Sky War God

Chapter 1137: Satellite city

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"People have already been merciful to you, and you still don't want to be merciful. My Qingfeng's face has been completely lost by you! The person who brought you back quickly, don't be embarrassed here!"

This beautiful girl called the eldest lady by Tsing Yi yelled at Tsing Yi with a cold expression on her face.

Tsing Yi's expression was stunned for a moment, and his face was flushed, as if being so reprimanded by this girl made him very shameless.


Tsing Yi seemed to want to explain something, and saw the beautiful girl's face instantly sinking, and said, "Did you not hear what I said? Take someone back!"

This passage seemed to be a bit colder than before, causing Tsing Yi's body to tremble slightly, and his eyes became even colder when they inadvertently looked at Ye Feng.

"Yes, Miss!"

However, he had to listen to the words of this beautiful girl. He could only have a black face, and led the men and horses he led to flicker towards the direction of the huge mountain in the distance. Before leaving, he did not forget the opposite. Feng and others cast icy eyes.

It was as if to thoroughly remember Ye Feng.

Ye Feng completely ignored Tsing Yi's icy gaze. This kind of rebellious villain is not worthy of his attention.

"Thank you for your mercy!"

After Tsing Yi and the others left, the beautiful girl's water-like eyes fell on Ye Feng, and she kept looking up, seeing Ye Feng's energetic appearance, the girl's beautiful eyes couldn't help showing a bit of surprise.

It has to be said that not to mention the talent and strength of escaping Ye Feng, he was born handsome enough, and has natural lethality to women.

"It's nothing. According to what those people just said, the three of us still broke into the forbidden area of ​​Guizongmen. Guizongmen is also a legitimate defense."

Ye Feng smiled and said, he has always been like this, you respect me a foot and I respect you, this beautiful girl is polite enough to him, and he doesn't need to show the indifferent look before putting on.

"It is these people who are ignorant and offended the three of you. I hope that the three of them will ignore the villains and don't be familiar with them. I, Qingfeng, is a famous local school."

The girl's bright eyes like pearls looked at Ye Feng from time to time, and said lightly.

When his gaze fell on Ouyang Qing'er next to Ye Feng, his eyes instantly froze there.

With Ouyang Qing'er's beauty, even if a woman sees her, she may lose her mind for the first time.

This beautiful girl has always been very confident about her appearance, but when he saw Ouyang Qing'er, his confidence was a little shaken.

Although this girl was born with a natural beauty and delicate features, just like the person in the painting, it is still a bit worse than Ouyang Qinger. This, even she herself has to admit.

"It's still the girl who knows well, and I admire it. It seems that Qingfeng is not as good as I can imagine."

Ye Feng arched his hands to the girl and said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, then I won't disturb you. I will leave the forbidden area of ​​Guizongmen now."

After speaking, Ye Feng said to Han Tiankui: "Brother Han, let's go!"

Han Tiankui nodded, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his gaze towards Ye Feng was a bit ambiguous.

Immediately, he drove the flying magic weapon and flew towards a prescription position.

"Your Excellency left like this, don't you even plan to leave a name?"

When the flying magic weapon that Ye Feng and the three were riding in galloped, the voice of the beautiful girl came from behind again.

Hearing this girl's voice, the eyes of Ye Feng's three people on the flying magic weapon were frozen for a while.

"Tell them, you guys are not good enough, the girls seem to like you!"

Ouyang Qing'er's beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at Ye Feng a little bitterly and said.


After hearing Ouyang Qing'er's words, several black lines could not help appearing on Ye Feng's face. His body did not turn around, only the words left behind: "Ye Feng."

The beautiful girl in the back heard this voice, her beautiful eyes kept flashing, and she said again: "I remember, my name is Qing Bichen, you have to remember me too!"

"Have you seen it? I said that the girl liked you, and you still showed that expression, huh!"

Hearing the girl's voice again, the hint of resentment in Ouyang Qing'er's beautiful eyes became stronger, and she said to Ye Feng.

