough, Odin's avatar paused for a breath, and continued to confidently say: "If you don't give the divine power to the little fire dragon, do you think you can stop the victorious deity? I am afraid you have become a dead soul under the gun. If you want to target you, why bother to take such a big detour? You and Hounds are in a similar situation now. You can't escape, don't struggle, and accept the sanctions honestly."

However, Jing Tian seemed to have taken the opportunity to sort out the counterattack remarks, without any pause in thinking, and immediately shot back when Odin's clone closed his mouth: "I also said that I didn't chase me alone. To cover up the fact that you chased me alone, go. Command an ordinary AI spirit beast to chase Hounds, but you, a real NPC, came to chase me? And with the help of your distraction, you not only concealed people’s eyes, but also deliberately became weak to lure me into the bait. From the very beginning, this is all With your calculations, would you dare to say that if it weren't for your existence, if you let AI replace you, can you do this now?"

Jing Tian was so confused, the referee players once again seriously thought about this issue.

Indeed, although the Hound was chased by the spirit beast, the gap between the spirit beast and the real NPC, I am afraid everyone has a vague answer.

Obviously, Odin's approach is unfair.

At this time, the other party was silent, but Jing Tian did not intend to give the other party time to think, and continued to question: "If you say that AI can do it, then why do you want a real person to participate in the war? It was originally the battle of the gods, and it should have been It’s me and the Hounds who are fighting over each other, but now they are inexplicably become the game GM chasing and killing one of the players. Are you trying to test or wolf ambition? Isn't this for the world players to see jokes? Is it really the world? Are the players silly?"

As soon as this remark came out, the referees and the audience were filled with indignation, and once again seriously reflected on the practice of Tengyi Company. It seemed that they were indeed using GM to interfere with the game trend and attempted to conceal and deceive everyone.

"Or, if you take advantage of others, you must target me? If I double the price, will you turn around and kill the Hounds. I think you will agree. Since it is so, it is better to talk privately. Discuss the price conditions."

Jing Tian's words are full of irony and disdain.

How did a good game become a dark deal?

This game has an inside story!

Are all referees and spectators blind? Is it appropriate to sit and watch the sky and say these things in public?

However, before everyone was angry, Jing Tian continued: "Sorry, I was just joking. I don't have money to give you, even if I have money, I won't give you shameless people like you. You are so many referee audiences. Is it air? I believe that all referees will judge the game fairly, and will never let you cover the sky. Since you want to kill me, kill me, but don’t want to kill people in the game, justice will last forever, I will Continue to expose your evil deeds!" 536 Literature

Yes indeed! We are referees!

At this time, many players are starting to complain about Jing Tian, ​​and often everyone will stand on the side of the disadvantaged group, especially on the side of the players. Very few people will stand on the side of the game company to excuse Tenyi. ?

However, there are exceptions to everything. At this time, there are naturally a lot of private hatreds and old hatreds with Jingtian, and they have begun to fall into the ground, thinking in their hearts: Even if there are relevant judgments, I must black out this guy sitting on Jingtian!

Sit on the well and watch the sky, this guy definitely can't produce evidence, he's just discrediting Tengyi Company!

Even so, Jing Tian is still reluctant, and continues: "Today you can plot against me, and tomorrow you can plot against other players. When other players use their wisdom, courage and hard work to reach the peak of life, you are likely to be It’s not just a handful of yin players, pushing them from the peak into the abyss!

This is indeed a serious question!

"Don't you think that your actions are shameful, hateful, and despicable? Even if you will not in the future, before you designed all kinds of pits, the behavior of the shady players, can it be written off?"

As soon as Jing Tian said this, the hearts of those who had planned to hack him were slightly shaken.

Yes! Since playing the game, I have been pitted by the planning of Tengyi Company. The guy kicking the Tiannongjing is simply a hobby of pitted players. He has set up traps for players to step on.

Everyone will recall more or less the worst time they were pitted at this time. These memories are indelible and unforgettable.

More importantly, there is often no place to reason about these It seems that the existence of these pits is normal and appropriate, and you should be the unlucky ghost.

Obviously, almost everyone was incited by Jing Tian's words. At this time, the eyes of Odin's clone became angry.

Of course, these people would never think that the people who laid the road to kick the Tiannong Jingkeng players are just at this time talking about and attacking the original game master Ce Jingtian of Tengyi Company!

What a typical thief shouting to catch the thief!

That’s right, he is the culprit. In his game planning and copywriting, there are places to pit players almost everywhere. From the initial racial hidden features to the current emotional combat system, if Tengyi does not give a strategy, a The player wants to find out the twists and turns, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

Not to mention the comprehension skills, these settings are simply a pit in the hole, even worse than the Krypton Gold Draw!

Players are easy to be incited. They even forget all kinds of randomness in traditional online games, what equipment attributes are random, what enhancement is random, what is random for drawing cards, what is random for opening boxes, all kinds of random, all kinds of routine players.

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