Sky War God

Chapter 2357: Enchanted

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Ye Feng knew that if he wanted to kill these people in a short period of time without suffering any blows.

He can only look for opportunities appropriately, so his body has not stayed, flying all the way towards the mountains.

The Lingtian Saint Emperor and others in the rear naturally chased after him. Ye Feng killed so many powerful people in their Lingtian Saint Palace, even if he paid a high price, he would get rid of Ye Feng.

What's more, the strength that Ye Feng has demonstrated now, if the Holy Emperor does not kill Ye Feng tomorrow, he will surely become a future trouble!

In this way, Ye Feng and the many powerful men in Lingtian Sacred Palace pursued all the way, and his speed never slowed down.

In this way, they flew for about three days and three nights, and they had already flown an unknown distance.

Here, it seems that it has been freed from the jurisdiction of Lingtian Holy City, and it is still a vast and endless wilderness.

But Ling Tian Shenghuang and others never gave up chasing, Ling Tian Shenghuang even launched terror attacks on Ye Feng from time to time with the various magic weapons he possessed.

Those attacks could kill them in the air. If Ye Feng's body and martial skills were not strong enough, he would have even died in the hands of Saint Emperor Ling Tian.

As night fell, the entire mountain area seemed to gradually return to calm, and many beasts returned to their nests to rest.

Ye Feng flew in the air, taking advantage of the night, he gradually moved away from the Lingtian Saint Emperor and the others.


At this moment, not far from Ye Feng's prescription, a figure appeared in front of Ye Feng like a ghost.

This shocked Ye Feng's expression, and immediately wanted to launch a terrifying attack on this figure.

"Don't move, follow me."

However, before Ye Feng's attack was released, this figure spoke first, and the voice was familiar, so clear and sweet, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Ye Feng's eyes condensed slightly, taking advantage of the darkness, he could see the bright beautiful eyes of the other side exposed.

"you are…"

A somewhat unexpected color appeared on Ye Feng's face. He wanted to speak, but was pressed against Ye Feng's lips with her smooth jade fingers by the figure in front of him. The touch was extremely soft.

"Don't say it, those guys will catch up if you don't come with me!"

This figure uttered a soft voice again.

This made Ye Feng's expression stunned. He could hear that the figure in front of him was indeed the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple, one of the nine magic arts of Lingtian Palace.

Logically speaking, the Lord of Jingyue Temple is the person under the seat of Lingtian Sacred Palace, and Ye Feng should not believe the other party.

But somehow, facing the Lord of Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng couldn't afford any defensive heart. I have to say that this woman really has some means, really powerful.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Seeing that Ye Feng still did not move, the Jingyue Temple Lord's beautiful eyes condensed, and his voice said a bit annoyingly.

Ye Feng thought for a while, and said lightly: "No, you can lead the way!"

With his current strength, what tricks the opponent wants to play is not so easy.

Therefore, Ye Feng thought that his guard was unnecessary. The Master of Jingyue Temple flashed, and his body was like a ghost, flying quickly in front of him.

Ye Feng followed behind this woman and went on the same way.

Soon, the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple stopped somewhere outside the mountain, and then she saw her jade fingers waved, and several magic tricks came out and landed on this mountain wall.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light on the mountain wall, and a stone gate appeared quickly, and the stone gate slowly opened.

The main body of the Jingyue Temple flew towards it, and at the same time said lightly to Ye Feng: "Come in."

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and she didn't expect that this woman would still open up such a mysterious space in this mountain.

His body followed the Lord of the Temple of Music into it, and the stone door of the mountain automatically closed.

The two of them were still flying in this mountain, and after a long tunnel, they actually entered an extremely spacious space.

Here, the area is extremely wide, and it looks like it is about tens of feet in diameter. There are many facilities used in life.

Including training platform stone bed and so on.

There are many stone chambers on the edge of this space, and the stone gates that are implemented are all closed, and I don't know what is inside.

There are many night pearls inlaid on the walls of the space. These night pearls can uninterruptedly release their brilliance and brighten this space.

"Why are you taking me here?"

Ye Feng asked the Lord of Jingyue Temple.

The Master of Jingyue Temple Jade Hand took down the black gauze covering her face, revealing her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes looked at and said: "I see you are more pleasing to the eye, save your life, can't it work? "

The voice of the Lord of Jingyue Temple still contained a bit of resentment, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Ye Feng's expression.

"Are you sure I will die in the hands of those people?"

Ye Feng asked with a smile at the Hallmaster of the Temple of Mirror Moon.