"Then what can I say."

Ye Feng shrugged, his face full of helplessness.

Han Tiankui laughed loudly, and had to admit that Ye Feng is indeed enough for girls to like, and there is no shortage of admirers wherever he goes. This made Han Tiankui a little envious.

Although he came from the Han family, he is the young master of the Han family. But to this day, he still doesn't have a woman he likes.

There is still some time before Emperor Wu's recruitment of disciples, but during the period when the three of Ye Feng were on their way, the news of King Wu's recruitment of disciples has spread throughout the Qingyou Eight Realms, causing huge waves.

The top Tianjiao figures from all sides of the Qingyou Eight Realms gathered towards the direction where Qingyou City was located. The Wuhuang powerhouse was a true cloud figure.

Standing at the top of the entire Qingyou Eight Realm, being able to become a disciple of the Wuhuang powerhouse is a kind of glory for the top geniuses of the entire Qingyou Eight Realm.

At the same time, becoming a disciple of the Emperor Wu is also a huge opportunity. Once successful, it means that you have embarked on the road of being strong.

It can be said that none of the top geniuses living in Qingyou eight realms wants to be the right disciple of King Wu.

Under Emperor Wu, all sentient beings are ants. This sentence is enough to see the influence of Emperor Wu on the Eight Realms of Qingyou.

As the three of Ye Feng kept getting closer to the area where Qingyou City was located, they also felt this deeply, and they encountered more and more powerful people on the way.

Through understanding, the three of Ye Feng learned that these people had come to participate in the assessment of Wu Huang's recruitment of disciples, and most of them came from the world.

Among them, there are many amazing talents, and many of them are the top geniuses. Behind them are extremely powerful sect forces.

If they can become true Martial Emperor disciples, it will also be a boost to their clan.

The flying weapons that Ye Feng and the three have been riding on, during this period they also used various teleportation formations to move forward.

And the area of ​​Qingyoujing is too vast. Even if the three of them rushed around day and night, using the teleportation array from time to time, it still took about a month to reach a satellite city outside Qingyou City. Among.

This city is not as vast as Qingyou City, and its prosperity is much worse. But here is known as a gate of Qingyou City, and only through this satellite city can you truly set foot on the boundaries of Qingyou City.

Therefore, there are countless strong people who travel to and from this satellite city every day. The streets of the satellite city are also full of traffic, and there are endless strong ones. There are various shops on both sides of the street, and the business is very hot.

Ye Feng and the three were walking on the streets of the satellite city. This time they spent more than two months on their way. They didn't take a day off, and they traveled day and night. They just arrived in the satellite city on the edge of Qingyou City.

It can be seen how far Fenglan City should be from Qingyou City.

"Have you heard that This time I recruited disciples from the newest emperor of my Qingyou eight realms, "Emperor Loyalty". According to rumors, Emperor Loyalty has not been established for less than a hundred years and has never established a school. This time, it is indeed a good opportunity to openly recruit Wuhuang disciples. I heard that many geniuses from the big sect forces have all come to the location where Qingyou City is located, just to participate in this assessment of the loyal emperor's recruitment of Wuhuang disciples. ."

In a restaurant, Ye Feng and the three people found a place by the window to sit down. In the past two months, almost all of them have been on the road. They have not had a day of rest, and they have not had a good day. Have a meal.

Now that they have reached the satellite city outside Qingyou City, the three are going to rest in the satellite city for two days, on their way forward.

It happened to hear that the crowd in the restaurant was talking about Wu Huang's recruitment of disciples this time, and they didn't need to pay attention to it.

"No wonder I haven't heard of the title of Emperor Zhong before. It turned out to be Emperor Wu who has just been promoted. It seems that the strength of Emperor Zhong is not as strong as I expected, at least not as famous as those in Qingyou City. The long-time Emperor Wu is on par."

Another strong man spoke, and many people present were discussing, and the expressions on no one's faces were extremely excited.

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