Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1671: Hinomoto Gen

In a sense, Sky Dungeon is more conscientious. At least the player can choose the direction in terms of equipment attributes. Whether the specific value meets their expectations depends on the quality and luck of the material. In short, it is not a big difference. difference.

However, what Jing Tian is using now is the dissatisfaction in the player's heart, continuously magnifying the dark side of the player's heart, and putting pressure on Odin's clone.

That's right, at this moment, some players have begun to speak on the official forum to denounce Tengyi, and they have discussed the tricks of the final battle, and they are all out of control!

Everyone did not tell the details of their previous pitfalls, and now they are all questioning Tengyi company's usual use of human NPCs to intervene in a relatively fair game, which caused the game to lose its balance and was targeted.

The result of the game does not seem to be important anymore. What matters is the attitude of Tengyi.

Since GM keeps saying that he has no target, why didn't he create a clone before chasing Hounds?

Is this fair?

Is it such a simple truth, the game planning team will not understand, did not think of it at first?

It's impossible to think about it...

Therefore, the Odin clone at this time already knew that the scene was out of control, and he didn't even know what to do, whether or not to kill Zuijing Guantian.

His every move suddenly became a major event affecting the credibility of Tengyi, and Xiao GM naturally became confused.

However, at this moment, the Hounds had entered the city through the side door, and was galloping towards the area where Jingtian was located.

He naturally saw the heads-up barrier in the sky, but he would not think that Jing Tian was too overwhelmed to shut himself and Odin's clone together. He obviously felt the crisis, and already suspected that Jing Tian seemed to have found some way. You can kill the Odin clone and have already started to implement your plan.

How did this guy do it?

Is there any secret weapon here?

If he were to kill Odin's clone, would he lose the game directly?

These questions linger in the Hound's mind, making him feel heavier.

I thought I was going to win, but who knew that Odin's clone was so useless. He couldn't be killed by holding a magic weapon. Instead, he was dragged into the enchantment and singled out by the opponent. This is too unreasonable!

Therefore, he must rush over, and maybe he can get any benefits. If he is not present, if he drops any treasures, he will regret it for a lifetime if he misses it.

That is the clone of Odin Lord God, and the kill reward must be quite a lot!

More importantly, if you don't have all the benefits and let you sit in Guantian to get it, maybe after Jingtian gets the magic weapon, you can do it on yourself!

Wouldn't I have to lose the game completely without any suspense at all?

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen, the Hound is chasing and killing the fire-breathing dragon, galloping here with all his strength.

However, now is the final battle of the War of the Gods, how can it be possible to drop equipment?

It is indeed possible to drop special mission props.

However, he seems to have forgotten a very important thing: you are clearly in the state of the spirit beast, even if you drop some magic weapon, can you equip it?

Do you treat yourself as a flaming rhino as a rhino warrior, can you transform into a rhino man at will?

Not long after, just as Jing Tian and Odin were fighting each other, the Hounds had already arrived in their area, and they saw Gangneil who had plunged into the ground from a distance!

I go! Isn't this a magic weapon?

Did that guy disarm Odin?

This is too ridiculous, right?

That's right, at this time, the Odin clone in the air had already put Neil away, confronting Jing Tian with his hands empty, and did not take any radical actions.

This made Hounds take it for granted that the **** soldier on the ground was Gangnir, and he saw through Jing Tian's strategy, and was deeply shocked by Jing Tian's disarming Odin clone!

Damn insidious guy, he can do this!

Didn’t Odin’s clone without Gungnir become your dish?

It really made you a big bargain!

However, if this magic weapon can fall into my hands, or if it is returned to Odin's clone by some method, wouldn't he win it securely?

The thoughts are really naive and romantic. If people know the Hounds' mind-opening thoughts at this time, they will surely laugh out loud.

Hounds was also a little helpless at this time. He didn't find the fire source after running all the way. What kind of power he has after being combined can only be known after casting the pre-skills, but the system seems to be against him, and there is no stove in the house. That's all, there isn't even a smelting center!

This city is simply a fire-free city, even inferior to the tribes of primitive humans!

Of course not. These NPCs are magic blacksmiths. Where do you need to use open flames?

Besides, in the game, there are very few open fires in the kitchen, right?

Even if there is, it needs magic to make a fire, right?

Simply put, the fire source in the game is obviously not so easy to find...

Obviously, the magic flame is not a real source of Otherwise, relying on the attack of the fire-breathing dragon behind it, can't you directly activate the prerequisite skills?

Where can I find the source of fire?

Thinking of this, the Hounds are suffering from headaches.

Therefore, Hounds was also in a hurry to go to the doctor, and was bombarded all the way to the area where Jingtian was. From his point of view, Odin's clone in the sky obviously had no combat effectiveness. He sat in Guantian and hesitated to take the initiative. That's why I stood silently in the air.

He didn’t know how intense the verbal battle between the two was at this time. Obviously Tengyi Company attaches great importance to its positive image and began to explain all the previous arrangements one by one. However, Jing Tian’s explanation to the other party was naturally The sharp counterattack, what inciting people to say, often leads the other party's reasonable explanation to another contradiction, which makes Odin clone feel like a fist hitting a cotton candy, and it is a huge cotton candy!

The Hounds bumped up to the point where Gunganer fell, and tried to interact with Gunganer.

However, such an interaction does not matter, the key is that this Gunger's attribute is fire attribute, and it has the origin of fire!

In other words, such an interaction between the hounds directly activates the prerequisite skills!

It's incredible...

Hounds have the illusion of weeping with joy, as if inexplicably walking into an oasis in the desert, the joy in his heart is beyond words.

God helps me too!

Really help me by watching the sky from the well!

Being a competitor actually helped me. I'm sorry if I don't win the game.

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