Sky War God

Chapter 1138: Qingyoucheng

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"It is true. I heard that Emperor Zhong has always been a low-key person. After he advanced to the Martial Emperor Realm, he hardly walked in the sight of the crowd. So that, in the entire Qingyou Eight Realm, few people knew The title of the emperor of loyalty. In terms of personal strength, the emperor of loyalty may indeed be inferior to those who have been famous for a long time."

Some strong people spoke lightly, his words were loud and sound, and he spoke in a straightforward manner. The sound of the discussion here immediately attracted the attention of many strong people in the restaurant.

"The Emperor Zhong is just a young Martial Emperor who has just advanced into the Martial Emperor Realm. The reason why he has not established a sect for many years is entirely because he does not have this strength. Once he opens a sect, he must take care of his own sect. At the same time, the characters of the disciples of Qingyou will also be squeezed out by other Martial Emperor forces in Qingyou City. This time, Zhong Huang recruited Martial Emperor disciples nearly a hundred years after he became an emperor. I don’t know what it means?

Another strong person opened his mouth to analyze, these people are all strong within the area of ​​Qingyou City. He has a good understanding of the forms in Qingyou City area.

Ye Feng and Han Tiankui and Ouyang Qinger listened quietly. For these things, the three are very strange.

It turned out that the Emperor Wu who recruited Wu Huang disciples this time was called Zhong Huang, and he was a powerful Wu Huang who had just advanced to the Martial Emperor Realm not long ago.

There has never been a sect before, but also to recruit disciples. This is the first time that Emperor Zhong has recruited Wu Huang disciples in a century.

Even though this loyal emperor was a newly advanced Martial Emperor who had just advanced to the Martial Emperor Realm not long ago, he claimed that after recruiting the Martial Emperor disciples, he still caused a huge sensation in the entire Qingyou Eight Realms.

Even a strong person who has just advanced to the realm of Martial Emperor is still not comparable to ordinary forces. All living beings under Martial Emperor are ants, and everyone knows this sentence.

However, this loyal emperor has rarely walked within the Qingyou Eight Realms for a hundred years. Therefore, even the local powerhouse of the Qingyou Eight Realms, few people have heard of his name.

Gives a mysterious feeling.

Even the strong in Qingyou City hardly ever saw this loyal emperor. This person was a little too low-key, completely different from those Wuhuang strong in Qingyou City.

"Stop talking about it. Even if the emperor is a newly advanced Wuhuang powerhouse, it is not something that people like us can discuss. If it reaches the emperor's ears and makes him angry, do you think you will have good fruit? "

Seeing what some people said, they faintly disrespect the Wuhuang strong, and the strong immediately reminded him.

Hearing the words of this strong man, all the people present closed their mouths one after another, and their expressions showed a bit of worry. Just now, their mouths were indeed a little open.

No matter how bad the Emperor Wu is, it is only a matter of waving his hands to destroy them. Who can stop it?

"Brother Ye, what do you think after listening to these people?"

Han Tiankui looked back, and asked Ye Feng, his face seemed to show some disappointment.

"What do you think?"

Ye Feng looked at Han Tiankui with a faint smile, and asked.

"Somewhat disappointed."

Han Tiankui shook his head slightly.

Before that, they thought that this time the person who recruited Wuhuang disciples would be a very powerful Wuhuang expert, but after listening to those in the restaurant, they knew that this loyal emperor had just advanced to the Wuhuangzhi The environment is less than a century.

When Wu Xiu arrived in the realm of Emperor Wu, his lifespan increased exponentially. Therefore, most of the powerful Wu Emperors lived for tens of thousands of years without a problem.

Therefore, for the emperor Wu Huang, a hundred years may be just a matter of a few seconds.

The realm of the loyal emperor's advanced martial emperor is less than a hundred years old. For the martial emperor, perhaps he has just stabilized his realm, and it is impossible to achieve a high level.

Therefore, a person who has just advanced to the Martial Emperor's realm for less than a hundred years will certainly not be so strong. This may be the reason why Han Tiankui was somewhat disappointed.

After all, who doesn't want to be a good person as a teacher.

"Why are you disappointed? I feel pretty good."

Ye Feng smiled faintly. The expression on his face was calm and calm.

"Why see?"

Han Tiankui asked in a puzzled manner, his gaze at Ye Feng was a little bit questionable.

"According to what they said, this was the first time this loyal emperor recruited disciples. This may be a good opportunity for us. The first disciples recruited will usually focus on training. If nothing happens, If you do, I think it will be like this."

Ye Feng said his own point of view. After hearing what Ye Feng said, Han Tiankui seemed to open his mouth, squeezing his mouth and smiling: "Yeah, yeah, why didn't I expect this? Brother Ye is smart enough!"