"The strength of Saint Emperor Lingtian cannot be underestimated. Even if he can't kill you, by then, the Tiancho Xianmen side will definitely send many powerful people to suppress, and you will die!"

The beautiful eyes of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple flashed, and he said to Ye Feng, the words were very positive.

Seems to know very well about Tianze Immortal Gate.

"If I say I am also from Tianyu, do you believe it?"

Ye Feng smiled and said to the Jingyue Temple Master.

"I've seen this a long time ago, but as far as I know, you are from this continent, and you should have gone to heaven later."

The Lord of Jingyue Temple said lightly, as if he had a certain understanding of Ye Feng.


Ye Feng raised his brows slightly, and asked a little unexpectedly: "I don't seem to know you, why do you know me so much?"

"Naturally admire you, can't you tell?"

After hearing Ye Feng's question, the Lord of Jingyue Temple gave a charming smile, and then Lianbu lightly moved to Ye Feng.

That delicate body was faintly attached to Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng feel the bursts of body temperature and softness from the other's delicate body.

As the host of the Jingyue Temple spoke, the jade hand was actually placed on Ye Feng's chin, and he hooked upward slightly, the action was a bit provocative.

"The Lord of the Palace hasn't been interested in a man for a long time. It shouldn't have been for a long time. You are the first one."

The Lord of Jingyue Temple looked at Ye Feng with beautiful eyes, showing a hint of appreciation, and that face with grace and luxury was a bit coquettish.

It's hard to look away when people just look at it.


Hearing the words of the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng couldn't help but show several black lines on his forehead. This woman's movements are really enough to ecstasy.

I don't know what purpose this woman has for him.


At this moment, the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple actually made a humming sound, and the delicate body seemed to be out of balance, and it went directly into Ye Feng's arms.

Ye Feng suddenly felt a fragrant breeze blowing, refreshing.

And that soft body was tightly attached to her, giving him a very comfortable feeling.

Ye Feng hurriedly stretched out his hand and touched this seductive body to prevent the opponent's body from sliding down.

"what happened to you?"

Ye Feng asked the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, although this woman seemed to be a little older, but the maintenance was very good.

It seems that he is only twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old, and it adds a bit of mature charm. This charm is released with the charm of his own comprehension, making men hardly resistant to her.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy just now."

The Lord of Jingyue Temple held his forehead with one hand and said softly.

A random word can give people a very comfortable feeling.

"If it's okay, I'll help you get up."

Ye Feng said that he wanted to remove the body of the Moon God Hall Master from his body.

The jade hand of the Hall Master of Jingyue Temple actually hugged Ye Feng's bear waist directly, so that their bodies were pressed tighter.

"Are you so confused about the style? Can you still suffer from holding me like this?"

The Lord of Jingyue Temple raised his head slightly, looked at Ye Feng and said, with a bit of anger in his words.

Ye Feng couldn't help but several black lines appeared on his forehead. He was chased and killed by many tomorrow's holy palace powerhouses just now. Now, such a scene happened, which gave him an illusion.

"Well, the Lord of the Palace will no longer tease you."

Seeing Ye Feng's embarrassment, the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple actually giggled, and then took the initiative to leave Ye Feng's arms.

When those beautiful eyes looked at Ye Feng, they were reluctant to leave.

Every move is so touching.

"You are really a wood. If you change to another man, something should happen to us at this moment."

The host of Jingyue Temple gave Ye Feng a look a little angrily.

"You and I meet in peace, how can I treat you like this?"

Ye Feng said with a serious face, after the action of the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng's lower abdomen really became a little hot.

"What if I have to let you do this?"

The Lord of Jingyue Temple's beautiful eyes are silky, and the gestures are full of flattery.

"Then I left Ye Feng arched his hands towards the Lord of the Temple of Mirror Moon. This woman is really sultry. If she continues to stay here, she might really commit something. Kind of error.

"and many more."

Seeing Ye Feng really turned around and left, the Temple Master of Jingyue Temple seemed a little anxious, and said to Ye Feng: "Actually, I have business matters to discuss with you. This matter is beneficial to both you and me. I don't know you. Are you interested in listening to me?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng looked stunned, then stopped, turned his head and asked him: "What can you say?"

After all, the other party didn't have any malice towards her, and Ye Feng didn't need to turn away from others.

"I have a set of martial arts and martial arts. After practicing, I will definitely increase my strength. I wonder if you are willing to practice?"

The Lord of Jingyue Temple asked Ye Feng tentatively.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Brothers continue to ask for flowers, flowers have been exploded by others, woo

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