With that said, Han Tiankui picked up a bowl of wine in front of him, and said, “Sunlight is busy on the road these days, and his stomach is aggrieved. Come on, Brother Ye and Miss Ouyang, we will win a bowl of wine together!”

With that, Han Tiankui collided with Ye Feng Ouyang Qinger's drinking bowls, and then drank it, looking extremely free and easy.

Naturally, Ye Feng was unwilling to be left behind, and he also drank a bowl, a flow of heat flowing down the esophagus into his stomach, that feeling was indeed very refreshing.

They are busy cultivating or experiencing many crises on weekdays. It is rare to have such a relaxing time. In the restaurant, the three of Ye Feng drink happily.

As a girl, Ouyang Qing'er is more shy, just drank a little by sitting and accompanying.

Ye Feng and Han Tiankui were not polite. Everyone drank three jars of old wine. You must know that the wine and dishes in this restaurant are all made from excellent cultivation resources.

Wu Xiu's consumption is very helpful to the cultivation base. Another point is that these wines are not more than ordinary wines, and they are very powerful. Most of the people of the Martial King can drink an altar, and they are already drunk.

Ye Feng and Han Tiankui drank six jars of wine, which made the strong men on the other tables in the restaurant dumbfounded. Looking at Ye Feng and Han Tiankui is like watching a monster.

This is really bad for the owner of the hotel. The food and drinks they sell are not cheap. The table of Ye Feng's three people eats more than the other three tables, and they are all more expensive hotels. .

Ordinary people can't afford it.

This made most people guess that Ye Feng and Han Tiankui must be young and outstanding figures from a large sect force in the Qingyou Eight Realm, and they cast envious eyes on them.

In fact, compared with those who are truly powerful in large sects, the identities of Ye Feng and Han Tiankui are indeed inferior.

It's just that Ye Feng has accumulated a lot of wealth after walking the mainland for such a long time. He is usually busy practicing, and rarely spends it on consumption.

After eating and drinking, Han Tiankui and Ouyang Qinger went directly to the inn next to the restaurant.

After three days of recuperation here, the three talents embarked on the journey again, this time they crossed the city directly.

After leaving this city, they formally entered the Qingyou City area, and after another seven days of driving, the three talents truly reached the central main city of Qingyou Bajin, under Qingyou City.

Quiet and quiet city, vast and vast, with an extremely vast area, and its walls are tall and majestic, built of huge stones.

From a distance, you can't see the edge of the city at all. This city is like a magnificent city that directly leads to the sky.

Just because this city is really too high, it seems to be in the clouds. To truly enter the city, you need to step up a long ladder.

The stairs were surrounded by clouds and mist. Standing under the stairs and looking up at the male city above, Ye Feng, Han Tiankui and Ouyang Qing'er, unexpectedly gave birth to the impulse of pilgrimage.

The upper city is also supported by white clouds, and there are bursts of extremely vast aura surrounding it, setting off this quiet city even more magnificent.

On the huge stairs leading to the city gate, there are constantly strong people coming and going, there are huge crowds of people, and powerful people can be seen everywhere. Among these people, the people of the martial arts are the lowest level of existence.

Ye Feng and the three people in this vast sea of ​​people only feel that they are like a drop in the ocean, so small.

This is just above the stairs leading to Qingyou City. If you really enter this magnificent city, I don't know what it will be like.

"Let's go up!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and after he truly descended under Qingyou City, his heart never calmed down. This city was really too vast.

Compared with all the cities that Ye Feng had visited before, they were more vast. What's more, standing under the city, Ye Feng could feel the sense of oppression from the city.

Under this city, he felt like an ant, too small.

Han Tiankui and Ouyang Qing'er also had a similar feeling. After listening to Ye Feng's words, the two also nodded. Some can't wait to step up the ladder.

This staircase looks like it leads to the sky. Flying is prohibited on the staircase, and everyone must walk on foot.

And this ladder is indeed too long ~ ~ roughly, it should be a hundred miles away.

Ye Feng and the three of them walked on foot and walked for several hours before they really reached the top of the stairs. Their bodies were instantly enveloped by the white clouds and mist around the city. The white clouds and mist contained extremely powerful world. Yuanli.

This made the three of them only feel that their pores all over their bodies were refreshed. Under the nourishment of this heaven and earth's energy, the three of them instantly felt that their cultivation was advanced by one level.

"Qingyou City is really different!"

Ye Feng sighed and did not stay any longer. He carried Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin on his shoulders, which was a relatively different existence among the crowd, which attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Feng didn't care much, and went straight to the direction where the city gate was. Han Tiankui and Ouyang Qinger followed.

In the periphery of the city, there are many guards guarding here, which can be described as heavily guarded.

Before the three of Ye Feng entered the city, they were all recorded in front of these so-called. This was a phenomenon that all the cities that Ye Feng had visited before did not have.

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